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郑州轻工业学院 本科毕业设计(论文)文献翻译 题 目: 郑州市日间照料中心发展 现状状及存在问题研究 学生姓名: 张 飞 专业班级: 劳动与社会保障11级1班 学 号: 541109040144 院 (系): 政法学院 指导教师(职称): 杨岚(讲师) 完成时间: 2015年 4月 1日 Assessing the needs of older people in AlbaniaBackgroundAccording to the information provided by the National Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), the proportion of the population over 65 years of age in Albania has reached 12%in 2010.Furthermore, projections suggest that the proportion of older people in Albania will double over the next 35 years. Coupled with falling birth rates and increasing life expectancy, this will eventually lead to a substantial reduction of the economically active proportion of the population. At the same time, high levels of chronic illness, a huge burden of avoidable disability, economic deprivation and a lack of social opportunities mean that most elderly people in Albania are in a struggle to survive rather than enjoying the personal and social possibilities common in many other European countries. Consequently, the Albanian society as a whole is deprived of much of the contribution it could gain from the experience of its older citizens.Demographic trends mixed with a society in economic and political transition raise concerns about increasing needs for care and social inclusion of older people in Albania. Moreover, there is a low level of preparation of the Albanian society to cope with chronic diseases and long-term care. Complex policies and actions should be considered by a number of stake holders, including government and civic society in Albania.Aim and Objectives of the research workThe aim of the current study was to obtain relevant information in order to respond to needs of older people as they see them. Specific objectives of the research work were as follows:To assess the quality of social services and health care services for elderly people from their perspective.To assess the difficulties and potential barriers of elderly people to access social services and health care services in Albania.To understand the determinants and the link between formal care, informal care and social services for elderly people in Albania.To assess and identify the appropriate strategies for involving older persons in taking decisions self empowerment.MethodologyParticipatory research: the approach of this study consisted of a close collaboration with and direct involvement of older people in all activities of the research work. This approach has the potential to address the needs of older persons as felt by the older persons themselves, in their own environment and during a long period of time. Qualitative research methodology was employed consisting of focus groups and in-depth inter views, as described below:Focus group discussions were conducted in all prefectures of Albania involving old people aged 65+ years (there are 12 major administrative units in Albania referred to as prefectures).Overall, 12 focus groups were conducted one in each prefecture of Albania. The overall number of participants in the focus groups was 107 (on average, there were 9 participants in each focus group).Detailed notes were taken from all focus group discussions for later analysis. It must be emphasized that all notes from the focus groupdiscussions were typed in an anonymous manner (i.e. all identifying information including participants names was removed).Immediately after each focus group discussion, the facilitator and note taker met with each-other in order to review the main themes of thediscussion. The main patterns of responses were subsequently summarized. Responses from the discussions were analyzed by arranging the min the general categories identified in the inter view guide. After arrangement of responses, the different positions or opinions were identified.The experts performing the qualitative data analysis summarized the various opinions, assessed the degree of consensus or differences expressed by the groups and synthesized the themes or patterns that emerged from the information collected in the focus-groups.In-depth interviews were also conducted with key informants working in senior leadership positions at local government and/or district social insurance institutes (which are branches of the Albanian Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare).The aim of in-depth inter views was to obtain additional and valuable information related to elderly peoples social and health needs, barriers to access services, and level of decision making and social participation in the Albanian society.Focus groups with old peopleThe main themes that emerged from focus-group discussions with old people are summarized below:Socioeconomic situation of old people: According to participants in the focus groups, the elderly people i
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