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大学生婚恋观的调查 The survey with college student The survey with college student in their opinion about lovein their opinion about love 小组成员: Love is in addition to learning in university life eternal topic, marriage, is one of the upgrades for love, its a expectation of love result. I believe that each student will be looking forward to beautiful love. In that way, what is love and what is marriage is your eyes? 爱情,是大学生活中除了学习外永恒的话题,婚姻,又是恋爱的一 种升级,是爱情结果的一种展现。相信每位同学都会期待美好的爱 情。那么,在你眼中,什么是爱情?什么是婚姻呢? The following is the investigation with our team members opinions about love 以下是以下是对对对对我我们组员们组员们组员们组员 的婚恋的婚恋观调查观调查观调查观调查 李晗选择的问题: Whats the attitude of love in the university for you? 你对大学期间恋爱持什么态度? A. Is a kind of sincere love and is a precious experience that we cannot go without it. 是一种真挚的感情,是人生中不可或缺的一段宝贵经历。 B. We should let nature take its course. We can have it and dout importune it if we havent. 应顺其自然,有也好,没有也不强求。 C. Just for fun , dont take it seriously. 玩玩而已,何必当真。 D. Impact our study , the loss outweights the gain. 影响学业,得不偿失。 LiHans choice is B. She thinks love is not compulsory in university. 李晗认为恋爱不是大学的必修课。 Zhanglu thinks everyone have different choice . Love or not love , we should judge on the basis of rational. 张璐认为每个人有不同的选择,恋爱与否, 应在理性的 思考的基础上选择。 钱亦涵选择的问题: What do you think is the original cause of the college students fall in love? 你认为大学生恋爱的最初原因是什么? A. Make up the empty inside , look for spiritual. 弥补内心空虚,寻找精神寄托。 B. See others all have, I am very embarrasing. 看别人都有,自己很没面子。 C. Be attracted to each others advantages. It the same camp and temperamentally compatible. 彼此对对方的优点所吸引,志同道合,情 投意合 钱亦涵的选择是C At the point of her view, excellent people are attractive. Youll fall in love with a person because of the glamour on his body. 在她看来,优秀的人总是具有吸引力的,你会因为一个人身上某个 地方散发出的魅力而喜欢上他。 Yang li shuang think fall in love at first sight is a ture love. 杨丽双认为一见钟情也是真爱。 张璐选择的问题: Whats the three main criteria you choose to be a lover? 你选择恋人最主要的三个标准是? A.Kind 为人善良 B.Common language 共同语言 C.open and humor开朗幽默 D.age 年龄 E.appearance 外貌 F.Personal ability 个人能力 G. Education 学历 H. family background 家庭背景 I.physical condition 身体状况 张璐的选择是A, F , I She thinks the person who must have good character and have the ability to give her happiness. At the same time , physical condition also important.because he needs to take on huge task. 杨丽双则认为年龄问题不可忽视,俗话说三岁一代沟。 In yang li shuangs opinion, age problem cant ignore. There is a say that goes: three years a generation gap. 杨丽双选择的问题: Whats you opinion on consumption problem 对于恋爱的大学生在消费的问题上你的看法是? A. Most of time AA, we must to distinguish financial 大部分时候AA制,财务要分清 B. mainly is the man to pay and the woman to consume 主要是南方支付,女方消费 C. paid by the rich family , no matter man or woman 由家庭富裕的一方支付, 不论男女 D. men and woman pay together 男女共同支付 Yang lishuang thinks mainly is man and woman can pay together. sometimes the man to pay, emerge the gentleman poise. 杨丽双认为男女可以共同承担,有时男方应略主动一些,更显绅士风度。 共同讨论的问题: Do you think breaking up may appear in what cause? 你认为分手可能出现在什么情况? A. The two sides disagree , not to talk to the point. 双方意见不合, 话不投机 B. Long-distance relationship is hard to maintain . 异地恋,很难维持 C. Both sides parents to interfere in , they have to abandon. 双方家长干预,被迫放弃 D. A pare betray other part , love the new and loathe the old. 一方背叛另一方,喜新厌旧 杨丽双选择A: She think dissidence of opinions makes it useless to talk. 她认为话不投机半句多。 李晗选择B: Parents opinion successful marriage directly. 父母的意见直接决定婚姻的成败。 张璐选择C: Distance makes out tertium quid. 距离产生小三。 钱亦涵选择D: Loyalness is the medicine to maintain the love for long time. 忠贞是维持爱情长久的良药。 THANK YOUTHANK YOU 当代大学生是祖国未来建设发展的希望和主力 婚恋观影响家庭建设影响社会稳定 帮助大学生树立正确的婚恋观 需要社会各方面的努力 当代大学生树立正确的婚恋观意义重大
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