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Unit 8 Review教学目标:1.复习本单元出现的词汇和交际用语,并能将词汇进行简单的分类。2.能将所学的内容与实际生活相结合、会在生活中运用。3.能保持对英语学习的兴趣,养成仔细观察、勇于实践的好习惯。4.能够运用正确的指法拼写单词。教学重点: 复习本单元出现的词汇和交际作语,并能将词汇进行简单的分类。教学难点:能将所学的内容与实际生活相结合、会在生活中运用教学准备;教学挂图、 教学卡片、 录音带教学课时:5 课时第一课时教学目标:1.复习前面几个单元有关场所,北京风景名胜地的词汇和交际用语。学生根据看到的图片说出相应的单词2.根据语境,使用句型:Where are you going? To. By? No./Yes.教学过程:1. Point and say.2. Review the chant.3. Show the cards and review the words:Tiananmen Square. The Forbidden City, THE Great Wall4. Play the game: Whats missing? / Listen and circle.5. Listen to the tape.6. Pair work; where are you going?Im going to the.By?Yes. /No.7. Invite some groups to come to the front and show their dialogues课后小记: 第二课时教学目标:1.复习节日单元的词汇和句型。2.学生能够运用所学的语言对布置后的房间进行描述。教学过程:A: Stick and say.1. Show the big picture and ask: Whats in the picture?2. Ask the Ss to say (This is a tree. Put the tree next to .Put.on the window. The. Is behind.) when they stick the pictures?3. Show their pictures to each other.4. Invite some Ss to show their pictures to the class.B: Lets make.1. Make the Santa Claus in groups.2. When Ss make the Santa Claus they should say: I put the head herd, I put the body here.Oh, its a Santa Claus课后小记:
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