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MACHINE SAFETY TRAINING PROGRAM 机械安全培训 MACHINE SAFETY - INTRODUCTION 2 INTRODUCTION 介绍 Responsibility of the employers 企业的责任 Is to provide a safe and healthy work place for their employees; which is free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or physical harm 为员工提供一个安全健康的工作场所,远离可能导致死亡或者 肢体损伤的危险源 In general, common workplace injuries by moving machinery parts are 在工厂工作场所中常见的由于运动机械部件造成的伤害有 crushed fingers or hands, 手指/手部的粉碎性创伤 amputations, 肢体的截断 burns, or blindness 烧伤 或者失明 Can employers protect/ prevent workers from work place injuries? 企业是否 可以保护/防止工人遭受工伤? YES!可以! MACHINE SAFETY - THE PROCESS 3 THE PROCESS 流程 Identifying Machinery Safety Hazards 确定机械安全危险源 Control or eliminate Machinery Hazards 控制或排除机械危险源 Safety Interventions 安全干预 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)个人防护用品 4 IDENTIFYING MACHINE SAFETY HAZARDS 确定机械安全危险源 Incident Pyramid 事故金字塔 MACHINE SAFETY- IDENTIFYING MACHINERY SAFETY HAZARDS7 (Accident/Incidence) (Serious Accident) (Slight Accident) (Property loss Accident) (Deviation/Hazards) (Lack of control or management system ) MACHINE SAFETY- IDENTIFYING MACHINERY SAFETY HAZARDS10 HAZARD 危险源 RISK 风险 DESCRIPTION 描述 PICTORIAL REPRESENTATION 图示 Caused by friction Conveyor belts, pulleys 传送带和滑轮 Robotic arms and mobile machinery 机械臂和移动机械 Abrasion 擦伤 Impact 冲撞 between moving part and skin. 由皮肤和运动部件 的摩擦造成 Caused when body part struck (but not penetrated) by moving part. 由运动部件对肢体的 撞击(未穿透)造成 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW 技术概要 Machines have moving parts. The action of moving parts may have sufficient force in motion to cause injury to people. 机械的运动部件所带有的动能可能会对人员造成伤害。 Common mechanical hazards and associated risks for machinery and equipment are shown below以下是常见的机械伤害以及相关的机械设备: TECHNICAL OVERVIEW 技术技术概要 MACHINE SAFETY- IDENTIFYING MACHINERY SAFETY HAZARDS11 Rotating shafts,Caused when body pullies, sprockets and gears 转轴,滑轮,链齿 和齿轮 Hard surfaces moving together 移动接触的坚硬表 面 Sharp edge moving or stationary 移动或静止的尖锐 边缘 Entanglement 绞入 Crushing 粉碎性伤害 Cutting or puncturing 割伤或刺伤 part becomes caught on/in machine parts. 由肢体卷入机械部件 的造成 Caused when machine parts move towards each other and body part is caught in between 当机械部件相互撞击, 肢体处于撞击区域之间 造成 Caused when body part punctured by moving part 由肢体被移动部件穿 刺造成 Environment Factors 环境因素 生产环 境中的危险和有害因素. The dangerous and hazard factors from the production environment. Management Factors管理因素 管理和管理责任缺失所导致的危险和有害因素. The dangerous and hazard factors due to lack of management and management responsibility The Root Cause Of Mechanical Hazards: 机械危害的根源及性质 Personal Factors 人的因素 The dangerous and hazard factors from the product activity. 在生产活动中,来自人员或人为性质的危害和有害因素. Material Factors 物的因素 The dangerous and hazard factors from machine, equipment, facility and material 机械,设备 ,设施,材料等方面存在的危险和有害因素. MACHINE SAFETY - IDENTIFYING MACHINERY SAFETY HAZARDS12 MACHINE SAFETY- IDENTIFYING MACHINERY SAFETY HAZARDS13 PROCESS FOR IDENTIFYING HAZARDS 确定危险源的步骤 Understanding Mechanical hazards 了解机械危险源 When reviewing machinery and equipment for possible mechanical hazards, consider: Machinery and equipment 在寻找可能的机械危险源的时候,请关注以下 机械设备: Stable machine that can be reached by people 人员可以接触到的静止机械设备 。 With moving parts that can be reached by people 人员可以接触到运动部件的机械设备 That can eject objects (parts, components, products or waste items) that may strike a person with sufficient force to cause harm可以弹射出物件(部件,零件,产品或者废料)而 且弹射力足以造成伤害的机械设备 With moving parts that can reach people such as booms or mechanical arms 有移动部件如吊臂或者机械臂可以接触到人员的机械设备 Mobile machinery and equipment, such as forklifts, pallet jacks, earth moving equipment, operated in areas where people may gain access. 在人员可能进入的地点操作的移动机械设备 ,如叉车,托盘千斤顶,推土机等。 The Common Mechanical Hazards 常见的机械危险源 MACHINE SAFETY- IDENTIFYING MACHINERY SAFETY HAZARDS14 The Common Mechanical Hazards 常见的机械危险源 MACHINE SAFETY- IDENTIFYING MACHINERY SAFETY HAZARDS 15 MACHINE SAFETY- IDENTIFYING MACHINERY SAFETY HAZARDS16 PROCESS FOR IDENTIFYING HAZARDS 确定危险源的步骤 Understanding common hazards by type of workplace activity 通过工作活动的种类了解常见危险源 People operating machines and equipment could 操作机器设备的人员: Be required to place their hands close to the mechanism of the machinery or equipment that does the work, and may be injured if caught or trapped by moving parts 被要求将双手放在靠近机器设备的工作点,可能受到移动部件的伤害 Be exposed to constant harmful noise, radiated energy or fumes being emitted from machinery and equipment they are operating or are close to 暴露于持续的有害 噪音,放射性的能量或者靠近的机械设备排放的废气 Inadvertently bump or knock poorly placed control levers or buttons 不小心地触碰 到错误放置的控制杆或控制按钮 Be required to make adjustments to the mechanism of machinery and equipment while the machine is in motion 被要求在运作的机械设备上进行调试 Be required to clear away scrap 被要求清理残留物料 MACHINE SAFETY- IDENTIFYING MACHINERY SAFETY HAZARDS17 PROCESS FOR IDENTIFYING HAZARDS 确定危险源的步骤 People who install or dismantle machines and equipment could 安装或者拆解机械设备 的人员: Work in isolation 在绝缘条件下工作 Work on machines and equipment at height or over machinery or equipment to connec
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