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湖北省武汉市2018届九年级英语上学期期末调研试题二,选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)26,-Hello. Is that May Flower Hotel ? Id like to book a room for tomorrow night. -_. A. Whats the matter ? B. What can I do for you ?C. Yes, help yourself. D. Just a minute, please.27. -I havent brought the dictionary with_.Will you lend me_ ? -Sure, with pleasure.A me; yours B me; your C mine; yours D my; your28. In fact the price of everyday things_. Im not sure whether it will remain so. A, went down B, will go down C, has gone down D, goes down 29, -Would you come to our home for dinner this Sunday? -_ .A. Oh, no. Thatll be too much trouble.B. Thanks a lot for dinner.C. Im sorry, I have other plansD. Its my pleasure30. The repairs of the school costs quiet a lot, _they will bring the safety to the teachers and students in the future. A, since B, then C, or D, but 31, -What was Sandy wearing at the dancing party? -Nothing_. He was in his usual shirt and jeans. A, special B, strange C, simple D, similar 32, - Where are you going? -I will meet Kate at the airport. Please _ what time she will arrive. A,set B, expect C, check D, count 33, -I heard the fire spread very quickly through the hotel, but everyone _ get out.- I cant believe it. A, had to B, could C, was able to D,would 34,-Why did you refuse to move in the house ? -Because it was really in a poor and dirty _. A, form B, kind C, design D, state 35, its proved that it is quiet helpful to _ a good habit of reading in language learning. A, develop B, show C, follow D, match 36.-Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mr. Li.-_.A. Oh, dont say soB. Im glad you enjoyed itC. Come again when youre freeD. Id love to37.- Whats the news?-The sports meeting has been _till next week because of the weather.A. turned offB. put offC, taken off D. set oft38.- What will we do?- Well have to decide not to climb the mountains because it is raining _.A. badlyB. hardlyC stronglyD. heavily39.- Have you raid through the two books I lent you last week?- No, _ of them is easy to read.A. neitherB. eitherC. both D. none40.- Did the kids like the presents?- You cant imagine _ when they received those nice presents.A. how they were excitedC. how excited were theyB. how excited they wereD. they were how excited三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Forgiveness wont change the past, but it can make a difference to the future. In my teaching life I have (41) this and will never forget one thing happened in my class. As the students were doing the task, I heard“her”laughter in my class. Note-taking couldnt be that (42) So I walked over to the student and asked for her (43). Unexpectedly, she refused to give it to me. I just (44). Finally, the girl handed it over, she (45) her voice, “Hmm.okay, but I didnt draw it.” It was a hand-drawn picture of me, (46) blackened and the words “ I am stupid”coming out of my mouth. I felt really angry and embarrassed, but I tried to keep (47) . I wondered who had drawn the picture. I would do something to (48) him a lesson. (49), I was able to control myself then. I showed the class the picture. All the students were in silence as I told them (50) this hurt me. I told them there must be a (51) behind, and now I would give them a chance to write down anything they (52) to tell me. Later, I read all the notes. Many of them said something like“Ive got nothing against you”or “I am sorry you were hurt.”But only one note said: “We are always (53) because you are so strict, and you get mad too easily” I suddenly realized that over the course of this year, I had never (54) my students. I had some apology to do. But the next day in the classroom, a girl handed me a card. On it, she expressed her regret for the ugly (55).I kept the card till now. And this was a lesson for both the kids and me.41AtaughtBunderstoodClearntDremembered42AinterestingBfunnyCsadDboring43ApictureBnameCnoteDexcuse44ArestedBshoutedCsearchedDwaited45AdroppedBchangedCraisedDlost46AteethBhairCeyesDnose47AfitBcalmCstillDquiet48AincreaseBtellCteachDgive49ASuddenlyBNaturallyCThankfullyDCarefully50AwhereBwhenCwhyDhow51AreasonBstoryCtroubleDfact52AdaredBpromisedCpretendedDneeded53Aembarrassed
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