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辽宁师范大学继续教育本科毕 业 论 文题 目: The Functions of Body Language in English Teaching Practice 专 业: 英语 办学形式: 业余 年 级:2009 级(专升本)姓 名: 朱博 学 号: 指导教师: 教师单位: 教学单位: 完成日期: 20 年 月 日2辽宁师范大学继续教育函授本科毕业论文专用纸Contents摘要AbstractIntroduction1Part One. The Classifications of Body Language2. Bodys Expressing Part and Ways2. The Categories of Body Language21. Conductive language22. Emotional language23. Demonstrative language34. Evaluating language35. Explaining language36. Implying language47. Inspiring language e4Part Two. The necessity and importance of body language in English teaching4. Necessary and Important for Teaching Young Learners English5. Necessary and Important for Classroom English Teaching in School6Part Three. The Application of Body Language in Teaching English8. Body language helps to improve listening8. Body language helps to improve speaking9. Body language helps to improve reading9. Body language helps to improve writing.10. Body language helps to improve the Eyesight11. Body language helps to improve the Countenance12. Body language helps to improve the Gesture13. Body language helps to improve the Manner13Part Four. The principles of using body language14. Use body language in proper sequence to advance it step by step14. Use English as much as possible, use Chinese as little as possible and use body language properly15. Pay attention to the differences of language and culture background when using body language15. Combine personal body language and common body language15Conclusion16Notes17Bibliography18Acknowledge19身体语言在英语教学中的作用摘要身体语言是一个重要的媒介,使人们彼此沟通无碍。在教学过程中,教师将信息传送到学生应该透过适当的表情,手势,动作和视力。它可以达到良好的效果一样,鼓励,建议与交流,使学生有深厚的印象和强大的影响力。学生学习英语主要是在课堂上,因此,教师应创造一个好的学习氛围并且在课堂上相对应地不断改革和变化英语的教学方法。教师应运用简单的英语和高度表现力的身体语言,从而使他们很容易理解。学生将得到更深的理解和感受英语,因此,目标,提高效率,在英语教学中,将能够实现.这是在英语教学领域的创新,这种积极的教学方法,在现代中国学生英语教学中是很受欢迎的. 关键词 :身体语言 英语教学 重要媒介The Functions of Body Language in English Teaching PracticeAbstract Body language is an important medium through which people communicate with each other. In the teaching process, teachers transmit information to students through proper expressions, gestures, movements and eyesight. It can achieve good results like encouragement, suggestion and exchange so that students will have deep impressions and strong influence. Students learn English mostly in classroom, so teachers should create a good study atmosphere in class corresponding to the continuous reform and changes of English teaching methods. Teachers should use simple English and highly-expressive body language so as to make them easily understood. Then students will get a deeper understanding and feeling of English, and thus the goal of raising efficiency in English teaching will be achieved. It is innovation in English teaching field and this advanced method of teaching is very popular in Chinese students English teaching nowadays.Keywords: Body Language English Teaching Important MediumIIIntroductionWhat is body language? Body language is an important media through which people communicate with each other. It refers to the patterns of facial expressions, body movements and gestures that people use to express their meanings and feelings in communication. Body language, which has been used frequently and widely in all kinds of areas of education, is the movements, gestures and expressions that teachers often use in teaching activities. It directly affects a teacher's teaching efficiency and level, as it is known that what or how the teachers say or do will be possibly imitated by the students, sometimes subconsciously. A teachers proper body language in teaching not only helps to improve the students' artistic appreciation and moral character but also to motivate them to study the subject the teacher teaches, and to form an active and optimistic learning desire. The affection of teachers body language on the students can shorten the teacher-student estrangement, by which a more harmonious studying atmosphere is created. As a matter of fact, teachers friendly appearance of body language can greatly encourage the students' studying enthusiasm,especially for the young learners. Furthermore, the characteristics of theory and abstraction of knowledge also requires the vivid, dramatic and accessible gesture to make it specific and figurative. As a result, the students' interest is motivated and the effect of teaching is greatly improved. The direct teaching method in foreign language teaching system particularly emphasizes that we should avoid using mother tongue and translationInstead, we should use such direct ways as movements,expression setting,and substances
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