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专题二十三 陈述个人观点和态度 -2- 考情概览 此题属于开放性试题。要求考生在充分掌握文章内容的基础上, 结合个人的主观经验,针对作者的观点和态度进行合乎逻辑的回答 。因为此题考生可以发表自己的观点,有很强的主观性,故该题的 答案无所谓对与错,只有回答水准的高与低,因此考生的答案必须 言之有理,自圆其说,前后一致,符合逻辑。 常用的设题方式有: What would you do if you.? What do you think of.?Give your reasons. In your opinion,why is.? Please explain how you are. -3- 开放性试题 主要考查考生的思维能力、创新能力、分析能力以 及表达能力。首先要把握作者的观点,然后针对问题 的中心谈论 自己的观点。观点要明确,不可模棱两可,避免偏激的观点,尽量与 作者观点保持一致。语言要准确连贯 ,表达要规范,切忌出现错 句 、表达不清楚、条理不明的情况。 -4- 【典例分析】 (2017天津卷) In the years of my growing up,Dad was strict with me.He made sure I made my bed and did my homework.He would call in advance to make sure there was no alcohol at the party.I got so angry with him for laying down the law.I would scream,“ I hate you!” Dad would yell back,“Good!I dont care!” Deep down I knew he did. One time at a party,I drank too much alcohol and got so sick.I said,“ Call my dad.” Next thing,Dad was carrying me to the car.I woke up the next morning,thinking I would definitely be criticised.As expected,I got a roasting,but I now understand why I needed discipline. -5- Dad was 29 when he got his big roles in films.I had an early start at the age of nine with a role in a 1990s TV series,but it wasnt until I finished film studies that I pursued my career as an actress.Like those early days for Dad,I faced lots of rejections.Working in such a competitive industry,Ive sometimes thought,“ I cant do this any more.” Once,after a trip to Hollywood,I returned to Australia so depressed and spent months in my bedroom painting,listening to Eckhart Tolles music and trying to find myself again.Dad sat me down and said,“Alice,I know its hard,but its all about persistence(坚持不懈).” Now I get to work with Dad a lot,which I love.We are both passionate about acting,which comes from us being so interested in people.If it werent for Dad,I wouldnt be where I am today.Hes my biggest fan,and when you have that in your life you can go a long way. -6- 60.What do you think of Alices father?Please explain.(no more than 20 words) He is a good/devoted/caring/loving father because he was strict with his daughter and encouraged her when she was in trouble. Or:He is always supportive/a source of strength.Whenever she is in trouble,he is there for her. 本文主要讲述了在作者的成长过程中父亲的严格要求和谆谆教 诲。父亲给作者立了很多规矩,如要整理床铺、做作业、不准酗酒 等。作者小时候痛恨父亲的这些规矩,有一次故意喝醉酒之后激怒 父亲,结果如预想的一样遭到父亲的责骂。待作者长大后同父亲一 样加入了影视行业,虽屡受挫折,但好在有父亲的支持与鼓励,使她 始终坚持不懈。此题为陈述个人观点和态度的题目。回答此题时, 应在充分掌握文章内容的基础上,结合个人的主观经验,对文章中 的这位父亲做出合乎逻辑的评价。 -7- ABC Have you ever wondered why you sometimes take an almost immediate liking to a person you have just met?We often get the first impression of a person based on the color of a persons skin or the manner in which he or she is dressed.Meaning is conveyed not only by words or verbal(用语言的) languages but also by nonverbal communication systems,such as body behaviors. Nonverbal communication is important because we use the action of others to learn about their affective emotional states.Our emotions are reflected in our posture,face,and eyesfear,joy,anger or sadnessso we can express them without even saying a word.For this reason,most of us rely heavily on what we learn through our eyes. -8- ABC Nonverbal communication is significant in human interaction because it is usually responsible for the first impressions.More importantly,those first messages usually influence the perception(观点 、看法) of everything else that follows.Even how we select friends and lovers is grounded in first impressions with nonverbal communication. -9- ABC Nonverbal communication is important because it is culture- related.It is based on different beliefs,religions,values and customs in different cultures.When,where,how,and to whom people display his or her specific nonverbal behaviors is greatly affected by culture and context.Culture determines what the appropriate nonverbal behavior is.For example,feelings of friendship exist everywhere but their expression varies.It may be appropriate in some countries for men to hug each other and for women to hold hands;in other countries these displays of affection may be shocking.Each culture has its own specific interpretation on nonverbal communication.What is acceptable in one culture may be completely unacceptable in another.One culture may determine that snapping fingers to call a waiter is acceptable;another may consider this gesture rude. -10- ABC 1.What does the passage mainly talk about?(No more than 10 words) 2.Why can we know a persons feeling through his or her eyes?(No more than 15 words) 3.Whats the meaning of the underlined word “conveyed” in Paragraph 1?(No more than 5 words) The importance of nonverbal communication. Because a persons feeling can be reflected through his or her body languages. /Because ones emotions can be reflected through his or her eyes. Communicated/Made known/Expressed. -11- ABC 4.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?(No more than 15 words) 5.Do we need to pay attention to nonverbal communication?Why?(No more than 25 words) Each cult
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