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本科毕业论文(设计)论文(设计)题目:客车驾驶员减振可调式座椅设计及结构分析学 院:机 械 工 程专 业:车 辆 工 程班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: X X X 指导教师: X X 2014年6月5日贵州大学本科毕业论文(设计)诚信责任书本人郑重声明:本人所呈交的毕业论文(设计),是在导师的指导下独立进行研究所完成。毕业论文(设计)中凡引用他人已经发表或未发表的成果、数据、观点等,均已明确注明出处。特此声明。论文(设计)作者签名: 日 期: 目 录摘 要IIIAbstractIV引 言1第一章 驾驶员座椅设计31.1. 驾驶员座椅几何参数的选择31.2. 座椅的造型设计712.1 座椅造型设计的基本点71.2.2 座椅造型分类101.2.3 座椅造型的选择121.2.4 座椅造型的考虑要点121.3. 座椅的造型绘制12第二章 驾驶员座椅材料的选取152.1. 驾驶员座椅弹性元件的选取152.2. 蒙皮选择18第三章 驾驶员座椅骨架设计193.1. 驾驶员座椅骨架的选择形式193.2. 材料选择203.3. 骨架的强度结构设计203.4. 骨架结构形式的绘制213.5. 靠背与坐垫夹角调解机构233.5.1 旋转手柄式座椅调角器243.5.2 掀动手柄式座椅调角器243.5.3 液压锁止式座椅调角器253.6. 骨架强度校核263.6.1 Simulation简介263.6.2 Simulation骨架校核27第四章 驾驶员座椅悬架设计334.1. 驾驶员座椅调节结构的选择334.2. 减振系统的参数354.2.1 座椅的振动参数354.2.2 座椅的传递特性354.3. 减振系统的方案选择364.3.1 空气悬浮式减振系统364.3.2 弹簧阻尼系统374.4. 驾驶员座椅调节结构分析394.4.1 悬架水平调节机构394.4.2 悬架的减振机构404.4.3 悬架垂直调节及倾角调节404.4.4 悬架垂直调节及倾角调节414.5. 驾驶员座椅悬架建模424.6. 驾驶员座椅悬架结构分析:474.6.1 结构分析之前的准备474.6.2 悬架的静态结构分析494.6.3 悬架的动态结构分析52第五章 汽车座椅的发展趋势595.1. 驾驶员与操作位置的调节595.2. 座椅的舒适多功能性595.3. 座椅的安全与轻量化设计595.4. 座椅的计算机辅助设计与模块式组合605.5. 座椅与汽车文化60总 结62致 谢63参考文献64附录1 工程图清单66附录2 座椅悬架静态分析报表67附录3 座椅座垫骨架分析表算例结果75附录4 座椅靠背骨架分析之算例78附录5 中华人民共和国汽车行业标准客车座椅 QC/T633-200980附录6 GB150831994,汽车座椅系统强度要求及试验方法84客车驾驶员减振可调式座椅设计及结构分析摘 要近年来,由于客车工业的迅速发展,客车座椅的设计已经越来越重要,尤其是大、中型客车对舒适性的要求的提高、从而对座椅的各种性能要求也不断的提高。所以,客车座椅设计不但需要满足乘客的要求,而且对座椅的舒适性、安全性、美观性等方面提出了更高的要求。客车座椅设计要求有足够的强度和刚度,支承乘员的质量。具有能缓和和衰减由车身传来的冲击和振动,给驾驶员提供良好的工作条件;并能为乘客创造舒适和安全的乘坐条件。由此可见,座椅设计的好坏,将对汽车的平顺性、乘坐舒适性、安全性及操作方便性等产生很大的影响。因此,汽车座椅的特性和设计是车身设计中的重要环节之一。客车座椅的设计涉及到驾驶员座椅设计和乘客座椅设计两方面的内容。在此设计中,包含了座椅的造型设计、结构设计、骨架设计、弹性元件和褥垫的选择、调节结构设计、驾驶员座椅的悬架设计以及座椅动态特性的研究等。本设计的主要特点有两个:一是运用三维CAD软件进行设计,整个设计过程均在Solidworks环境下进行,设计过程较为直观,加快了工作效率;二是运用了自上而下的设计思想,从座椅的总布置模型到最终的零部件和装配体,各文件之间层层关联,修改零部件参数后,所有相关的文件都会自动更新,使设计过程更为便捷,更易控制,降低了设计难度,提高了设计效率。客车座椅是连接人车之间的一个重要的部件,特别是大中型客车的座椅设计,更能显示其良好的综合性能。在座椅设计中,考虑到人体工程原理适应于不同体型的驾驶员和乘客的需求,并且依据了大中型客车注重舒适性和经济性的特点。最后在本次设计中,Solidworks软件的运用是难点,在此设计过程中软件的运用提供了许多方便,能够灵活地运用软件中各种建模手段将会让工作事半功倍。 关键词:座椅,设计,Solidworks,关联,自上而下的设计Bus layout model of floor board and seats designAbstractIn recent years, the rapid development of passenger car industry, passenger seat design has become increasingly important, especially in large and medium-sized passenger cars to improve the comfort requirements, and thus the seat of various performance requirements are constantly improving. So, passenger seat design not only need to meet the requirements of passengers, but also for seat comfort, safety, aesthetics and other aspects of higher demand. Passenger seat design requires a sufficient strength and rigidity to support the quality of the occupant. With ease and can be attenuated by the body came shock and vibration to the driver to provide good working conditions; and to create a comfortable and safe ride for the passengers condition. Thus, the seat design is good or bad, will the car ride, comfort, safety and ease of operation, etc. have a huge impact. Therefore, the car seat features and design is an important part of the body design.The design involves the passenger seat driver seat and passenger seat design two aspects. In this design, including the seat design, structural design, frame design, the elastic element and the selection of cushion adjusting of designing the drivers seat and a seat frame design of the dynamic vibration characteristics and the like, etc.The main features of this design are twofold: First, the use of three-dimensional CAD software to design the entire design process are under Solidworks environment, more intuitive design process and accelerate the work efficiency; Second, the use of top-down design ideas, General layout of the model from the seat to the final assembly of components and between the layers of the documents associated parameters modified parts, all related files are automatically updated to make the design process more convenient and easier to control and reduce the difficult to design and improve design efficiency.Connections between people - car seats is one of the important components, especially large and medium-sized passenger car seat design, more show its good comprehensive performance. In the seat design, considering the human body engineering principle adapted to different size of driver and passenger demand, and based on the characteristics of the large and medium-sized passenger car pays attention to comfort and economy.Finally, in this design, the use of Solidworks software is the difficulty in the design process using this software provides a lot of convenience, the flexibility to use a variety of software modeling tools will make the work more effective.Keywords: Chair, design, Solidworks, association, top-down desig
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