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精品文档 雅思考试面试问题综合Part One Personal Information 1. Can I have your name, surname (first name) and first name (given name)? 2. How old are you/what is your birthday? 3. What is your living address/permanent address/mailing address/where are you living now? 4. Can you tell me a little about yourself? 5. Are you a member of any organization? 6. Do you have a passport? Is it difficult of applied for a passport in China? How long will it take to apply for a passport? Do you have an ID? 7. Have you ever broken any law 8. What is your nationality 9. What is your telephone number in your work unit 10. Do you like sports 11. How do you spend your holidays 12. What kind of sports do you like 13. Do you have any hobbies 14. Why do you want to leave china/why do you want to immigrate to Canada a. Canada is a advance county b. Most suitable to living c. Good social system d. Good education for children e. Earn more money and better future f. Have more children Part Two Family Information 1. Can you tell meswheresyou and your family resided in last ten years 2. Can you give me the date of your marriage 3. Can you tell me about your father/mother /brother 4. Tell me something about your family 5. Do you live with your family 6. Do you support your family (show your filial obedience) 7. Did you have any previous marriage 8. Did you and any of your dependents get any serious diseases or physical or mental disorders before 9. Did you and your family members have convicted or been charged with a crime or offence in any county 10. Are all your family going to Canada with you 11. Will your wife accompany you to Canada? Why do you leave your spouse /child behind?/why dont you bring your child with you to Canada 12. Do you have any brother or sister 13. Do you think your parent will worry about your living in Canada 14. What does your wife do 15. What is her English level 16. What is your wifes education 17. What is your wifes education background 18. What kind of job would she like to do in Canada 19. What is the birthday of your wife /where was she born 20. How many brothers and sisters does your wife have Part Three Education Background 1. Can you tell me something about your education 2. What are the main courses you studied in college 3. Can you tell the courses in the university 4. What courses did you like best in the university 5. Do you have a list of transcript in the university 6. Did you get any scholarship in the university 7. Which secondary school did you attend?when?How many years have you studied at secondary school 8. Which primary school did you attend? When? 9. Have you get any additional training before or after graduation 10. What is Internet 11. Can you use internet 12. What is the use of internet 13. What application do you use to get information from internet 14. Why did you choose the xxx as your major 15. Why did you choose xxx university rather than the others 16. What is your educational background 17. Have you got any degree? What kind of degree have yu obtained /What kind of qualification did you get? 18. Can I have a look at your graduation qualification 19. Have your ever made some academic achievement? do you have some other degree 20. When did you graduate from university 21. How did you get on with your study in the university 22. Had you got any additional training before or after graduation 23. Can you tell me about your English ability 24. Give brief introduction about your university 25. Who is the president of the university/ What is the director of your department 26. Since you have graduated from the university for more than 10 years, how can you catch up the fast-growing world 27. Since so many Chinese immigrate to Canada, Do you think Canada would become the Second China? a. Canada immigration policy limit the quote b. I will adapt to the Canada Social and become a Canadian Part Four Canada 1. Have you ever visited Canada 2. How do you know about Canada 3. Tell me something about Canada? How much so you know about Canada a. One of the seven industrial countries b. Location and the biggest province and city, longest river and so on 4. 上一篇英语: 510奥克兰阅读回忆(v74)(含口语)下一篇英语: 如何突破雅思考试查看更多关于雅思技巧心得的文章网友同时还浏览了:各科雅思高分学习方法雅思听说训练中应注意的问题分析背诵雅思词汇的方法雅思词汇突破三大途径雅思词汇记忆如何转换思维雅思词汇关键在于学会应用雅思雅思考试面试问题综合 Can you tell me why you choose Toronto as you immigration destination a. Have friend b. Economic central so that easy to find a job 5. Do you know anybody in Toronto? When did they arrive in Canada? What job are they doing 6. What will you do when you get off the plane 7. What particu
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