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Group-discussionGroup-discussion n n Q1. Whats the college life like in Q1. Whats the college life like in your mind before you entered your mind before you entered this college?this college? n n Q2. How do you feel as a Q2. How do you feel as a college student now? college student now? n n Q3. How does college life differ Q3. How does college life differ from high school life?from high school life? n n Q4. Do you like studying at a Q4. Do you like studying at a college far away from your college far away from your home? Give reasons for your home? Give reasons for your answer. answer. n n Q5. In order to begin your new Q5. In order to begin your new life at college, what have you life at college, what have you bought from home? why did you bought from home? why did you brought them?brought them? n n Q6. Did your parents give you Q6. Did your parents give you any advice about getting along any advice about getting along with new classmates? What are with new classmates? What are the advices? the advices? 21st Century College English Unit 1 Text A College Guidebook Useful words survive: vi. 幸存, 活下来; vt. 比活得长, 经 历之后还存在; vt. 承认, 供认 e.g. This key admits to the garden. 用这把钥匙可以进花园。 You must admit that the task is difficult. admission: n. 准许进入;承认, 供认; 入场费, 入 场券 e.g. He gained admission into the association. 他获准加入这个协会。 thrivethrive: vi. : vi. 兴盛兴盛; ; 兴隆兴隆; ; 长得健壮长得健壮 e.g. e.g. Few plants or animals thrive Few plants or animals thrive in the desert.in the desert. essential: adj. 必不可少的, 绝对必要的; 非常 重要的, 本质的, 实质的, 基本的; n. 要素, 要 点; 必需品 e.g. Food is essential for life. 1. There are essential differences between the two. 2. 没有空调,那台风扇成了我们度过那个炎 夏的必需品。 purpose: n. 目的; 意图 vt. 打算, 想, 决意(做), 企图 e.g. They purpose a further attempt. 他们意图 做进一步的尝试。 What is your purpose in doing that? on purpose故意地 with the purpose of以.为目的 crucial: adj. 决定性的, 紧要关头的 e.g. at the crucial moment 在关键时刻, 重要关头 Its a crucial decision. linvolve: vt. 使参与,牵涉, 使卷入; 使陷入; 拖累 le.g. He was involved in working out a plan. 他专心致志地制订计划。 lbe/get/become involved in sth. 与. 有 关联,卷入,陷入 lbecome/get involved with sb. 与某人有密 切关系 l focus: vt. 调整(镜头, 眼 睛)焦点焦距 l n. 焦点, 焦距; 中心 l e.g. The camera has two focuses.这部相机有两 个焦距。 lfocus on对(某事或做某事)予以注意; 致力于 l e.g. He focused his mind on his lessons. Today were going to focus on the question of homeless people. lhandle: vt. 处理, 应付, 对待 le.g. Can you handle it? lA good teacher must know how to handle children. l一位优秀的教师应该懂得如何管教孩子。 Comprehension questions 1. What are the things that new college students have to bring with them? 2. What is the most important thing for one to do to keep a good relationship with ones roommate? 3. What should one do when it comes to his or her class schedule? 1. not only but also: “not only but also ”是一个并列连词词组,其意思基本 等于“both and ”,但侧重点放在“but also”上,另外该词组使用时须遵守一定的 规则,如要求对称,倒装及主谓一致等。 使用not only but also 时须注意的几 点: Grammar focus 1). not only与but also后面所连接的词的词性必须 对等: e.g. Frankin was considered not only an inventor,but also a statesman. 富兰克林不仅被 看作发明家,而且被看作政治家。 In production,we should always keep an eye not only on quantity but also on quality. 2). 谓语动词的数应与but also后主语的数保持一 致: e.g. Not only you but also Mr Zhang teaches in this college. 不仅你,张老师也在此学院教书。 3). not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装 结构: e.g. Not only did he turn up late, he also forgot his books. 他不仅迟到了,也忘记了带书。 Not only did he complain about the food, he also refused to pay for it. StructureStructure 读写基础教程: Ex. VI, p.8Ex. VI, p.8 Unit 1: Text A VocabularyUnit 1: Text A Vocabulary Unit 1: Text A StructureUnit 1: Text A Structure VI. Combine the two simple sentences in each pair below by using VI. Combine the two simple sentences in each pair below by using not not only but also.only but also. Model:Model: Youll survive at your college soon. Youll survive at your college soon. Youll also thrive at your college.Youll also thrive at your college. Soon youll not only survive, but also thrive at your college.Soon youll not only survive, but also thrive at your college. 1. 1. Cancer may be caused by smoking.Cancer may be caused by smoking. Other diseases may also be caused by smoking.Other diseases may also be caused by smoking. Not only cancer, but also other diseases may be caused by Not only cancer, but also other diseases may be caused by smoking. smoking. 2. She speaks her native language, Chinese.2. She speaks her native language, Chinese. She also speaks English and French. She also speaks English and French. She She speaks speaks not not only only her her native native language, language, Chinese, Chinese, but but also also English and French.English and French. Unit 1: Text A StructureUnit 1: Text A Structure 3. These questions are of interest to Americans.3. These questions are of interest to Americans. These questions are also of interest to Europeans. These questions are also of interest to Europeans. These questions are of interest not only to Americans, but also to These questions are of interest not only to Americans, but a
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