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安徽大学 硕士学位论文 我国网络表达自由的法律规制 姓名:沈华俊 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:法律硕士 指导教师:陈颖洲 2010-04 I 摘 要 摘 要 二十世纪末互联网的兴起和发展,是人类社会发展史上的一项重大变革, 深刻影响着人们各方面的生活。互联网的发展,也使得作为公民基本的权利自 由的表达自由获得了新的发展空间。近些年,各种网络事件的频发,让我们不 得不对网络表达自由进行一番思考。网络表达所具有的匿名性、交互性、平等 性等特性对于公民行使表达自由具有重大的积极意义。 但是我们也应该认识到, 网络表达自由虽然具有促进民主、舆论监督、发现真理等价值功能,但也有其 自身的缺陷,网络表达自由的滥用可能会损害国家、社会公共利益以及他人的 合法权益,因此网络表达自由应该受到合理、必要的规制,只有这样才能发挥 网络表达自由的最大价值,真正促进社会的发展进步。 表达自由作为一项公认的基本人权,随着社会实践的发展,其内涵也在不 断的变化。网络表达自由系指公民有利用互联网表明、显示或公开传递思想、 意见、观点、主张、情感、或信息、知识等内容,而不受他人干涉、约束或惩 罚的自由。网络表达自由具有虚拟、交互、主体平等特性,也决定了网络表达 自由在促进民主政治建设、舆论监督、文化传播以及促进个人全面发展等方面 都起着重要的作用。网络表达可能存在的片面性、非理性,以及网络表达自由 的无政府主义情绪的滋生可能导致社会秩序的示范,与其他利益可能发生的冲 突,决定了我们必须对网络表达自由加以规制。我国目前对网络表达自由主要 从网络立法、技术手段以及行业自律三个方面进行规制;立法存在的一些不足, 对网络表达自由的尊重和保障的忽视, 以及在权利受到侵害是救济渠道的缺乏, 是我国现有网络表达自由规制模式存在的主要问题。在对网络表达自由进行规 制时,要遵循法治、利益衡量和保障为主限制为辅的基本原则;立足我国社会 现实和国情,注重网络立法的统一协调性,加强立法规范的明确性和可操作性, 并且以网络自律作为补充,完善我国网络表达自由法律规制体系。 我们需要抓住网络技术带来的机遇,运用各种智慧,在对网络表达自由进 II 行规制的同时,能够最大限度的保障公民的网络表达自由,使它为我国社会民 主政治建设服务。 关键词:关键词:表达自由;互联网;立法;规制 III Abstract The rise and development of the Internet in twentieth century is a great transformation in human history. Not just from technology, but also profoundly affect peoples lives. Because of the development of the Internet, freedom of expression as the basic rights of citizens has a new develop space. Anonymous, interaction and equality, the characters of freedom of expression has great significance to exercise the right of expression freely. we should also recognize that there are still many constraints astrict the development of freedom of expression on the internet. Face to these explicit or implicit constraints, the government has a responsibility to get rid of the barriers impeding the network to achieve freedom of expression on the internet, protect the rights of freedom of expression. Freedom of expression has the promotion of democracy, public opinion, found verity, but also has its own shortcomings. Misuse the freedom of expression may harm national、 pubic interests and other peoples interests, so it should be regulation, the only way to make the greatest value of the freedom of expression on the internet, and also promote social progress and development. Freedom of expression,be recognized as a basic human rights universally. Along with the development of social practice; its contents are constantly changing. Network freedom of expression means that citizens use the Internet, display or public transfer of ideas, opinions, views, emotions, or information, knowledge, while others couldnt Interference, constraint or punishment. A virtual network of freedom of expression, interaction, equality of the subjects features, is also determined network expression of freedom in the promotion of democracy construction, public opinion, culture transportation and for individual development, plays an important role. Network may exist one-sided expression, irrational, and emotional anarchy may lead freedom of expression to social order and the breeding of the demonstration, and other possible conflicts of interest, determined that we have to regulate freedom of expression on the Internet. Currently China use legislative, technical tools and industry self-regulation to regulate freedom of expression on the Internet. Legislation IV number of deficiencies, freedom of expression on the Internet respect for and protection of neglect, as well as relief channel rights have been violated is the lack of Chinas existing network of freedom of expression regulation mode. To regulate freedom of expression, we must follow the rule of law and protection of the interests of the main constraints to measure the basic principles supplemented; based on the reality of our society and country, focusing on harmonization of legislation of the network to enhance the clarity of the legislative and operational specifications and self-regulation as a complement to the network, improve our network system of legal regulation of freedom of expression. At last, we need to seize opportunities brought by the network technologies, using all kinds of wisdom to regulate the expression of freedom on the internet, as well as to protect citizens rights of freedom of speech on the internet maximum, make it service for our social democratic political construction. Key words: Freedom of expression; Internet; Legislation; Regulation 引 言 1 引 言 引 言 国语周语中召公谏历王弭谤篇有云:“防民之口,甚于防川,川 壅而溃,伤人必多,民亦如之。是故为川者,决之使导;为民者,宣之使言” 。 远在几千年前的中国古代,有识之士就已经认识到表达自由对于社会稳定发展 的重要性。随着社会文明的进步,人类己经普遍地接受了表达自由的观念。表 达自由作为一项基本人权受到世界各国宪法、法律的保护。 二十世纪末互联网的兴起和发展,是人类发展史上的一项重大变革,它给 人们生活带来了深刻的变化。人类生活与电子计算机和网络从此越来越密不可 分,传统的信息表现形式开始转变为数字形式,传统的信息传播介质也逐渐被 计算机网络所取代。表达自由也因为互联网的发展,获得了新的途径和市场, 互联网以其自身的特点,使得表达自由在网络空间能够得到前所未有的实现。 2008 年 12 月 10 日,南京市江宁区房产局局长周久耕抛出“对于开发商低 于成本价销售楼盘,将和物价部门一起进行查处”的言论。12 月 14 日,网友 曝出“周局抽的九五至尊,一条 1500 元!”后又有网友曝周所戴手表是 “江诗丹顿”,价值约 10 万元周久耕被免职,后江苏省南京市中级人民法 院作出一审判决:周久耕犯受贿罪,判处有期徒刑 11 年,没收财产人民币 120 万元。 2008 年春夏之交,一名普通的公司职员,未曾想到自己正陷入到一场众人 瞩目的法律诉讼漩涡之中。因婚外恋导致妻子自杀,公司职员王菲受到了来自 四面八方的网民声讨,个人信息被网上曝光,还有激愤的人对他及家人进行骚 扰、攻击。王菲
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