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毕业设计书目录目录1商务英语专业毕业设计评价表2个人报告.6单证制作.18商务英语专业毕业设计评价表指导教师名 学生姓名班级商旅英1402班企业部门及职责介绍(25%)企业简介:上海舒泰纺织有限公司地处纺织之乡河北高阳县。是一家专门以出口为主的家用纺织品生产厂家。主要各种毛巾制品,有毛巾,沙滩巾,浴巾,厨房巾,浴袍,毛巾被,擦车巾,运动巾,穆斯林包巾和斗篷。材质有棉,超细纤维,竹纤维和珊瑚绒。主要出口到日本,俄罗斯,东南亚,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚等60多个国家和地区。公司自1996年建厂以来,秉承“诚实守信”的经营理念,产品质量稳定,供货及时,深受客户好评, 并此成为成为北方实力雄厚的纺织品公司。部门:1.总经理 负责协调各部门间的管理以及采购。2. 业务部 负责与客户邮件往来,洽谈业务做订单。3. 跟单部 对每位业务接的订单,进行跟单,保证货物保质保量的交给客户。4. 网商部 负责阿里后台操作,通过阿里国际站与客户进行业务洽谈。5. 人事部 负责公司的人员招聘,以及租船订舱,制作单据。6. 财务部 负责处理公司的数据以及各种财务票据制作。教师评语及成绩:个人报告(25%)报告概要:我作为公司的一名实习业务,头一个月主要就是产品知识和公司制度的学习。在第二个月渐渐有了询盘后,才进行了又关专业知识的操作。回邮件,制发票,做合同。要学的东西很多,不过自己在这几个月成长的也很快。教师评语及成绩:单证制作(20%)单证内容:上海舒泰纺织公司向美国M&C Sales公司出口500条婴儿浴巾,并制作了合同,发票,信用证,汇票,保险单,装箱单,提单等一系列单据。教师评语及成绩:设计答辩(30%)答辩组成员:答辩问题:答辩评语:答辩成绩: 组长签字:毕业设计与答辩成绩毕业设计成绩_=企业部门及职责介绍_ +个人报告_+单证制作_+设计答辩_毕业设计与答辩成绩(40%)设计指导小组组长:PERSONAL REPORTINTRODUCTIONI work as a sales in Shanghai Softex Textiles Co., Ltd. Our company is located in textiles hometown Gaoyang county Hebei province, China. It is a professional enterprises in exporting home textiles products .Our company mainly produce all kinds of towel products, including towels, bath towels, beach towels, kitchen towels, hotel towels, blanket and poncho. Materials are cotton, microfiber and coral fleece. The products mainly exported to Japan, Russia, Southeast Asia, Americas, Canada and other 60 countries and regions. Since established in 1996, we have been always insisting on maintaining the leading quality , stable production and timely delivery for customers. Our company always get good reputation in customers recent years.FINDINGSStrengthFor our company, the biggest strength is geographical position. Company is located in “ textile hometown ”-Gaoyang county Hebei Province. It is very close to Tianjin port and convenient to export. On the other hand, we have more than ten years experiences in towel production and sales, so we have accumulated a lot of quality suppliers and customers. In addition, we get some new customer through Canton fair every year. Weakness The biggest weakness is from environmental protection. As factory is near by Beijing , we are limited on the towel production frequently. Another serious problem is that many factory face the difficulty of employing workers. So production is subject to considerable restrictions and can only be done orders by finding some southern factories some time.Opportunity As we all know, the E-business is becoming more and more popular. Fortunately, we have joined the Alibaba and received harvest. Next step we will try to enter the Amazon online market. I think this is a good opportunity for us. Threat The threat maybe come from south factory in China. They have more large factory workshops, advanced equipment and production technology. Comparing to the South factory, we can only avoid this threat by price advantage.Conclusion Before making a conclusion, I study the company business performance carefully. I found that our mainly customers are from India. The products also are mainly some low value-added products. So we have to change the product type and markets. We plan to pay more attention to the baby product and European market in the future . In the end , by comparing all situations,I think that more opportunity than challenge. Catching the opportunities of e-commerce development is the most important thing at present. At the same time, we also need to find some south quality suppliers as long term partners as soon as possible. Suggestion For our company, price had became our largest strength. We need to pay more attention in studying south factory production advantage and foreign trade experience. In addition, we should increase the input of network business department and develop new online market. I believe our company will become China mainly towels supplier in the future. 合同Sales contract出口合同CONTRACTCO/N: SWY-540 SELLER: Shanghai Softex Textile Co.,Ltd. BUYE: B&MC Sales.地 址:SHANGHAI SOFTEX TEXTILES CO.,LTD Address: 6137 Shad Drive ROOM.303,ST.1#.NO.260,ROAD ZHIDAN, Fort Worth, TX 76179 USASHANGHAI CITY,CHINA 卖方与买方在平等、互利基础上,经双方协商一致同意按下列条款履行,并严格信守。第一条 货物名称、规格、包装及唛头:品名Name of Commodity数量Quantity单价(美元)Unit Price FOBSHENZHEN金额(美元)AmountUSDBamboo baby hooded bath towel
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