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TEM 4 Grammar di-(双),tri-(三),multi-(多),uni- ;mono-(单),semi-(半), quadr- (四),pent (a)-;quin-(五), deca-等。 例词:bilingual(两种语言的),dilemma(进退两难)triangle(三角形), multilateral(多边的), unicycle(独轮车),monologue(独白)semi- circle(半圆), quadrilateral (a.)四边的, pentameter (n.)五音步诗行, quintuplets五胞胎, decade (n.)十年等。 6、表示态度的前缀有com-(共同),co-(共同),anti-(防),counter-(反 ), pro-(亲)等。 例词:compatriot(同胞),collaborate(合作),anti-fascist(反法西斯 ),counteract(抵抗),pro-British(亲英的)等。 A.1前缀记忆法 7、其他可引起词类改变的前缀有en-,a-,out-等 (1)前缀en-可以加在名词或形容词前构成动词 例词:enslave(奴役),endanger(危害),enlarge(扩大)等。 (2)前缀a-加在动词、名词前可构成形容词或副词 例词:asleep(睡着的),aboard(在船上),aside(旁边),ashore(岸上)等。 前缀记忆法 (3)前缀out-加在一些不及物动词前可构成及物动词或名词 a、构成及物动词 如:outshine(照得比更), outweigh(重过), outrun(比 .跑得快)等。 b、构成名词,如:outcome(结果),outlet(出口),outlook(眼界)等。 8、一些次要的前缀,如:with(后,背离),hemi- (半),mono-(单,一)poly-(多,复) centi-(百分之一,一百),milli-(毫)等。 例词:withdraw(撤回),hemisphere(半球),monosyllable(单音节词), polygamy(多配偶制),centimetre(厘米),milligram(毫克)等。 A.2 识别记忆同音异形异义词 bear(熊)bare (裸露的), been (be的过去式)bean(蚕豆), meetmeat, blew (blow的过去式)blue, cellarseller, higherhire (雇用), writeright ,breadbred (breed的过去式), deardeer(鹿), fined (fine的过去式)find, flour(面粉)flower , hallhaul(拖,曳), fir(冷却) fur(毛皮), Grown (grow的过去分词)groan(呻吟),hairhare(野兔), him(宾格他)hymn (圣歌), knowsnose, mainmane(动物的鬃毛), mare(母驴)mayor(市长), planeplain(朴素的), rootroute(路线),warn-worn, salesail(航行), whole(全体的)hole(洞), past passed, throughthrew (throw的过去式), weightwait , weekweak, theirthere , wastewaist A.2识别记忆同形同音异义词 They charged me five dollars for a cup of coffee. He was charged with bribery. She advised me not to buy the house. We advised her that she (should) wait. The garage advised me that my car was ready. Please advise us of any change in your plan. 你们的机会倘有变更,请告诉我们。 A.2识别记忆异音异义形相似的词 file(归档)fill(填充), cane(手杖)can- crane, mate(配偶)mat(垫子) through(穿过)thorough(彻底的), conserve(保存)converse(谈话) , stripe(鞭痕)strip(剥皮), allusion(暗示)illusion(错觉), tape(磁带)tap(轻拍), bare (使裸露)bar(棒,条), holy(神圣的)holly(冬青), fury(愤怒)furry(毛茸茸的), later(迟,晚)latter(后面) wonder(诧异)wander(徘徊), stare-star, robe(长袍)rob (抢劫) vanish(消失)varnish(粉饰), rage(狂暴)rag(破布),bare-bar A.3组合搭配记忆法 1、单词组合搭配成名词: (1)名词+名词如: silkworm, blood-test (2)形容词+名词如: shorthand, double-dealer (3)动名词+名词如: waiting-room, sleeping-pills (4)动词+名词如: pickpocket, break-water (5)名词+动名词如:handwriting, sun-bathing (6)动词+副词如: get-together, break-through (7)副词+动词如: downfall, outbreak (8)其他特殊的方式如:good-for-nothing, by- product, 蚕; 验血 速记; 两面派 候车室; 安眠药 扒手; 防波堤 书法; 日光浴 联欢会; 突破 垮台; 爆发 无用之人; 副产品 A.3. 组合搭配成形容词: (1)形容词+名词如: high-class, long-term (2)名词+形容词如: airsick; duty-free (3)形容词+名词+-ed如:good-tempered, noble-minded (4)形容词+现在分词如:easy-going; good-looking (5)副词+现在分词如: far-reaching; hard-working (6)副词+过去分词如: well-known, widespread (7)名词+现在分词如: peace-loving; heat-retaining (8)名词+过去分词如: heartfelt; state-owned (9)其他方式的组合搭配如: over-all; out-and-out; face-to-face 高级的;长期的 晕飞机的; 免税的 脾气好的;高尚的 好说话的;好看的 深远的;勤劳的 著名的;广泛流传的 热爱和平的;保温的 由衷的;国营的 总的;彻头彻尾的;面对面的 A.3. 搭配组合成动词: (1)名词+动词如: sleep-walk (2)副词+动词如: overthrow; undergo (3)形容词+动词如: blacklist; white-wash 梦游 推翻;经历 列入黑名单;粉刷 4.搭配组合成副词和代词 maybe(或许), myself(我自己), everything(一切), moreover(而且), forever(永远), nevertheless(尽管如此) 5. 组合搭配成混合词 把两个词各取一部分合在一起,构成新词如: smoke+fogsmog(烟雾), Europe+AsiaEurasia(欧亚大陆) Television+broadcasttelecast(电视播送), motor+hotelmotel(汽车旅馆) A.4通过阅读来扩大词汇量 To read well, you need a strong vocabulary. To build a strong vocabulary, you need to read well. Nation ensure that clause To ensure the childs quick recovery,the doctor gave him an antibiotic 为使这个孩子尽快恢复,医生给他打了一剂抗生素。 Registration ensures delivery of mail挂号寄邮件保证会送到。 2. ensure也可以表示确保安全,免遭伤害。 To ensure freedom against tyranny反对暴政,维护自由 insure insure 意思是为防不测向保险公司付钱投保(to pay money to an insurance company against future disaster)。 My house is insured against fire我的房子保了火险 。 Are you insured for all risks?你是不是给自己保了综 合险? reassure reassure 表示安慰忧虑不安的人,使其安心,放心,恢复信心(to comfort someone who is anxious and make him her free from fear or worry;to bring back confidence to)。 常用结构为: reassure sb(about sth)reassure sb that-clause I was worried that my work wasnt good enough,but the teacher reassured me(about it)我担心我的作业不够好,可是 老师却让我放心。 The captain reassured the passengers about the strength of the ship那位船长向乘客保证船很坚固,要他们安心。 insure, ensure, and assure To help you remember when to use each word, keep the following three hints in mind: You assure a person. You insure your car. You ensure everything else. Again, it is okay to swap ensure for insure unless it relates to protecting people or property against risks like floods, death, hurricanes, and the like. Assure cannot be used in place of either insure or ensure, and is the only word which should be used to relate to a persons feelings. Practice Makes Perfect Jimmy needed to
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