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Lesson 6 Have nice foodPart AGetting ready for a party一、根据句意和中文提示完成单词。1、How many _(聚会) do you have every year? 2、My _(生日) is my favourite day of the year. 3、I want to _(买) some flowers for my mother on Mothers Day. 4、Would you like some _(香蕉)? 5、I am hungry. I want to have some _(面条). 6、I will go to Beijing _(明天). 7、What do you want to drink,_(茶) or milk? 8、There is a new _(超市) near my house. 9、Im _(确定) I can finish the work on time. 10、My mother often _(烧饭) for us. 二、根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1、I want _(buy) my friend a teddy bear. 2、Sometimes he _(have) lunch at school. 3、What do you usually _(get) for your birthday? 4、They want _(fly) kites on the playground. 5、Where can he _(find) the teddy bear? 6、Why not _(play) football with us? 7、There _(be) some milk in the glass. 8、Let _(he) close the door. 9、My cousin _(not have) a cake. 10、You can go to the shop with _(they). 三、单项选择。1、- likes reading the comic books?-My cousin does. A、What B、Who C、Whose D、Whos2、I a toy car my friend. A、want to buy; for B、wants to buy; toC、want buy; for D、wants buy; for3、- This desk is too heavy. I move (搬动) it. Could you help me?- No problem. A、can B、cant C、am not D、not4、- Why not milk?- OK, thank you. A、drink some B、drink any C、to drink any D、to drink some5、Let me you cook lunch. A、help B、to help C、helping D、helps6、There are two and three on the table. A、apple; banana B、apples; banana C、apples; bananas D、apple; bananas7、I need a pen. Who has ? A、one B、it C、that D、this8、- The boy looks .- Yes. Today is his birthday. A、happy B、sad C、happily D、angry四、句型转换。1、I want some ice cream. (对划线部分提问)_do _? 2、I can make a card. (改为一般疑问句)_make a card? 3、I need ten apples. (对划线部分提问)_do you need? 4、all, like, sure, it, I,very, am, you, much (连词成句)_ 5、The boy wants someoranges, too. (改为同义句)The boy _some oranges. 五、阅读理解。根据对短文的理解选择正确答案。 Scott is not happy. He has no money (钱) left to buy the new toy train he wants. Suddenly, he has an idea! “Ill ask my brother Alan if I can borrow (借) some money. He always has money to lend people.” Scott meets Alan in his room. “Alan, may I borrow $20 from you to buy myself a new train?” Alan replies, “I just spend all of my money on Moms birthday present. I have no money left. You are barking up the wrong tree.” Scott is very disappointed (失望). He decides to find a job. He goes to many shops, but no one has a job for him. He walks and walks from shop to shop. Finally, he gets a job selling icecream and he is very happy. “My feet are tired for walking all day, but I can get enough money for a toy train.” 1、Why does Scott need to borrow money? A、Because he needs to get a job.B、Because he wants to buy a new toy train.C、Because he wants to buy a present for his mother.2、The underlined (画线) phrase “barking up the wrong tree” means . A、acting like a dogB、asking the wrong person (人)C、asking the right person3、According to the story, Scott may work in . A、a dessert (甜品) houseB、a bookshopC、a toy shop4、What can we know from the story? A、Scott can get a new trainB、Scott doesnt like his brotherC、Scotts family is very poor (贫穷)Part B A birthday party一、根据句意和中文提示完成单词。1、- Whats that on the _(饭桌)? - Its some fish. 2、My father _(给) me some books. 3、Who is in the _(厨房)? 4、I want to _(唱) a song. 5、He will tell a _(故事) to us. 6、The book is _(有趣的). I like reading it. 7、I usually have an _(鸡蛋) and some milk for breakfast. 8、They usually play _(游戏) after class. 9、Her _(父母亲) cook some nice food for us. 10、He puts his book in thebag, _(然后) he goes home. 二、根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1、Where can we buy these _(tomato)? 2、Do you like _(listen) to music? 3、There _(be) some drinks in the shopping basket. 4、There is a box of _(candy) on the desk. 5、All my _(friend) are in my house. 6、My father loves _(orange) and my mother loves apples. 7、I want to give _(they) some cakes. 8、He wants _(buy) a car. 9、How m
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