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河北大学 硕士学位论文 民事诉权滥用的法律规制研究 姓名:金思思 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:法学 指导教师:田韶华 20070601 滥用民事诉权的法律规制研究 I 内 容 摘 要 内 容 摘 要 所谓民事诉权的滥用是指当事人基于故意或重大过失,以他人受到损害为目 的,无事实根据和正当理由而行使民事诉权,致使相对人在诉讼中遭受损失的行 为。由于滥用民事诉权会对诉讼秩序和相对人的利益造成严重的损害,两大法系 对该行为均予以了相应的法律规制,而我国目前不仅缺乏这方面的法律规定,相 关制度的漏洞也为当事人滥用民事诉权提供了可乘之机,因此,迫切需要借鉴两 大法系的立法,进一步建立和完善我国民事诉权滥用的法律规制制度。本文从探 讨民事诉权滥用的概念出发,逐步探讨了民事诉权滥用的特征、性质、分类、判 断标准以及对该行为予以法律规制的必要性和法理基础, 并对两大法系的相关制 度予以了介绍和比较分析, 最后在借鉴两大法系立法经验以及剖析我国现行制度 缺陷的基础上,提出了建立我国民事诉权滥用规制机制的总体思路和具体措施, 并得出以下结论: ()民事诉权滥用的行为不仅构成权利的滥用,而且是一种 侵权行为。对其予以法律规制是维护社会秩序,提高诉讼效率,保护相对人合法 权益的和完善法律体系的需要; ()民事诉权滥用的判断应采取主客观相结合 的标准,以合理界定诉权自由与诉权滥用之间的界限; ()我国民事诉权滥用 与诉讼滥用、 恶意诉讼以及诉讼欺诈等概念有着本质的不同, 它包括滥用起诉权, 滥用上诉权和滥用申请再审权以及滥用反诉权的行为; ()与国外相关制度相 比,我国现行民事诉权的规制机制极不完善,这不仅表现在实体法方面,也表现 在程序法方面。我国应以诚实信用原则为法理依据,对民事诉权滥用行为予以法 律规制。在具体构造上,要坚持实体法与程序法相结合、一般原则与具体规则相 结合的立法模式; ()我国对民事诉权滥用的实体法规制应采取以侵权法为主, 以刑法为辅助的立法模式,即原则上对滥用民事诉权的行为科以侵权责任,但在 该行为社会危险性极大,侵权法不足以对其予以规制时,应通过完善我国的刑法 制度对其予以刑法上的规制; 程序法规制则应坚持诚实信用的基本原则和具体的 程序性规则相结合的方式。在具体措施上主要包括驳回起诉、建议诉讼费用责任 分担制度、罚款、建立诉讼担保制度等。 关键词 诉权 滥用民事诉权 立法完善 滥用民事诉权的法律规制研究 II Abstract Abuse of civil procedural rights refers to the litigants use of civil procedural rights based on intended or serious errors with the purpose of harming others, while without any factual basis or warrant. This abuse will finally cause damage to the agent of the civil suit in a litigation. Because the abuse of civil procedural rights may do serious harm to the order of litigation and the rights of the other agent of the suit,the two main systems of laws both have restrictions on it. However, laws and regulations on this issue are lacked in China at present. Moreover, the shortcomings in relative institutions also provide opportunities given by. As a result, a system of law and regulation is urgently needed to be set up and improved in order to restrict the abuse of civil procedural rights in China. The current thesis begins with the concept of abuse of civil procedural rights, and gradually further examines its characteristics, its property, its classification, and the standards of judgment, as well as the necessity and the nomological bases of the restriction. Furthermore, the thesis also introduces and compares the relevant regulations in the two main systems of laws. Finally, by using the experience of legislation of the two main systems for reference, and studying the shortcomings of our present institution at the same time, a general plan as well as specific measures is put forward. The following conclusions can be drawn. (1) The action of abuse of civil procedural rights is not only the abuse of rights, but a tortious action as well. Restricting it by laws is needed so as to maintain the social order, improve the efficiency of litigation, protect legal rights of the agent of the suit, and perfect the system of law and regulation. (2) The judgment of the abuse of civil procedural rights should follow the standard that combines subjectivity and objectivity. Only in this case can the abuse be clearly distinguished from the legally free rights. (3) The abuse of civil procedural rights in China is essentially different from such concepts as the abuse of litigation, vicious litigation and litigation fraud. It contains the abuse of prosecution right, the abuse of appeal right, the abuse of the right of 滥用民事诉权的法律规制研究 III applying retrial, and the abuse of counterclaim right. (4) Compared with the relevant laws and regulations in foreign countries, the regulation system of civil procedural rights in China is far from perfect. The faultiness embodies in both the substantive law and the procedure law. Therefore, we should restrict the abuse of civil procedural rights on the basis of Honesty Function Principle. As for the concrete constitution of the relevant laws and regulations, the legislation model of combining the substantive law and the procedure law as well as general principles and specific principles is recommended. (5) The control of the substantive law on the abuse of civil procedural rights in China should employ the model of the procedure law with the assistance of criminal law. That is, basically, the abuse of civil procedural rights will be convicted of tort liability. But when the action has extremely serious social dangers and the tort law is not forceful enough to restrict it, criminal law should be improved to help with the restriction. From the other perspective, restriction from the procedure law should combine the basic principle of honesty and credibility and the specific procedural regulations. Specific measures mainly include ignoring prosecute, setting up the system of sharing the fees of litigation, amercement, setting up the assurance system of litigation and so on. KEYWORDS procedural rights abuse due process good faith KEYWORDS procedural rights abuse due process good faith 滥用民事诉权的法律规制研究 学位论文独创性声明 学位论文独创性声明 本人声明,所呈交的学位论文系在导师指导下本人独立完成的研究成果。文中依法 引用他人的成果,均已做出明确标注或得到许可。论文内容未包含法律意义上已属于他 人的任何形式的研究成果,也不包含本人已用于其他学位申请的论文或成果。 本人如违反上述声明,愿意承担相应的责任和后果。 论文作者签名: 日
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