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1、 GENARAL (总则) 1.1 The specification is formulated in accordance with the painting system of 10 years lifetime supplied by International Paint of shanghai Co. Ltd. (本说明书是依据上海国际油漆有限公司提供的10年寿命的油漆配套而制定的)1.2 Painting works including surface preparation and painting inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the Builders practice and international standard and the paint manufacturers recommendation. (全部涂装工作包括钢材表面预处理和油漆检验,这些工作的实施必须依照船厂的惯例和国际标准以及油漆商的推荐)1.3 The primary standard used in this specification is ISO 8501-1; 1988(E), preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products-visual assessment of surface cleanliness. The comparable standard SSPC (Steel Structures Painting Council) has been quoted.(本说明书所使用的主要标准是ISO 8501-1; 1988(E), 即涂漆和相关产品之前的钢底材处理表面清洁度的目视鉴定以及SSPC(美国保护涂层协会)的相关标准)ISO 8501-1与SSPC标准的部分对照表:STANDARDISO Visual StandardSSPCGRADESt3SSPC-SP3Sa2.5SSPC-SP101.4 Painting process (涂装程序)Raw material (原材料)Primer surface preparation shot blasting to SIS. Sa2.5(钢材流水线预处理) (抛丸处理至Sa2.5)Primed with 18microns Taicang Lanyan Paint Factorys inorganic zinc silicate shopprimer W53-02(喷涂太仓兰燕的无机硅酸锌车间底漆膜厚约18m)Cutting & prefabrication(切割和装配)At assembly shops:As soon as complete of welding .the welding lines where could be easily rusted by the weather exposure during assembly shall be treated by mechanical cleaning to SIS St2 or St3, and touch-up with 20microns Taicang Lanyan Paint Factorys shopprimer. 在组立车间:一旦完成焊接,那些焊缝容易在外界空气中锈蚀。因此应用机械打磨至St2或 St3,然后用太仓兰燕的车间底漆进行修补,膜厚在20m 左右 PAGE: 2Secondary surface preparation (二次表面处理)Inspection (检 验)Application of subsequent coatings (后道涂层施工)Inspection (检 验)2、Surface Preparation (表面处理)2.1 Primary surface preparation(钢材流水线预处理)1) The hull structure steel plates (6mm and above) are to be abrasive blasted to ISO 8501-1 Sa2.5, the bar sections are to be abrasive blasted to ISO 8501-1 Sa2, and primed with 18microns Taicang Lanyan Paint Factorys inorganic zinc silicate shopprimer W53-02.(船体结构用钢板(6以上厚度)都要进行抛丸处理达到Sa2.5,型钢材抛丸除锈达到Sa2,处理后立刻用太仓兰燕的无机硅酸锌车间底漆喷涂,干膜厚约为18m)2) The steel plates less than 6mm and the pipes which are considered to be impractical for sand blasting shall be cleaned by pickling or power tool in accordance with the Builders practice.(6以下钢板及不能进行打砂的管子按照船厂的惯例采用酸洗或动力工具处理)3) The painting manufacturer shall confirm the compatibility between the painting system and shopprimer.(油漆商应确认车间底漆与后序涂层配套的兼容性)2.2 Application of Touch-up primer (跟踪补漆)1) In block fabrication stage, welded joints and parts where could be easily rusted by the weather exposure during assembly an could have damaged shopprimer shall be mechanically cleaned to Swedish Standard SIS St3, and immediately touched up less than 20 microns Taicang Lanyan Paint Factorys shopprimer. (在分段拼装阶段,烧焊部分和接头在外界空气中容易锈蚀,还有那些车间底漆被破坏的部分都要机械打磨至St3,之后立刻用太仓兰燕的车间底漆进行修补至20左右)2) Erection joints shall be touch-up with Taicang Lanyan Paint Factorys shopprimer at pre-erection stage or dry dock stage prior to the air tests.PAGE: 3(上层建筑的大焊缝接头在吊装和干船坞的空气试验前要用太仓兰燕的车间底漆进行修补)3) The surface of steel structure including all welding beads shall be painted as specified hereafter before leak test. However, fillet welding joints and erection seams/butts joints forming tank boundary may be touch-up less than 30 microns of D.F.T. with Taicang Lanyan Paint Factorys shopprimer to prevent corrosion before leak test.(所有钢质构件表面包括之后要进行密性试验的焊缝都要进行涂装,然而那些构成舱室密性的焊缝在密性试验前要用太仓兰燕的车间底漆刷涂干膜厚度不能超过30m)2.3 Secondary surface preparation (二次表面处理)1) Secondary surface preparation shall be carried out as below table and A, B, C, D, E in the table show the surface preparation method as below:(二次表面处理方法见下表,其中A, B, C, D, E分别代表以下处理方式:)A: surface preparation in block stage for welded parts and burnt and damaged parts of shop primer to be shot blasted to Sa2.5 and intact shop primer surface to be swept to the remainder shop primer to be no more than 30%.(分段阶段焊接及烧损部位喷砂至Sa2.5级,车间底漆完好部位扫砂至车间底漆残留面积不超过30%)B: surface preparation in block stage for welded parts and burnt and damaged parts of shop primer to be power tool cleaning to St3.(分段阶段焊接及烧损部位打磨至St3级)C: surface preparation after the block assembly and erection for the welded parts and burnt and damaged parts to be power tool cleaning to St3.(分段总组合拢后焊接及烧损部位打磨至St3级)D: no treatment in block stage and to be blasted to Sa2.5 after erection.(分段阶段不处理,合拢后喷砂至Sa2.5级)E: no treatment in block stage and to be power tool cleaning to St3 after erection.(分段阶段不处理,合拢后打磨至St3级)Location (部位)Surface preparation grade(处理等级)Outside shell (except boat landing area) 外板(靠船区域除外)A, CBoat berthing area 靠船区域DWeather deck 主甲板A, COutside accommodation 上层建筑外围壁PAGE: 4A, CInside accommodation, E/P room 上层建筑内表面,机泵舱B, CWater ballast tank (include fore and after p
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