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教材习题答案 1234 1.I dont have much time for breakfast.(教材P11)我没有很多 时间吃早饭 解读 much意思是“很多,许多”,修饰不可数名词。尤用于否定 句,或与 how 连用以询问数量,也可与 as、so 和 too 连用意为“很多 ”。 He doesnt spend much time studying his lessons. 他不花很多时间学习功课。 拓展many修饰可数名词,与much同义,都表示“许多,大量的”。 I dont have many friends here. 在这里我没有很多的朋友。 1234 1234 2.After school,I sometimes play basketball for half an hour.(教 材P11)放学后我有时打半个小时的篮球。 解读1 for+一段时间意为“延续多长时间”。对这个时间段提问 时要用how long。 How long do you usually exercise every day? 你每天通常锻炼多长时间? For one hour.一个小时。 解读2 half an hour 意为“半个小时”,注意冠词用an。意思和a half hour是一样的,只不过a half hour 是美式英语。一个半小时的 表达应该是:one hour and a half或one and a half hours。 1234 1234 3.In the evening,I either watch TV or play computer games.(教 材P11) 晚上我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。 解读 either 是副词,意思为“或者;也(用在否定词组后)”。 (1)作“或者”讲,常构成短语: either.or.“要么要么,或者或者”,使用时如果 连接两个主语,谓语动词要与or后面的主语保持一致,即保持“就近 一致”原则。 Either you or I am right on this question. 在这个问题上,要么你对,要么我对。 Either you or he has a map. 要么是你有一张地图,要么是他有一张地图。 (2)作“也”讲,用在否定句末加强语气。 She doesnt like singing,and she doesnt like dancing,either. 她不喜欢唱歌,也不喜欢跳舞。 1234 1234 4.She knows its not good for her,but it tastes good!(教材P11)她 知道吃冰激凌对她不好,但是它味道好! 解读 taste 是动词,意思为“有的味道,品尝”,它是一个连系 动词,后跟形容词作表语。 He wants to taste the tea. 他想品尝一下这茶。 The food tastes delicious. 食物尝起来美味可口。 拓展延伸taste n.味道,滋味 tasteless adj.无味的 tasty adj.美味的、可口的 Whats the taste of the apple? 这个苹果味道怎么样? 1234 拓展感官系动词有:feel感觉;look看;sound听;taste品尝;smell闻。 The paper feels soft. 纸张摸起来很柔软。 He looks handsome. 他看起来很英俊。 1234 Section B 1a 1.do homework at a quarter past three in the afternoon 2.eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening 3.eat breakfast at half past six in the morning 4.go to bed at a quarter to ten in the evening 1c Circled:get up,run,eat breakfast,go to school,go home,do my homework,eat dinner,go to bed 1d 1.get up 5:30 a.m. 2.run 6:00 a.m. 3.eat breakfast 7:00 a.m. 4.go to school 7:45 a.m. 5.go home 4:15 p.m. 6.do my homework 5:30 p.m. 7.eat dinner 7:15 p.m. 8.go to bed 9:00 p.m. 2a Checked:go to bed early;eat vegetables;play sports;take a walk 2b Mary is healthier. The healthy activities are: play basketball;brush teeth;get up at six thirty;take a shower;eat a good breakfast;eat lots of fruit and vegetables;play volleyball;swim or take a walk;go to bed at nine thirty 3a 3 2 5 4 6 7 1 8 9 3b Answers will vary. Sample writing: I always get up at 6:00 and take a shower at 6:05.I get dressed at 6:20 and eat breakfast at 6:25.I brush my teeth at 6:50 and go to school at 7:00.I have lunch with my classmates at 12:00.I usually go home at 4:00 and do my homework from 4:15 to 6:45.I always have dinner at 7:00 and take a walk with my family at 7:45.I usually watch TV at 9:00 and go to bed at 10:00. Self Check 1 1.tastes good 2.take a walk 3.brush your teeth 4.has a good job 5.get dressed 6.clean my room 2 1.A:What time does your mother usually get up? B:She usually gets up at 5:45. A:Why does she get up so early? B:Because she always makes breakfast for me. 2.A:What time do you usually get to school? B:I usually get to school at 7:30. A:What time does your class teacher usually get to school? B:I dont know.But he/she is never late for the first class in the morning.
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