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成套设备出口合同大米加工成套设备销售合同Sales Contract目录:Table of Clauses:第一章 定 义Clause 1 Definitions第二章 合同范围Clause 2 Scopes of Contract第三章 价 格Clause 3 Contract Prices第四章 支 付Clause 4 Terms of Payment第五章 交货与保险Clause 5 Delivery and Insurance第六章 包装与标记Clause 6 Packing and Labels第七章 技术文件Clause 7 Technical Documents第八章 设计与设计联络Clause 8 Design and exchange第九章 标准与检验Clause 9 Standards and Inspections第十章 安装、试车、投料试生产、性能测试和验收Clause 10 Installation, Test Operation, Commissioning Test Run, Performance Test and Operational Acceptance第十一章 保证与担保Clause 11 Assurances and Guarantees第十二章 索赔Clause 12 Claim第十三章 不可抗力Clause 13 Force Majeure第十四章 税费Clause 14 Taxes and Duties第十五章 仲裁Clause 15 Arbitration第十六章 合同的生效及其他Clause 16 The validity of contract and other matters附 件Appendix:附件一: 卖方供应范围内的合同设备清单 Annex.1 The List of Contracted Equipments Within The scope of Contract.附件二: 有关的技术资料清单及交付时间表Annex.2 The Delivery Time Schedule of Patent, Know-How and Technical Documents in Relation to Contracted Equipments.附件三: 合同标的物和合同产品的技术参数、保证指标。Annex.3 The Specifications, Quantities and Assured Values of Contracted Equipments, Contracted Items and Contracted Products.附件四:安装、试车、投料试生产、性能测试和验收的时间安排Annex.4 The Time Schedule for Installation, Commissioning Test Run.本合同编号为:YTWF041230本合同签字日期为:2004年12月30日本合同签订地点为:印度尼西亚雅加达THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT is made on 30 of December, 2004 with No. YTWF041230 at place of Jakarta. 印度尼西亚Pt Worldpoint Prestasi Jaya(以下简称买方)为一方,依法经营地址为:Rukan Nirwana Sunter Asri Tahap Blok J 2A NO.9, Jakarta 14350。)为另一方,依法经营地址为: Between:Pt Worldpoint Prestasi Jaya, a corporation incorporated under the laws of Indonesia and having its principal place of business at: Rukan Nirwana Sunter Asri Tahap Blok J 2A NO.9, Jakarta 14350 (hereinafter called the Buyer).andHubei Intepower Wufeng Food Processing Machine Co., Ltd., a corporation incorporated under the laws of China and having its principal place of business at: No.121 Shundao Street Wuhan, Hubei Province 430022, China (hereinafter called the Seller).双方通过友好协商同意就下列条款签订本合同。The Buyer and the Seller, through friendly negotiation, have agreed to such engagement upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing.第一章 定 义 Clause 1: Definitions: 除双方当事人另有明确的书面约定外,下列术语具有所指明的含义:Unless the specific written promise between Buyer/representative and the Seller, the hereinafter definitions have meanings hereby assigned to them.1.1 买方:Pt Worldpoint Prestasi Jaya。 1.1 Buyer: Pt Worldpoint Prestasi Jaya.1.2 卖方:湖北银泰五丰粮食机械有限公司。 1.2 Seller: Hubei Intepower Wufeng Food Processing Machine Co., Ltd.1.4 合同标的物:卖方将本合同附件一所列设备经安装、调试用以生产合同产品的成套碾米设备。 1.4 Contracted Items: All technology and equipments and coordinative auxiliary facility, used for produce contracted products, supplied by the Seller stipulated in Annex 3. 1.5合同产品:本合同标的物生产的具有本合同附件三规定的技术指标的产品。 1.5 Contracted Products: Produced by contracted item, have the specifications, quantities and assured values stipulated in Annex 3. All items are subjected to Buyer consultant approval.1.6 合同价格:买方因卖方提供本合同标的物而支付的本合同规定的总价。 1.6 Contracted Price: The aggregate Buyer should pay to the Seller in consideration of performance by the contractor of its all obligations.1.7合同币种:用以支付本合同价款的货币,即_美元。1.7 Contracted Currency: Used to pay the contracted price, i.e. USD.1.8 买卖双方银行:买方银行为 ;卖方银行为 。1.8 Two sides Banks: Buyers bank is , Sellers bank is . 1.9安装:本合同附件一规定的全部设备的装配、就位和连接等组装工作。 1.9 Installation: The fittings, locations, connections, etc, assemble work for all contracted equipments of contracted Items stipulated in Annex 4.1.10 试车:安装之后设备的单独或联动的试运转以检测设备的机械性能。 1.10 Operation Test: Plant Equipment Performance: The operation test of all equipments or part after the installation, to ascertain whether the mechanical performance of the contracted equipment is able to attain the values of design. The detail is referring to the stipulations in Annex 4.1.11 投料试生产:将本合同标的物连接公用设施和投入原料以试制合同产品。 1.11 Commissioning Test Run: The contracted items described in Annex 4 connect with public facilities and be put into raw material and operate, to trial produce the contracted products.1.12 性能测试: 检测本合同附件三所规定的各项技术参数,包括设备的各项性能和产品的技术指标。1.12 Performance Test: To inspect all assured values as stipulated in Annex 3, including all performances of contracted equipments and technical index of all products. 1.13 验收:如果考核结果表明,合同标的物能够全部达到本合同附件所规定的各项技术参数,则视为买方所验收。1.13 Operational Acceptation: If after the examination and performance test, the contracted items can attain the all assured value stipulated in Annexes, is regarded as being operational acceptation by the Buyer. 1.14 装卸港口:装运港为上海港;
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