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山东省德州市乐陵一中2014-2015学年高一英语上学期9月底检测试题(无答案)新人教版选择填空(10个小题,共15分)1. What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game starts. _. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.A. It just dependsB. Its up to you C. All right D. Glad to hear that2. From her _ looks, I could see that she didnt believe what I said.A. amazing B. amazed C. amaze D. amazement3. The boss gave me so many _at one time that I didnt know what I should do first.A. explanation B. introductions C. instructions D. translations4. Americans eat_ as they actually need every day.A. twice as much protein B. twice protein as much C. twice as protein much D. protein as twice much5I wonder if you mind me _a few questions about your family?A.to ask B. asking C. ask D. asked6. Id appreciate _ if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.Athat Bit Cthis Dyou7. Plants need water and sunlight to grow well._,a healthy body requires a balanced diet.AFormally BGenerally CSimilarly DScientifically8. A fastdeveloping China has made a great _ on the foreign guests.Aexpression Bemotion Cimpression Dattention9. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.Acovering Bcovered Ccover Dto cover10. Do you know Anna telephone number?_.As a matter of fact,I dont know any Anna,either.AI think so BIm afraid not CI hope so DId rather not完形填空 (30小题,45分)AA farmer who lived in a small village suffered from the severe pain in his stomach. The doctor in the village had tried a number of treatments but been unable to _11_ him. The farmer decided to see a doctor in the _12_ town. As he loved money badly and spent as _13_ as possible, he thought he could _14_ how much he would have to pay this doctor . He was told that the patient had to _15_ three pounds for the first visit, and one pound for the second visit. The farmer _16_ this for a long time. As he came into the doctors room, he said “ Good morning, doctor. Here I am again.” The doctor was _17_ surprised. Then he asked the farmer a few questions, _18_ his chest and took the pound which the farmer insisted on giving him. The doctor said with a smile, “Well, sir. There is _19_ new. Please continue to _20_ the same medicine I gave you the first time you came to see me.”11. A. treat B. cure C. recover D. deal12. A. big B. farthest C. same D. nearest13. A. many B. much C. little D. few14. A. find B. find out C. realize D. work out15. A. pay B. bring C. spend D. cost16. A. responded to B. went into C. thought about D. asked for 17. A. some B. a few C. any D. a bit18. A. examined B. touched C. checked D. felt19. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything20. A. bring B. take C. drink D. eatBRobby was 11 years old when he came to me to learn playing the piano. He told me it had always been his mothers _21_ to hear him play. I thought it was a little _22_ for him to start. I preferred that my students should begin at an earlier age. A few weeks passed. Robby made little _23_ although he tried very hard._24_,he didnt give up and always said,“Mom is going to hear me play some day.” But in my mind,it seemed _25_that this could ever happen. He just didnt have a gift(天赋) for _26_.One day,Robby _27_ coming to my lessons. He phoned me and told me his mother was _28_. “Maybe its a _29_.He may be tired of trying,”I said to myself.Several weeks later,I was preparing the rest of my students for their first _30_ when Robby came and asked to _31_ him to take part in it. I said “No” to him. “Miss Hondorf,please.Ive just got ready to _32_!”he insisted,with tears in his eyes. I finally _33_.The night for the performance came. The concert hall was _34_ with parents,friends and relatives. Everything went well. Then Robby came up on stage. I was _35_ that he might ruin(破坏) the performance. But what I heard next made me very _36_.Never had I heard him play so well. It seemed as if his fingers were _37_ on the keys. After his playing,I ran over to him and asked,“Oh,Robby,_38_ did you do it?”“Well,I kept on _39_ at home. Remember I told you my mom fell ill?Actually she had cancer,and this morning she passed away. She was born deaf(聋的),so tonight was the _40_ time she could ever hear me play.”21A. fate Bsuggestion Cdream Dfault22A. harmful Beasy Cimportant Dlate23A. decision Bprogress Ceffort Dcontribution24A. Instead BHowever CBesides DSo
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