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题库-颅脑损伤(Item bank craniocerebral injury)03855220500000110888801, 02The early treatment of closed craniocerebral trauma is characterized byA. control the water intake and correct the imbalance of water and electrolyteB. prevention and treatment of cerebral edema and intracranial hematoma in timeC. prevention and treatment of epilepsyD. prevention and treatment of shockE. in time for tracheotomy03855B03856220500000110888801, 02Someone falls from the car, the left pillow to the ground, sexual consciousness disorder, and then the right pupil loose, surgery should beKey explorationA. right lateral acute epidural hematomaB. right frontal and temporal pole contusion and acute subdural hematomaC. left parietal occipital contusionD. hypothalamus injuryE. left intracranial hematoma03856B03857220500000110888801, 02The fatal effect of traumatic intracranial hematoma isA. CSF circulation is blockedB. diffuse brain edemaC. acute brain compression, cerebral hernia, brain crisisD. subarachnoid hemorrhageE. respiratory tract infection03857C03858220400000110888802, 01After craniocerebral trauma, the best curative effect of acute brain compression isA. acute brain edemaB. intracerebral hematomaC. acute subdural hematomaD. composite hematomaE. acute extradural hematoma03858E03859220500000110888801, 02The most common disturbance of consciousness in patients with post-traumatic acute epidural hematoma isA. continued coma deepenedB. coma comaC. coma, wakefulness, comaD. early wakefulness to comaE. occurs alternately between waking and twilight States03859C03860220500000210888801, 02Which of the following is rare in the clinical presentation of supratentorial supratentorial acute epidural hematomas?A. changes in consciousness are often preceded by changes in pupilsB. high blood pressure and slow pulse can occur simultaneously with consciousness disorderC. irregular breathing, often before consciousness changesD. the blood pressure drops and the pulse count usually occurs after the mydriasis of the bilateral pupilsThe large side of the pupil of the pupil of E. is often ipsilateral to the hematoma03860C03861220500000110888801, 01The typical clinical manifestation of acute epidural hematoma on tentorium cerebelli isA. carries on sexual consciousness obstacle: blood pressure rises, the pulse is slow, the pupil is not bigB. suffer from side lobe mydriasis, disturbance of consciousness, slow breathing, rapid pulse, and rising blood pressureC. presented localization sign, pupil inequality, consciousness disorderD. bilateral mydriasis at the same time slowed heart rate and decreased blood pressureE. disturbance of consciousness - brain rigidity - apnea03861A03862220500000110888801, 02The latest method at home and abroad is to diagnose traumatic acute intracranial hematomaA. cranial X ray plain filmB. brain ultrasoundC. cerebral angiographyD. isotope brain scanE. cranial CT03862E03863220400000110888802, 03First aid should be done first aid to severe craniocerebral trauma patientsA. checks the mind, the pupilB. uses dehydrating agentsC. tests breathing, pulse, blood pressureD. ensure airway patencyE. is given a hemostatic agent and an anti infective drug03863D03864220400000210888802, 02The patient irritability, after traumatic brain injury with low blood pressure, which of the following drugs should not be usedA. chloral hydrateB. andingC. phenobarbitalD. pethidine (Mai Ding)E. hibernation spirit03864D03865220500000110888801, 02The most common cause of acute epidural hematoma isA. skull diploic vein hemorrhageB. middle cerebral artery hemorrhageC. ruptured middle meningeal arteryD. venous sinus failureE. cerebrovascular damage in the cerebral cortex03865C03866220300000210888802, 02Which kind of patient is unsuitable for nasal feeding after craniocerebral trauma?A. long coma after contusion and laceration of brainB. brain stem injury, dysphagiaC. has a tracheotomy patientThe patient and cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea D. after fracture of skull baseE. restless and less cooperative patient03866D03867220300000210888802, 02Craniocerebral injury patients were observed,Which of the following is a guide to the decision to operate on the side?A. bilateral mydriasisB. remain unconsciousC. has hemiplegia in the early stageD.s sign is positiveThe pupil of one side of E. was dilated and the light response disappeared03867E03868220500000110888801, 02The most important measures to rescue the patients with intracranial hematoma
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