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华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 武汉城市圈电子政务发展模式研究 姓名:张珊 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:行政城市管理 指导教师:许晓东 20090522 I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 20 90 YD#“?fi ?fl ?8#?In the second chapter, discuss the basic theories of electronicgovernment, emphases on three theories: the Transformation of Government ,Government Process Reengineering; Information Resources Management; In the third chapter , discuss the programming of the electronicgovernment of “Wuhan metropolitan”, first introduce its targets, its mode of development, and its construction of electronicgovernment; In the fourth chapter, investigate the working mode of “Wuhan metropolitan”,at first, discuss the requirement status of egovernment, then investigate the mode of it, bring forward the strategies of mobile electronic government . Keywords: electronic government; mobile government; wuhan metropolitan ? ? ? ? ? !?“#$?%?A?B6 7# C? ?b?+?ABbCDbA EbFGbHIbJKbLMbNm 8 ?o?O1+8P!%“3UV#WXYZB?(#?8b?b ?b_i53?a?4bYc :dOe?4bbBYZfg4b#? ?b?hi?.#jk?fi Blmfg6 ?tu?1 #?nop?q?fi ?%?* ? vj? 4?n o?fi #?wx?tu?G 1yz? ?67?AB?CDE?FGH)67?I?A?JK?;L67? ?67? (?M-N?2?O?FGPQ? ?RSTI?G? ?G?b;?G?b?G?bD? ?j? ?d?S?M?Russell M Linden?n?V lm?#4b?*L ?%?!“ 2 ? !“?#$% ?#?k?3$lm? ? F?#? 2004 ) 7 * 11 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?8_?#?Qj?8?(?#? ?#?d8?O? ?Dj?z#?qlm?D?*? ?4b?of?w?*#?tuq#QR? lmB?v?“ ? ?#?YZy?SB? tu?.?#?e ?#”?YZ?Sb?j?fi fg ?YZlmB Sv?D?Q?5?#?fl ?B?d#?W/? ? c?YZy?7?S?b?SJb6%S? ?-#?Y? +.?#YZfg4bbk4b?#c?lm?YZy? ?YZlm?D?*?TU?#?YZ=,?ews?U ?6%#q?B?#?YZFc ? #?L”?#?By?e? b?G?#? ?v =?“#+Md?b?*g?d8? ?tu? ?#?MdB?Z?d?#?_?S?v?Z?f?6J?#Y Z?v?“?gb;?gB“g ? ?#?FG? b?;? ?#“?fi ?.?8#? ?Lw?234?% ? ?#?j?5?8?Oo?s? 4?4“_?bOo?#?6vj (e?5?#?b?bBr ?+- l#/?d? ?bD(#?d n =?e?8?#?wn-?.?=?I ?A#.?B8?e?BV? ? ?#?m=D?wwCs#=b?G?xe ?#? D?b?+?B?V? ?#?#? ?#?j=?F?9?#?D “?(? ?bGDP ?V?+?(#?F ?wY/?1 D?B?Q? #?edX+?.?c“?/?#l?#?X?#?e? 1y?B?#?y?( P?D? L#?7G?j+?8?RL+JKB;? ?J? /?#m?8hi?.#l3?*?8?v?0 ?“?5? ?%=v?#?tu? .p ?x? ?_6 ? 25 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? v=tu?W?b?B?#F? v? ?/?zb?o?w?byz?olm?b? ?b?b?b?s?T? ? 4.1.3 LLLLMMMMIIII?GGGGHHHH ?(?“7#?“?7 2 c?y?y.U?#? ? “=?#?y?,ZMNx?fi #y?8T?UV#?= tu?z ?B?8?34#= ?q(?(#ijk?#?=?ZMd#? ?T? ?.UV?Oo#?D?F?T?w? ? ?D?m?T?J#?#?J? ?#?#?i? ?*tu?#?D“d?ZM dde#y?MT?#?e?#?ce?g?h?# c?4“_?D?H?#h?dU?y.#? ?#?d0?#?“?8j?G ? 4.2 ?MMMM? ?tu?%#?3“_?7?bSb? ? ?#?7+S?+?7? =?#?.?- ? ?0?5?b?S?0?5?b?0?5?#?#?“=t?#y?7 ,?#:d?b?B?#?Gd0Bc0? *?#.a*?#1?*-# lm?D?:? ?lm?0?#?lm? H?#e?k?lm?#?,?+#?H?#8k* ? ?%0?v(Citizen)?0?tu? ?i v?+,/?Sjw?#S? SW?#%?lm“34?w? #? cSFb?*?Q?MNMddo? S?D? ? 30 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x$?+lx#?D?W?b?MW? ? ?. ? ?tu?#?.?b? ? =?tu?o?#D?V? ?#?btu?8BHX#?tu? ? ?b?tu?rs?GnbAJ?t?#?D?=qK?*? ?rsB#?d?k#?D“d“? n? ?Sv#?D*?dF?(?U.T?UV =+ 34 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? lm?Mb?.?lm? ?#b?tu?tu ?8#?.? ?tu?DUY ?_6?#? +“=?bqnc*”?!#p?v? ? 3#o? 76?i? 8?+,? +?0?“5?7?3 ? ?#?(+?7?B#=3? ?B? WAP i? f*?c* WAP FGc*? ? =b?tu?#?tu? ?i64bV ?ivb?i?b?i? ?iv?tu?*4b#i? ?v8#?v?# ?D8Nfl ?bCDEb ?bD?x?Z?D*?6vJ?#R?b? ? ?i?tu?*4b#?jy?b? ? ?i?tu?*4b#?D*?n_+l? ?T ?8w“bb34FGb8?sb(?d? =_?Bq? ? ?tu?
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