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主语从句专项练习副标题题号IIIIIIIVVVI总分得分一、单句语法填空(本大题共17小题,共17.0分)1. It doesnt matter _you help me or not. I will try all the ways to finish the task.2. _ annoyed me last night was the noise of the firecrackers from the neighbourhood area till midnight.3. Its known to all _ the gun powder was first invented by the Chinese.4. 单句语法填空 (1)This is the first time we _(see) a film in the cinema together as a family.(2)We were all _(inspire) when we heard the news that the rescue team found another survivor.(3)Self-drivingisanarea_ Chinaandtherestoftheworldareonthesamestarting line.(4)_ interested Zhang Pingyu most was the longitude line at Greenwich.(5)You need to make some adjustments _ the article before it is published.5. _ the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel is still under discussion.6. ThefactthatthemainlandofgreatBritainismadeupof3kingdomsisstillunknowntomanyIt_still_tomany_themainlandofgreatBritainismadeupof3kingdoms7. _ we understand things has a lot to do with how we feel.8. It is three days since they got lost. _ theyre safe is still unknown.9. _surprised me most was that she didnt even know_ the difference between the two lies.10. Generally speaking, _we have seen seems more believable than _we have been told.11. _ (Whoever/NO matter who) breaks the law should be punished.12. It is doubtful_ the government of that country can accept them as permanent residents.13. _Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness.14. _ there is life on another planet is almost impossible.15. Itsoftenthecase _ anythingispossibleforthosewhohangontohope16. _ they want to get now _ (be) help.他想得到的是帮助。17. _ (Whoever, Who) gains the most points wins the competition.二、单句改错(本大题共10小题,共20.0分)18. What China got the first place in the 2008 Olympic Gaines made the whole nation very excited. 改错_19. That I remembered most is moving a lot.20. 单句改错 Who is the last one to leave the classroom is required to turn off the lights.21. It remains to be seen if or not this idea can be put into practice.改错_22. That he really means is that he doesnt agree with us. 改错_23. 单句改错 That students are going to have no evening classes this week is not clear now.24. ItworriedthepublicwasthatPhelpsshouldtakedrugs_25. Itisapitywhatyoudidntremembertogivemethemessage_26. What she becomes an artist may be his fathers influence.27. Jenkins said, “That Im doing is worthwhile.”三、单选题(本大题共17小题,共17.0分)28. The world is not just divided into good people and Death Eaters. Weve all got both light and dark inside of us. _ matters is the part we choose to act on.A. WhatB. WhereC. ThatD. Which29. Every year, _ makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.A. whateverB. whoeverC. whomeverD. whichever30. Happiness is _ you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.A. whatB. where whatC. when whatD. that31. Wisdom and courage are _ need to make it through cases of emergency.A. all thatB. all whatC. what allD. that all32. _ completes the first two stages can then choose _ to continue with one-on-one piano lessons in the final stage.A. Whoever; whetherB. Whatever; ifC. Who; ifD. What; whether33. It depends on hard work more than luck _ you can make your dream come true.A. whetherB. thatC. whatD. how34. _ made the teacher proud was _ more than half of her students had been admitted to key universities.A. What; becauseB. What; thatC. That; whatD. That; because35. It was not until dark _ he found _ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.A. when; thatB. that; thatC. when; whatD. that; what36. Was it _ he said or something _ he did that made her cry so sadly?A. that; whichB. what; thatC. that; whatD. what; what37. _ is certain is _ Mike will not hurt others in any case.A. What; thatB. It; thatC. It; whyD. Which; that38. _began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event.A. ThatB. WhatC. WhichD. Where39. It is the ability to do the job _ matters not _you come from or _you are.A. which, where ,thatB. that, where, whatC. that, when whatD. which, which, what40. _ is known to all is that the old photographer, for _ life was hard in the past, still has to work very hard.A. As; whoseB. As; whomC. It; whoseD. What; whom41. I was going to pay by cash when it suddenly occurred to me _ I had left my purse at home.A. whetherB. whatC. thatD. where42. _ she sai
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