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让生命充满爱 演讲稿(Let life be full of love)A speech entitled life is full of loveLet life be full of loveTodays students, I would like to ask you a question, once in our China there is such a person, when he was young, said such a sentence for the rise of China and reading, who is this? Yes, it was our great Premier Zhou Enlai, Premier Zhou, who uttered such a remark when he was young, so Zhou Enlai became a great man later. Well, today, when I talk with my classmates, I think the first thing is to talk to the students about why we should study for the rise of china.And how can China rise? Chinese is a kind of spirit to rise, the students of a country, a nation, a political party, if not a spirit, he will not grow, if an enterprise does not have a spirit, he would not survive in the competition, if a person does not have a kind of spirit, the you will never grow up.In the early days of the Olympic Games, it is just a year, African countries first entered the Olympics, when a black team entered the stadium, all the people cast contempt eyes, black and strange, what qualifications we play, the Organizing Committee under great pressure and the team talk, your team can only send a representative to participate in a project competition, finally after all the election, they finally chose a boy, a thin black boy, the little boy for the project is a marathon, in order to prepare for the game. He took almost five years, when after he was elected, he and his teammates hugged together, brothers, by you, you must work hard, make sure you get back, let the world see our The spirit of Africa, to let the world know that black people are human beings, blacks can not be discriminated against, because the blood of blacks is also red. The little nigger told his teammates, be assured, I will try.The starter shot, and the black boys led all the way. The white guys were left behind by him. People didnt understand. They didnt know why a black boy could run so fast. Everyone was surprised, and they knew where the boy was talking about his country. He ran there with a national spirit, and on that track was a spirit of his whole nation. An accident happened, do not know who is suddenly in the field corner of the corner suddenly dropped into a jar, hit the black boys feet, small black fell heavily on the ground, his shoulder arm broken, broken, broken legs, covered in blood he was lying on the track, a long time can not stand up, when he looked up, saw the white players, one from his side ran the championship dreams. However, at this time, the black boy did not withdraw from the court, he strongly from the track up. He staggered a step toward the game went, he thought I was an athlete today, although I can not win the championship, but I represent my country, I cant help to end point ah, his strong step by step inside to walk in. At the end point, the first, second and third have been produced, in accordance with the Olympic rules, the three qualifying time, the ceremony began, when the host suddenly announced that the audience that our awards ceremony will be conducted later, because there is an athlete on the track and field did not return. On the big screen, suddenly a black there difficult walking figure, he is very difficult to step by step to move forward, this short period of less than two hundred meters away, the other runners, how easy, but at the moment of the black boy, was so hard, he fell down again, and again he looked up, he could not climb up again,He used his nails into the ground, his nails were broken, bleeding, on the track out more than 100 meters of blood, he will see him to the end point, end point staff cant help to play the line, looked at his shadow shaking, a white coach ran. Want to help him, he did not understand the language of others said to him, you dont touch me, Im an athlete, you touch me foul, today although I can not win the championship, but I cant to end point ah, his hands high up, toward the end point of the thread jump down, at the moment he fell, he grasped the line, at the moment he fell to him in the direction of the motherland, loudly shouting, mom, my motherland, to the end point. Dear students, the teacher would like to say to you, our country needs a lot of talent, our Republic needs a lot of talent, I believe that every one of the students today are likely to become the pillars of the motherland, everyone can make a contribution to the development of our country, my dear classmates. If anyone can, why not you?Living in a foreign country, once, when I was walking in the streets of Vienna, suddenly I heard a floating music, a familiar music, let my whole blood boiling, we is the National Anthem of Peoples Republic of China, in the streets of Austria why Chinese national anthem sounded, I follow the sound of rushing past, turned out to be a place to sell the TV, in an electrical line there, TV is playing a picture, is the five decathlon athletes of
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