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中铁一局集团有限公司员工道德与行为规范手册(2016版)Guidelines of Business Ethnics and ConductFor Employees OfChina Railway First Group Co., Ltd.(2016 Edition)2016年11月November 2016前言FOREWORD多年来,广大一局人始终秉承“诚信创新,永争一流”的企业精神,践行“精细高效,唯实唯美”的企业作风,贯彻“让顾客满意,为股东增值;使员工富有,求合作共赢;向社会呈献建筑精品”的企业宗旨,励精图治、奋勇拼搏,积极参与国家基础设施建设,不断拓展全球建筑市场,致力于在建筑领域为人类创造更丰富的价值。Over the years, CRFG staff have been upholding the spirit of “integrity and innovation leading to a world-class enterprise”, practicing the philosophy of “precise and efficient and perfection foremost”, implementing the tenet of “making customers satisfied, adding value to stockholders, getting employees rich, seeking cooperation for win-win results and delivering quality projects to society”. Therefore, they have worked hard and spared no efforts to make progress, vigorously participated in the construction of national infrastructure projects, and continued to expand the global construction market, aiming to create more values for mankind in the field of construction.为了使您了解中铁一局集团业务的发展历史、优良传统和企业文化,了解企业相关的规章制度、基本规范和日常要求,了解员工的基本权利、责任和义务,请您认真阅读本手册。In order to understand the development course, good traditions and corporate culture, relevant rules and regulations, basic norms and routine requirements of CRFG business, as well as the basic rights, obligations and responsibilities of CRFG employees, we suggest you reading the Guidelines carefully. 中铁一局集团员工道德与行为规范手册(2016版)(以下简称员工手册)是在中铁一局集团有限公司(以下简称“中铁一局”或“集团公司”)现有规章制度基础上编写的,如有不详尽、不一致、不准确之处,以有关制度文件为准。本手册也将随着有关制度的完善而适时修订。The Guidelines of Business Ethnics and Conduct for Employees of China Railway First Group (2016) (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) is developed on the basis of existing rules and regulations of China Railway First Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “CRFG” or the “Group”). For any inconsistency, inaccuracy or issues not fully explained, regulations concerned shall prevail. The Guidelines will also be revised from time to time according to the improvement of relevant rules and regulations. 目录Table of Contents前言 FOREWORD31.编写及使用说明 1. Explanation of Compilation and Instructions for Use71.1编制目的 1.1 Purpose of compilation71.2适用范围 1.2 scope of application71.3编制依据 1.3 basis of Compilation71.4使用说明 1.4 Instructions for use81.5员工手册生效及更新 1.5 Execution and update of the guidelines92企业文化 2. Corporate Culture102.1核心价值观 2.1 Core Value102.2企业精神 2.2 Business Ethics122.3企业作风 2.3 Corporate Style132.4企业宗旨 2.4 Corporate Objective142.5企业愿景 2.5 Corporate Vision152.6经营理念 2.6 Business Philosophy152.7企业文化 2.7 Corporate Culture162.8企业标识 2.8 Corporate Identity12.9企业战略 2.9 Corporate Strategy22.10廉洁理念及愿景 2.10 Concept and Vision of Integrity32.11文化建设 2.11 Cultural Development32.12全球化经营 2.12 Globalized Operation43员工职业道德及行为规范 3. Employee Ethics and Code of Conduct73.1职业道德守则 3.1 Code of Professional Ethics73.2职业道德理念 3.2 The Idea of Professional Ethics83.3日常行为 3.3 Daily Behaviors83.4工作纪律 3.4 Work Disciplines103.5工作时间 3.5 working hours133.6差旅规定 3.6 business travel143.7保密制度 3.7 Confidentiality153.8财务制度及透明度 3.8 Financial systems and transparency173.11工作流程 3.11 Work Flow194员工管理4 Employee Management214.1人力资源发展规划 Human resource Development Planning214.2岗位管理 4.2 Position Management224.3员工入职 4.3 Employee Check-in234.4员工离职 4.4 Demission & Resignation254.5调动管理 4.5 Job Transfer Management284.6员工考核 4.6 Employee Evaluation284.7员工培训 4.7 Employee Training304.8劳动合同 4.8 Labor COntract334.9薪酬制度 4.9 Salary System344.10专业技术职务任职资格评审 4.10 qualification evaluation for professional and technical posts354.11职业技能鉴定 4.11 vocational skills appraisal374.12领导干部任用 4.12 appointment of leaders384.13福利与休假 4.13 Welfare and holiday424.14员工奖惩 4.14 EMPLOYEE AWARDS AND punishment435社会责任 5 social responsibility475.1安全生产 5.1 Safe Production475.2产品质量 5.2 Product QUality555.3员工权益保护 5.3 employee right and benefit Protection565.4环境保护与资源节约 5.4 Environmental Protection and Resources Saving595.5社会公益 5.5 social benefit616流程图 6 process Flow Chart16.1招聘计划流程 6.1 Recruitment Planning Process16.2员工招聘流程 6.2 Employee Recruitment Process16.3员工离职流程 6.3 Employee DEMISSION Process16.4员工退休流程 6.4 Employee Retirement Process26.5员工培训流程 6.5 Employee Training Process31.编写及使用说明1.EXPLANATION OF COMPILATION AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE1.1编制目的1.1PURPOSE OF COMPILATION为遵循相关部委及监管机构的法律法规、部门规章,进一步完善国有企业员工管理,确保中铁一局集团员工明确基本的权利、义务和责任,遵守法律法规,社会道德规范,遵守公司的各项管理制度,特制定中铁一局集团员工道德与行为规范手册 (2016版)(以下简称员工手册)。The Guidelines of Business Ethnics and Conduct for Employees of China Railway First Group (2016) (hereinafter referred to as the “Guidelines”) is developed to abide by laws and regulations, and rules issued by relevant ministries and regulators, further improve the employee management of state-owned enterprise, and to ensure that CRFG
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