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第一篇:饥饿游戏读后感 饥饿游戏读后感 最近同学推荐我们读了一本名叫饥饿游戏的小说,其中打斗的细节描写与扣人心弦的(推荐访问范文网:wWW.HAOwORD.COm)故事情节看得让人热血沸腾,在享受着一次精神盛宴,但这本小说的的内涵却引人深思。 这本书讲述了:北美洲在一场大战后被摧毁,在美国原来的废墟上,人们建立了新的国家,但是国家为了巩固政权,而规定管辖下的十二各地区每年都必须进贡一对青年男女,作为公平的二十四人要参加一档电视直播节目“饥饿游戏”,规则就是把这二十四人放在一个巨大的竞技场中,让他们互相拼杀,最后只有一位可以活下来。这场游戏到了最后,只剩下男女主角了,女主角的技术比男主角高,他本可以杀死男主角,可是她却选择与男主角同时吃下毒浆果,但官方却奇迹般的改变了规则,男女主角都活了下来,回到了家乡。 虽然饥饿游戏是一本虚幻的科幻小说,可是我在看了诸多关于饥饿游戏的评论以后,我感觉这个“饥饿游戏”不就是人类社会的缩影吗? 人类的历史,不正是一场饥饿游戏吗?人类的历史从古至今,人类一直在做的就只有一件事,就是生存,为了生存不得不去竞争,把对方杀死从而生存,为了财富、资源、能源而竞争,社会纷争不断,战争不断,这样的竞争从古代到现代就已经深深的藏入人们的潜意识中,早已经就成了一种正当的行为,只是不断的在改变形式罢了,这样的竞争可能永远不会消失,因为这需要大家的醒悟。 饥饿游戏本身就是一场秀,每一个贡品都会被包装起来,被宣传,被炒作,来满足观众的“娱乐”要求。在女主角进入城市后,作者不停地写了气氛的热烈,鼓掌叫好的观众一直不断的出现,这写出了人们内心的变态和黑暗。 我们多么希望,这种“饥饿游戏”会在现实社会中永远的消失,不会在人类社会中再次上演。但是可惜,这可能只是人类心中良知的一个美好梦想罢了。 第二篇:饥饿游戏 英文读后感 the hunger game 2. background in the ruins of a place once known as north america lays the nation of panem, the central ruling city, named the capitol, holds the hunger game every year. the capitol is cruel; it keeps the people in line by forcing them fight each other. hunger game will not end only one tribute alive. 3. characters the female leading role in this story, katniss everdeen, took the place of her dear sister to be chosen to join the 74th hunger game. and the boy who had saved katniss by giving her bread is the male leading role, peeta, stands for the district 12. 4. contest at first, katniss had won the attention from sponsors who can help tributes by giving them foods or medicine during the game, because her figure was a girl with sparkle fire flame dress.5. at the beginning of the game, katniss stayed away from other tributes that were professional tributes that had well training. after fighting, katnisss enemies had died half off. then she allied with rue, a girl from district 11, but unfortunately, rue was killed later, which is the cost of burning enemies important materials and goods. 6. but during the game is continuing, the rule of the game changed into there could be two survivals if they came from the same district. so katniss found peeta who was hurt badly and looked after him to recover. nearly to the end, katniss and peeta, killed others hand in hand. they finally have the second life and return home in district 12. 7. after interviewing the book and most of you may have read this book or the movie, i want to talk about my thoughts after reading. in the book, peeta is a bakers son, he is rich and lighthearted, but katniss has to make a living by hunting in the forest and support the family. so compare the two children, peeta is puerile, while katniss is more mature. during the dialogs through the game, they respect peeta as a bolshy and dauntless person. for katniss, she has changed a lot, from a cautious girl, to an intrepid super hero. from the growth of katniss, i deeply impressed that she is not only minute but also representative and aspirant, for the hunger game is not only a game itself as a show, but also the game between the capitol and other 12districts. this is a game about domination and revolution.8. this series has three books, the one is <hunger game>, the second is <catching fire>, and the last is <mockingjay>. then let us watch a prevue about the catching fire, someone in our class may have watched this movie yet. 9. at last, i want to say that, the hunger game is the product of domination. ironically, i think that its truly real in the side of essence. in the old roma, there used to have wrestling in the abattoir. this is nearly the same as hunger game, which tributes fight against each other to make emperor pleased. fortunately, in this story, katniss and peeta, they can go together hand in hand instead of murdering and fighting. but we must accept that in this cruel world, that victory is life. so the only way for the weak to win, is to love your opponent and go through together. love, is no more doubt, no more fake. just love, no matter who is he, even your opponent. 第三篇:饥饿游戏毒浆果读后感 饥饿游戏毒浆果读后感 张宇轩 饥饿游戏这本一时风靡全球的书,作者为苏珊柯林斯,她对于饥饿游戏的写作动机是这样说的:“那来自于某一天扫电视频道时得到的灵感,现实生活的真人秀竞赛和有关的战争的报道交织在一起,都令人感到不安。”这两者间的界线模糊了,她于是有了这个故事的构思。 看了这本书后,觉得很不错,这是一个以电视真人秀为主体的生存竞争游戏,一共有十二个区,每年每区各选一男一女作为“贡品”,年龄在12-18岁,24个人最终只能存活下来一人。故事主人公凯特尼斯伊夫狄思的妹妹只有一票,但不幸被选中,为了保护妹妹,凯特尼斯自告奋勇要替妹妹上场,在这场游戏中,尽管她从小就会狩猎,并逐步掌握了这一技艺,但她在比赛中要与残忍强壮的其他区选手比拼,还要面临来自同一地区的“救命恩人”的爱情,这是对她极大的考验。 从中,我得出了以下几个结论,也许是主人公获胜的原因:1.爱的力量:姐妹间深情的爱,使得主人公为了实现对妹妹的承诺,这种必胜的心态使得她的能力得到进一步提高,使她最后获胜2.智慧的力量:一开始的出场就给观众带来了深刻的印象燃烧的女孩,这个称号由此得来;游戏开始时, 凯特尼斯与搭档并不急于抢武器,而是去找水源,这样既可以保留实力,又可以不被追杀3.胆量的力量:无论是参加还是竞争,必不可少的就是胆量了,如凯特尼斯冒险为皮特取药,与人、野兽斗争,与恶劣环境对抗,这都是需要勇气与胆量的4.技能的力量:这次获得胜利的关键在于主人公有她父亲传授的射箭
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