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单位代码: 10293 密 级: 硕 士 学 位 论 文 论文题目: 我国电信运营企业员工压力研究:组织支持视角 Y011092128 吴 蕾 周文成 教授 企业管理 企业人力资源管理 二一二年二月 学号 姓名 指 导 教 师 学 科 专 业 研 究 方 向 论文提交日期 南京邮电大学学位论文原创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得 的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包 含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得南京邮电大学或其它 教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的 任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 本人学位论文及涉及相关资料若有不实,愿意承担一切相关的法律责任。 南京邮电大学学位论文使用授权声明 本人授权南京邮电大学可以保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子文 档;允许论文被查阅和借阅;可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索; 可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编本学位论文。本文电子文档的内容和纸质 论文的内容相一致。论文的公布(包括刊登)授权南京邮电大学研究生院(筹)办理。 涉密学位论文在解密后适用本授权书。 研究生签名:_ 日期:_ 研究生签名:_ 导师签名:_ 日期:_ 南南 京京 邮邮 电电 大大 学学 硕士学位论文摘要硕士学位论文摘要 学科、专业:管理学 企业管理 研 究 方 向:企业人力资源管理 作 者:2009 级硕士研究生 指 导 教 师:周文成 教授 题 目:我国电信运营企业员工压力研究:组织支持视角 英 文 题 目:The analysis of occupational stress in Telecom corporations: the Perspective of Organizational Support 主 题 词:电信运营企业;压力源;组织支持;中介作用 Keywords: Telecom corporations; Source of stress; Organizational Support; Intermediary role 南京邮电大学硕士研究生学位论文 摘要 I 摘摘 要要 “压力事件”已波及到电信运营行业,不仅在世界范围内,压力问题也已经是我国电信 运营企业不容忽视的课题。而导致压力的一个重要原因即是组织因素,组织因素对于重组频 繁、变革普遍的电信运营行业更为敏感;同时作为一柄“双刃剑” ,组织因素或许也应对员工 压力起到某种程度上的缓解作用。本文将我国电信运营企业员工作为研究对象,在一般压力 模型的基础上,将旧的研究理论在新的研究领域加以验证与应用,一方面探索我国电信运营 企业员工压力主要来源并进行系统归纳;另一方面从组织应对角度出发,找出组织支持因素 在电信运营企业员工压力应对中的作用机制。 本文首先验证了我国电信运营企业员工主要压力来源,分为五个维度,即组织政策、职 业发展前景、人际关系、工作本身和家庭-工作冲突。而在基于人口统计变量的压力感差异研 究中我们发现:不同运营商员工,移动员工压力最大,联通压力相对最小;前端和后端员工 压力明显大于管控部门;男性员工的压力要显著小于女性员工;不同年龄段的员工,36 岁到 45 岁员工压力最大,46 岁以上员工压力最小;已婚和未婚员工的压力感显著小于遭遇离婚和 丧偶员工;而不同教育程度员工的压力感不存在太显著的差异。最后本文验证了组织支持在 模型中的中介作用,结论是组织支持在压力源变量的大多数维度中对于压力反应有较为显著 的部分中介作用,即对于由于组织政策、职业前景、人际关系和家庭-工作冲突引起的压力感 受,组织支持可以起到一定程度的缓冲作用;对于来自工作本身的压力,组织支持的缓解作 用则不明显。 对此,从组织角度解决我国电信运营企业员工压力问题,应维持稳定、健康的行业环境; 重视组织作用,关注员工组织支持感受;此外重视个体差异,提高员工压力管理能力。 主主 题题 词词:电信运营企业;压力源;组织支持;中介作用 南京邮电大学硕士研究生学位论文 ABSTRACT II ABSTRACT “Stress events“ has spread to Telecom Industry. Not only around the world, but the stress problem of Chinas telecom corporations is the subject that can not be ignored. An important reason which led to stress is organizational factor. And organizational factors are more sensitive to telecom operator corporations where the reorganization is frequent, and changes are common. At the same time as a “two-edged sword“, organizational factors may also play a mitigation role in certain degree with the employee stress. In this paper, Chinas telecom companies employees are seen as research subjects, on the basis of the general stress model, the old theory to be verified in the field of new research and application, on the one hand, the main stress sources of employees in Chinas telecom operator corporations are explored and systematically summarized; On the other hand, from the perspective of the organization shall proceed, the mechanism of organizational support factors in Chinas telecom operator corporations employees in stress coping is identified. First of all, the main source of the pressure of employees in Chinas telecom operator corporations is divided into five dimensions, as Organizational Policies, Prospects for Career Development, Interpersonal Relationships, Work Itself and Family-Work Conflict. And based on the demographic Statistics variables, it is found that: for employees in different telecom operator corporations, employees in China Mobile feel the maximum pressure, and employees in China Unicom feel the minimum pressure; employees in front-end and back-end feel more pressure than employees in controlling section; male employees feel less pressure than female employees; for employees of different ages, employees from 36-year-old to 45-year-old feel the maximum pressure, employees that over 46-year-old feel the minimum pressure; married and unmarried employees feel less pressure than employees who choose the other options; and there is not too significant difference among employees of different levels of education in feeling of pressure. Finally, the intermediary role of organizational support in the model is verified in this paper. The conclusion is that the organizations support plays a partial mediating role in most dimensions of the source of pressure. That is organizational support can cushion pressure from Organizational Policies, Prospects for Career Development, Interpersonal Relationships, and Family-Work Conflict. For pressure from the Work Itself, the role of organizational support is not obvious. In this regard, there should be a stable, healthy industry environment maintained; great importance should be given to the role of the Organization, more concern should be paid to the employees perceived organizational support; and more attention should be paid to individual differences, and the stress management ability of employees should be improved. Keywords: Telecom corporations; Source of stress; Organizational Support; Intermediary role 南京邮电大学硕士研究生学位论文 目录 III 目目 录录
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