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2008年北京市知识产权保护状况摘要(中英文) 发布时间:2010-6-4 17:56:20 来源:国家知识产权局 2008年,在市委、市政府的高度重视下,北京市知识产权工作紧紧围绕“新北京、新奥运”的战略构想,贯彻国家知识产权战略纲要精神,以服务首都经济社会发展为中心任务,大力实施首都知识产权“一二六”工程,不断推动首都知识产权事业发展,进一步巩固了北京市知识产权强市地位。 一、集中开展保护奥运知识产权专项行动,有效发挥了外围保障作用 在全市范围组织开展了保护奥运知识产权专项行动,市政府主管领导亲自动员部署,各部门按照“提高思想认识、落实部门责任、强化协调机制、展示首都形象”的工作原则,迅速开展整治行动,有效发挥了外围保障作用。国际奥委会法律部主任霍华德斯图普先生和国际奥委会北京奥运会协调委员会主席维尔布鲁根先生都给予了高度的评价。 二、加强对流通领域的监管,进一步巩固了知识产权保护防御体系 针对侵犯知识产权行为主要集中在销售环节的现象,各部门继续深化“无冒充专利示范单位”、 “无假冒商标示范单位”、“正版产品销售示范单位”等示范工作,进一步加大对商场、市场、商店、展会等流通领域的监管力度,防范侵权行为的发生,有效减少了侵权商品制售的渠道,进一步巩固了知识产权保护的防御体系,取得了显著成效。 三、加大知识产权宣传教育力度,进一步提高了知识产权保护意识结合“3.15”国际消费者权益日、“4.26”世界知识产权日、“12.4”全国法制宣传日以及北京奥运会召开等,开展了“2008年中关村知识产权论坛”、“中国企业在欧洲的知识产权保护问题专题讲座”、“奥运版权保护论坛”、“创新与未来-青少年版权保护主题教育活动启动仪式”、“2008中国(北京)国际版权论坛”等一系列宣传活动,进一步提高了全社会保护知识产权的意识。 四、知识产权行政执法和司法保护力度进一步加大专利管理部门共受理专利纠纷案件38件,审结34件;共立案查处假冒他人专利行为案件3件、冒充专利行为案件8件,结案2件。 商标监管部门共查处商标侵权假冒案件2292件,罚没款2650万元。其中查处侵犯奥标案件644件,罚没款752万余元。 质量技术监督部门共结案涉及知识产权制假违法案件1698件,罚没款执行到位898.8万元。文化市场管理部门共立案处罚侵犯著作权案件715件,收缴非法音像制品186万余张、非法出版物146万余册。 城管执法机关累计查缴非法图书1855册,查缴非法音像制品119,083张、电脑软件7944余张。 公安机关共查办非法出版物、盗版等案件823件,抓获违法犯罪嫌疑人1620人(刑事拘留339人,行政拘留1211人),收缴各类非法出版物151.1万张(册)。 北京海关共计查获侵权货物1562批次,侵权货物数量76,489件。其中查获侵犯奥林匹克标志专有权商品11批次,侵犯奥标商品1489件。 检察机关经审查批准逮捕侵犯知识产权类案件71件136人,经审查提起公诉83件144人。 全市法院知识产权庭共受理各类一审知识产权案件4748件,审结4499件;受理各类二审知识产权案件1768件,审结1744件。 2008年,在我市各知识产权部门的共同努力下,知识产权保护取得了显著成效,进一步优化了首都社会经济发展环境。Summary of Beijings Intellectual Property Protection in 2008In 2008, with the municipal Party committee and municipal government of Beijing attaching great importance to IPR protection, local IPR protection efforts in Beijing closely followed the strategic idea of “New Beijing Great Olympics”, carried forward the spirit of the Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy, in a bid to serve the economic and social development of Beijing, the capital of China. The municipality has been working to carry out the “One Two Six” Campaign of IPR, promoted the continuous development of IPR cause and further boosted the status of Beijing as a national leader in IPR. I. Olympics-specific IPR Campaign Served as a Shield for the Olympic GamesThe Olympics-specific IPR campaign was quickly carried out citywide, and thanks to the personal arrangement by competent leaders of the Municipality and the working principles observed by each department (these principles are: Raise Awareness, Put in Place Department Responsibilities, Reinforce Coordination Mechanism and Showcase the Image of Beijing), served as shield for the Olympics. Mr. Howard Stupp, IOCs Director of Legal Affairs, and Mr. Hein Verbruggen, chairman of the IOC-BOCOG coordination committee, both highly applauded the campaign. II. Tightened Regulation on Circulation Sectors and Further Consolidated the Defense System of IRP Protection Given that IPR infringements mainly occur in the sales distribution process, all departments remained committed to the advocacy of role models such as Non-Counterfeit Patent Model Unit, Non-Counterfeit Trademark Model Unit and Original Product Sales Model Unit and stepped up regulation on such circulation sectors as supermarkets, markets, shops and exhibitions to prevent IPR infringements. Good results were achieved as channels for manufacturing and selling infringing goods were curtailed and the defensive system of IPR protection was further consolidated. III. Intensified IPR Advocacy and Education and Further Raised the Awareness of IPR Protection In tandem with occasions such as the World Consumer Rights Day on March 15th, World Intellectual Property Rights Day on April 26th, National Legal System Publicity Day on December 4th and the holding of Beijing Olympic Games, the municipality organized Zhongguancun Intellectual Property Rights Forum 2008, Lecture on the Protection of Chinese Enterprises Intellectual Property Rights in Europe, Olympic Copyright Protection Forum, Innovation and Future-Launching Ceremony of Youth Intellectual Property Rights Protection Education Campaigns and Beijing International Copyright Forum 2008. All these campaigns further improved the publics awareness of IPR protection. IV. Administrative Law Enforcement and Judicial Protection of IPR in 2008 The patent administration handled 38 patent dispute cases with 34 concluded, brought 3 cases of fake patent identity and handled 8 counterfeit patent cases with 2 concluded. The trademark administration handled 2,292 cases of trademark counterfeiting and imposed RMB26.50 million yuan in fines. Among the cases, 644 involved infringements of Olympic symbols and resulted in RMB7.52 million yuan of fines. The Quality Supervision and Inspection Bureau handled 1,698 of cases of intellectual property rights counterfeiting, and imposed RMB8, 988,000 yuan in fines.Cultural market administration filed and fined 715 cases of copyright infringements, seized over 1.86 milli
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