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Active Viewing, Listening, and SpeakingActive Viewing, Listening, and Speaking Relax and ExploreRelax and Explore 大学英语视听说教程Unit 5 授课教师:王东呈 How do you spend your free time? n Which kind of holidays do you like most? Why? Outline Topic Debate/Role Play Query and Discussion Connotations and Development Language points Viewing and Listening Conclusion Step 1 Step 5 Step 4 Step 3 Step 2 Step 6 adventure holidays 冒险之旅 beach holidays 海滨度假 The sea is calm to-night. The tide is full, the moon lies fair Upon the straits; on the French coast the light Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand; Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay. Come to the window, sweet is the night-air! Only, from the long line of spray Where the sea meets the moon-blanched land, Listen! you hear the grating roar Of pebbles which the waves draw back, and fling, At their return, up the high strand, Begin, and cease, and then again begin, With tremulous cadence slow, and bring The eternal note of sadness in. Dover Beach 多佛海岸 Matthew Arnold 马修阿诺德 今夜大海宁静今夜大海宁静 潮水正满潮水正满 月色皎洁月色皎洁 多佛海岸多佛海岸 灯光闪烁夜色中灯光闪烁夜色中 英伦绝壁矗立英伦绝壁矗立 横卧港湾横卧港湾 宁静里宁静里 走到窗前走到窗前 夜色如此甘甜夜色如此甘甜 波涛起,月接岸波涛起,月接岸 听,怒吼声听,怒吼声 碎石迭起碎石迭起 浪拍岸浪拍岸 潮落潮起潮落潮起 潮起潮落潮起潮落 大海的节奏大海的节奏 渐渐舒缓渐渐舒缓 奏出永恒的伤感奏出永恒的伤感 city breaks 城市休闲 Camping 野营 reading books 读书 reading books National Library of China wonderful nightlife 多彩夜生活 nightlife nightlifenebula星云 galaxy星系 activity holidays活动假日 为了某种兴趣或活动,尤其是体育运动或表演等而度假 equestrianism hiking cycling paper-cut sightseeing sightseeing sightseeing sightseeing 春水碧于天,春水碧于天, 画船听雨眠。画船听雨眠。 垆边人似月,垆边人似月, 皓腕凝霜雪。皓腕凝霜雪。 未老莫还乡,未老莫还乡, 还乡须断肠。还乡须断肠。 Which kind of holidays do you like most? Why? n adventure holidays n beach holidays n city breaks n camping n reading books n wonderful nightlife n activity holidays n sightseeing n dancing n swimming n skiing n relaxing holidays n eating good food n shopping n going to an amusement park n visiting a museum Which kind of holidays do you like most? Why? Talk with your partners and write your answers on a piece of paper and then share yours with passionate, romantic, peaceful or harmonious emotions. nI like going to the beach most because it is more relaxing and less tiresome. I enjoy lying on the beach and bathing in the sunlight. nI prefer to have a holiday of sightseeing. I always enjoy seeing interesting spots in different places and learn some history about them. Language Points (Imitation) 仿 n We went to Saint Lucia last year, where we had a relaxing holiday on the beach, reading our books and swimming. n Our last holiday was a city holiday, and we went to New York and had a great time just before Christmas. n I think traveling by train is more comfortable than flying. And I dont like flying. n Where do you like to stay: in a hotel or a self-catering apartment? n Ive been riding on and off since I was eight or nine and I love horses and Ive never played polo before and apparently Argentina is the place to learn. polo polo shirt Having just moved from South Africa, he was storing his polo gear in one of our units. 他刚从南非般到此地, 要将他的马球 工具储存在我们的一个单元里。 Viewing and Listening (Connotations and Development) 少年派的奇幻漂流是根据 扬马特尔于2001年发表的同 名小说而改编的一部3D电影, 由李安执导。该片于2012年11 月中国内地上映。影片讲述的 是少年派遇到一次海难,家人 全部丧生,他与一只孟加拉虎 在救生小船上漂流了227天,人 与虎建立起一种奇特的关系, 并最终共同战胜困境获得重生 。2013年,该片在第85届奥斯 卡奖颁奖礼上获得了包括最佳 导演、最佳视觉效果在内的四 项奖项。 The making and legal distribution of this film supported over 14,000 jobs and involved over 600,000 work hours. comment on the film (Connotations) n 李安:常数圆形的周长与直径之比一个无理数,一个无限 不循环的无理数,永不重复也永不结束。在Life of Pi 当中,作家扬 马特尔似乎将作为未知、荒谬的生命天性。但对我来说,与Life of Pi 的制作紧密相连。 n 李安:理性像一座动物园,而人类则是独一无二的一种动物,因为我 们为自己打造笼子,如社会、家庭、学校、宗教组织并且选 择居住于其中,刻意地利用限制范围来防止我们自身去接触未知。因 为未知代表着令人恐惧、同时也具有诱惑性的事物。 n 王东呈:艺术,需要打开思维的囚笼,当思维的障碍一层层破除,人类特有 的精神幸福感蓬勃而涌,它超出一切有形与幻想,与无限的宇宙相契合。开 解理性,需因寻真理之光,需总持仁爱之根,如此,艺术与人性则迈向纯善 与净美。 words and expressions(同时串讲视频中关于幻境意义的内涵) n set your house in order 进行内部整顿 n dig in for the battle 严阵以待 dig in 开吃 n urine 尿 n establish a strict schedule for eating 建立严格的饮食计划 n avoid unnecessary exertion 避免耗费过多精力 mental exertion 费心思 n Twenty Questions is a spoken parlor game which encourages deductive reasoning and creativity. n Eye Spy I spy with my little eye. n community singing (圣歌的)全场大合唱 n sure-fire way 万无一失的方法 n lift the spirit 振作精神 n be highly recommended 强烈推荐 n Few things can sap the spirit faster than the seasick. 没有什么比晕船更让人丧失斗志了。 n current 洋流 n sea anchor (风暴用)浮锚, 海锚 n castaway 遭受船(或海)难的人,乘船失事的人 n carnival 肉食动物 n establish your territory 划分你自己的领域 n moderate 温和的 n soothing 抚慰的 n Associatewith 和联想在一起,建立条件反射 Twenty Questions n In the traditional game, one player is chosen to be the answerer. That person chooses a subject (object) but does not reveal this to the others. All other players are questioners. They each take turns asking a question which can be answered with a simple “Yes“ or “No.“ In variants of the game, multiple state answers may be included such as the answer “Maybe.“ The answerer answers each question in turn. Sample questions could be:
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