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欧洲主权债务危机的成因论文导读:本论文是一篇关于欧洲主权债务危机的成因的优秀论文范文,对正在写有关于债务论文的写作者有一定的参考和指导作用。several leading causes of the crisis and did an empirical analysis with adequate data. Then, I did a detailed study of the various facto that lead to the European sovereign debt crisis from multiple dimeio such as economic, ititutional and political dimeio. Finally, I analyzed the influe欧洲主权债务危机的成因分析摘要2008年美国次贷危机爆发后,欧洲经济遭受了沉重打击。主权债务,又被社会各界叫作国家债务,这个概念是主要用来对属于国家应该负责的债务进行具体的定义,它的详细内容是指这个债务是相关国家通过自身的信用担保以此来获得向其它的组织或者群体贷款的目的。当这些债务对应的国家不能够在规定的日期内完成还款,这样就产生相关国家的信用降级,同时伴随而来的就是债务危机,它主要是因为主权债务得不到及时偿还的危险系数非常高时发生的。随着2009年希腊新政府上台后对政府巨大财政赤字和债务状况的披露,欧洲主权债务危机正式拉开序幕。欧元区的多个高负债国家如爱尔兰、西班牙、意大利等也在之后爆发主权债务危机,给欧洲金融市场带来了巨大震荡,直至蔓延至整个世界,也让各国开始重新审视自己的主权债务问题。这篇文章会宏观上具体的分析这次欧元区的各种债务危机从开始发生、蔓延到逐步加重的演变过程,就几个重要成因做了实证分析。然后,从经济、制度、政治、外部环境等多方面详细研究了引发欧洲主权债务危机的各个因素。最后,对本次欧债危机对中国的影响和启示做了分析。从这些可以看到,中国应该在这个里面学习到一些经验,其背景是深远的,其影响是巨大的,能够根据这次对它的具体分析得到非常宝贵的意义。关键词:主权债务危机,欧元区,成因分析ANALYSIS OF THE CAUSES OF THE EUROPEAN SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISISABSTRACTAfter the outbreak of the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, the European economy suffered a heavy blow. Sovereign debt, also known as the national debt refe to debts that a government or its authorized agencies borrow on behalf of the state and ready to pay back on the basis of national credit. When a government cannot fulfill the external debt service obligatio in a timely manner, which mea high risk of sovereign debt default, it will be caught in the sovereign debt crisis. Since the disclosure of the governments huge budget deficit and debt after Greeces new government came to power in 2009, the European sovereign debt crisis kicked off. It soon moved to several highly indebted European countries such as Ireland, Spain and Italy and finally to the whole Europe, and shocked the global financial markets greatly. Many countries began to re-examine their sovereign debt problems.Fitly, I analyzed the process of the European sovereign debt crisis from its beginning to the end. I chose several leading causes of the crisis and did an empirical analysis with adequate data. Then, I did a detailed study of the various facto that lead to the European sovereign debt crisis from multiple dimeio such as economic, ititutional and political dimeio. Finally, I analyzed the influences of the European sovereign debt crisis on China and the revelation from the crisis. The European sovereign debt crisis has a complex background and huge impact. The research on it enjoys an important theoretical and practical significance.Key words: sovereign debt crisis, Euro area, cause analysis目 录第一章 绪论-11.1 研究背景-11.2 文献综述-11.2.1 次贷危机的产物-11.2.2评级机构的催化-21.2.3欧元区制度的缺陷-21.2.4欧元区国家经济发展的失衡-21.2.5高福利制度和人口老龄化的恶果-31.2.6其他原因-31.3 研究方法-31.4不足之处-4第二章 欧洲主权债务危机的产生与演变-52.1 稳定与增长公约的背景与执行情况-52.2 全球金融风暴的影响和衍生效应-62.3 欧债危机的爆发和逐步加重-62 导读:本论文是一篇关于欧洲主权债务危机的成因的优秀论文范文,对正在写有关于债务论文的写作者有一定的参考和指导作用。-18参考文献-19谢辞-20第一章 绪论 1.1 研究背景主权债务(sovereign debt) 是.4 欧债危机的加深和进一步发展-7第三章 欧洲主权债务危机的成因与影响-83.1 实证分析-83.1.1数据选取及描述性分析-83.1.2面板数据的协整检验-83.1.3面板数据的多元线性回归-93.2 欧洲主权债务危机发生的原因-103.2.1全球金融危机的影响-103.2.2欧元区二元制度的弊端-
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