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研发人员的考核与激励(Assessment and motivation of R & D personnel)Assessment and motivation of R & D personnelCurriculum syllabusCase study1, analyze the roles of A (supervisor) and role B (employees across departments), and what responsibilities do they undertake in the case?2, what is the reason why the performance appraisal results can not reach a consensus?3, what are the characteristics of R & D performance management in this case?4, think: is this situation prevalent in your company?Two, research and development personnel assessment and incentive overview1, the main problems faced by R & D performance management1) R & D performance management become a mere formality, there is no standard, carry out2) the immature and blind innovation of R & D personnel3) lack of motivation and lag in R & D team4) R & D plan is too challenging, resulting in performance goals can not be achieved, resulting in assessment difficulties5).2, for the above problems, the best practices in the industry to solve the problem3. Value chain analysis of R & D4, the uniqueness of R & D performance management1) characteristics of innovative work2) characteristics of R & D personnel3) the principle of R & D performance management5, R & D performance management of the PDCA cycle (planning, counseling, assessment and evaluation, feedback)6, how to use performance management to carry out product development7, the composition of incentive elements of R & D personnel8. Design of incentive measures for R & D personnel1) material incentives2) non material incentives3) flexible use of incentives: how to achieve good results at low cost?9, the overall idea of R & D personnel performance management1) R & D performance management2) performance management of product manager & function manager3) performance management of grass roots employees10, examples explain:1) Ericsson and IBMs R & D performance management PDCA cycle2) a common incentive for R & D personnel in a case company11, consultation case sharing:1) the establishment process and key points of R & D performance management system of a case company2) in the establishment of R & D performance management system, we should pay attention to the problems (what responsibilities the business department undertakes, and what responsibilities the human resources management department should undertake)?12, drills and questions discussionThree, the senior leadership of the management work in research and development1, how to understand R & D performance management should be taken from the source2, the industry excellent management, R & D, middle and top performance management ideas3, R & D misunderstanding in the senior leadership management report1) report will become the story2) report no standardized (report itself will define the research business clear)3) each person work debriefing are very good, but the performance of the company.4) no debriefing standard4, the senior leadership of the principles of Management Research Report5, Senior Management Model Research Report6, senior management content Research Report1) composition and key content of report2) R & D key performance indicators (KPI)7, Senior Management Operation Research Report1) operation process2) during the debriefing.8, research and development of senior leadership qualification management1) qualifications standards2) how to pay attention to the behavior norm in the qualification?3) how will the qualifications be reviewed?9, examples explain:1) Microsoft company and IBM company report template2) analysis of the qualifications of senior leadership in R & D of a case company3) the process analysis of annual qualification evaluation of a case company10, action plan:1) senior R & D report how to form your company in the template2) the key points in your R & D in the high-level debriefing11, drills and questions discussionFour, KPI index design of R & D Based on value chain1, the industry company KPI indicators in the process of formulating errors2, how to design and develop KPI indicators from the point of view of the end to end process3, research and development system, KPI indicators formulated principles4, research and development system, KPI formulation method1) balanced scorecard method2) fishbone diagram method5, what factors should be considered in setting up R & D KPI (I, T, Q, C, S)?6, KPI index library of R & D system1) the establishment of KPI index for product line (product line director, product manager, project manager)2) the KPI index of the resource line (software, hardware, testing, process, QA.)3) the establishment of KPI indicators for functional management (HR, project management, configuration management)7
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