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One to rain wet umbrella carry became a difficult problem What are we supposed to do? 一到雨天湿雨伞的携带就成了 一道难题了? 那我们该怎么办呢? Is to prevent rain umbrella dirty indoor, a lot of places can provide some plastic bags used for packaging the umbrella. But for reasons of environmental protection, even shopping with plastic bags to be canceled, probably plastic bags are not immune to package the umbrella? 为了防止满是雨水的雨伞弄脏室内,很多 地方都会提供一些塑料袋用来包装雨伞。 可是出于环保的考虑,连购物用的塑料袋 都要被取消了,包雨伞的塑料袋大概也不 能幸免吧? So how to efficiently drain the moisture on the umbrella, prevent the rain wet indoor has become a problem to be solved. We also once described as “umbrella pot“ and “umbrella stand“ product, but if it is to enter the supermarket, an umbrella on the umbrella stand in front of the Im afraid I will be very easy to lose. Then try this new bag is an umbrella. 所以如何有效的滤干雨伞上的水分,防止 雨滴弄湿室内就成了一个亟待解决的问 题。我们也曾经介绍过像“雨伞花盆”和 “雨伞架”这样的产品,但是如果是要进 入超市,把伞放在门口的公共伞架上恐怕 会很容易丢失。那就来试试这款新颖的提 包雨伞吧。 设计师:Seung Hee Son It will be common umbrella half an umbrella surface designed to double, to enter indoor, just need to outer wrapped in open the inner layer, an d then pick up your hand into a bag. Compared with the ordinary umbrella coat, such products more convenient, and there is no need to carry an umbrella set specially. Both environmental protection and practical. 它将普通雨伞的半个伞面设 计成双层的,要进入室内的 时候,只需要将外层掀开包 裹住内层,然后拎起把手就 变成了一个提包。相比于普 通雨伞的外套而言,这样的 产品更加方便,而且不必特 意携带伞套了。既环保又实 用。
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