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论严复“濬智慧、练体力、厉德行”的教育哲学思想 曲阜师范大学博士硕士学位论文原创性说明 在划 本人郑重声明此处所提交的博士 硕士论文论严复浚智 慧练体力厉德行的教育哲学思想是本人在导师指导下在 曲阜师范大学攻读博士 硕士学位期间独立进行研究工作所取得 的成果论文中除注明部分外不包含他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果 对本文的研究工作做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中已明确的 方式注明本声明的法律结果将完全由本人承担 作者签名 日期 曲阜师范大学博士硕士学位论文使用授权书 在划 论严复浚智慧练体力厉德行的教育哲学思想系本人在 曲阜师范大学攻读博士 硕士学位期间在导师指导下完成的博 士 硕士学位论文本论文的研究成果归曲阜师范大学所有本 论文的研究内容不得以其他单位的名义发表本人完全了解曲阜师范 大学关于保存使用学位论文的规定同意学校保留并向有关部门送 交论文的复印件和电子版本允许论文被查阅和借阅本人授权曲阜 师范大学可以采用影印或其他复制手段保存论文可以公开发表论 文的全部或部分内容 作者签名 日期 导师签名 日期 I 中 文 摘 要 近代中国西方资本主义列强用武力打开了中国的大门加紧了对中国的掠夺和侵略 腐朽没落的清王朝岌岌可危实现民族的独立和人民的解放也便成了近代中国的历史任务 之一中国各仁人志士为实现民族的救亡图存而奔走呼号企图找到中国向何处去的 良药作为改良主义哲学的代表人物严复在民族危难之际积极倡导通过改良的路 径来化解民族的危机积极探索教育思想深化教育实践和改革主张通过教育的方式来 唤醒麻木的民众提高民众的修养以此来救国救民由此严复的教育救国思想具有划 时代的意义 严复以达尔文的生物进化论作为其教育思想的基础以物竞天择适者生存来启 发民众站在全局的高度以联系和发展的视角来审视教育问题明确了教育的意义在于改 造国民的劣根性以启发民众思想为真正目的提出了 浚智慧练体力厉德行这一 建立在科学世界观和价值观基础上的教育思想理论严复殚精竭虑深刻阐述浚智慧 练体力厉德行的思想内涵描绘了新兴资产阶级人才所应具备的知识体系道德情操 以及精神状态在当时具有鲜明的时代特色和深刻的历史价值 严复的教育理论冲破了洋务派所主张的中学为体西学为用的思想理念面对近 代中国内忧外患民族危在旦夕的社会现状指出了单纯地强调把中国的封建纲常制度作 为改变国家命运的根本而把西方的先进科学技术先进思想观念和法律制度作为效仿的 具体措施的历史局限他要求中国不仅要学习西方的先进科学技术同时还需要学习西方 的思想文化以此作为革新传统顽疾提高民众素养促进社会发展的方式手段由此也 拉开了由单纯向西方学习器物到制度思想的历史帷幕纵然因特定的时代语境以及 严复所囿于的阶级属性其教育思想难免存有局限性但其合理的内核影响深远意 义非凡 对严复教育思想的研究从 浚智慧练体力厉德行的视角出发通过对浚智 慧练体力厉德行思想的分析把握来探究其现代价值以为现代教育提供有价值的理 论参考其主要内容涉及三个方面梳理 浚智慧练体力厉德行思想的形成过程 即了解学习理论通过对思想形成过程的梳理准确认识 浚智慧练体力厉德行 的思想内涵即分析把握理论基于对这一教育思想的分析和研究进而探究浚智慧 练体力厉德行思想的历史地位与当代价值即借鉴运用理论 关键词 严复 浚智慧 练体力 厉德行 II Abstract When the Western powers opened the door of the ancient Chinese by their guns and cannons Chinese society began to change from traditional to modern Modernization Process The face of imperialist aggression national salvation and national strength and prosperity became the two tasks of the modern Chinese people In front of these two tasks took a different position and attitude of the Chinese people choose to go a different way Yan Fu as a reformist to profess reformist philosophy advocates walking improved road to rescue the country advocate the use of education He explored the educational thought and practice in Modern China has become the most important representative of modern Chinese education Yan Fu with Darwins theory of biological evolution to develop their own educational thinking and asked the people standing on the height of the global linkages and the development of methods to look at education issues He believes that education should be able to transform and inspire the Chinese people thinking Yan Fu put forward a scientific and comprehensive educational thought of enlightening on national wisdom and drumming up physical strength of the people and renewing the folk morality He depicts the active talent of the new asset should have a knowledge system and moral and mental state Has a distinctive character and historical value of his educational thinking at the time The ideas of Westernization Chinese learning as the main Western knowledge as object is broken by Yan Fus theory of education The face of distress and the risk of people in China Yan Fu pointed out that the Chinese education is not enough he asked us not only to learn advanced science and technology of the West but also need to learn Western ideas and culture and learning can only use this method improve the quality of the people and promote social development Because of various limitations his educational ideas still have limitations but his spirit still has the quality of todays science education We should be from an educational point of enlightening on national wisdom and drumming up physical strength of the people and renewing the folk morality to study the Yan Fus education ideas to better promote the development of modern education The study including aspects of enlightening on national wisdom and drumming up physical strength of the people and renewing the f
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