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Five Steps Make an Amazing Composition Do you like writing? What is the students common reaction to writing a composition? Just Relax! 高考作文高分卷的特点 外在美:第一印象很重要!书写清楚,字母匀 称,词、行间距适当,卷面整洁。 结构美:有合理的段落层次,多为3段式,条 理清晰;每段有每段的主题。 词汇美:词汇反映你知识贮存量的多少,也是 衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。 句式美:运用得当的高级句式结构可以给文章 增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此而生辉 。 养眼的 当批到下午两点看 到了它们 太挤了 太乱了 太空了 太潦草了 太花了 太没谱了 老师最恨的作文 大锅,标点呢?段呢 ? 姐,你长发及腰的字体 难掩你每句都错的事实 啊! 神,你别抄阅读理解行不 ?俺们也会看试卷的! 老师最喜欢的作文 Great minds think alike! 一点提示 很容易改进的字 笔 笔 答题不可越界 1. 审题 2. 列提纲 3.连词成句 4.连句成篇 5. 润色修正 写作的五个步骤: (体裁,时态,结构,要求) (重点词组) (简单句) (衔接词) (更高级的句法和单词) See? Writing is not so tough. Let s have a try! 作文题目作文题目:2008年奥运会落幕,一家英文报刊 在其网站上征集奥运会后如何综合利用体育场 馆的建议。假设你叫张华,是该报的一名读者 ,请给该报编辑部写一封信,谈谈你的建议和 理由 内容包括 向公众开放,用于健身 租给体育公司,创造经济效益 开辟成旅游景点,吸引游客 哈哈, 不是李华了! 1.单词拼写或用错: Give you some advise. They can attact visitors. advice attract 学生常犯错误: We may given it to the PE company. The sport stadiums is very great and is highly spoken of by the foreigners. 3. 主谓一致问题: give 2. 时态语态问题: are are Many people can use them to strong our body. I am writing to make some advice for how to make full use of the sports stadiums. 5. 介词短语运用问题 : 4. 词性混淆问题: strengthen on 信息2 信息3 信息4 开头 正文 结尾 体裁 人称 时态 要求 结构 字数 内容 一般现在时 Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 抓要点, 120个左右 信息1 信息5 08年奥运会刚刚落幕. 征集奥运会后如何综合利 用体育场馆的建议. 你想写一些建议. 向公众开放,用于健身 总结,意愿 书信格式 租给体育公司,创造经济效益 开辟成旅游景点,吸引游客 第一,三人称 Step1:审题 Step2:列提纲 Para1. 开头 08年奥运会刚刚落幕. 征集奥运会后如何综合利用体育场馆的建议. 你想写一些建议. 08年奥运会刚刚落幕. the 2008 Olympic Games were hosted in Beijing. 征集奥运会后如何综合利用体育场馆的建议. after the Olypmic Games collect some advice how to make best use of the stadiums. 你想写一些建议 contribute some suggestions to you Para2. 正文 向公众开放,用于健身 租给体育公司,创造经济效益 开辟成旅游景点,吸引游客 向公众开放,用于健身. be opened to the people/public be used for strengthen their bodies 租给体育公司,创造经济效益. be rented to Sport companies which organize matches Make money/ profits 开辟成旅游景点,吸引游客 be used as tourist attractions Attract tourists Step2:列提纲 Para3:总结,意愿 结尾 In my opinion/ as far as I am concerned/from my point of view. I would appreciate it if you take into consideration Step2:列提纲 Step3:连词成句 Para.1: The 29th Olympic Games were hosted in Beijing with a great success. I hear you are collecting some advice on how to make the best of the stadiums. I would like to contribute the following suggestions to you. Para.2: The stadiums can be opened to the public. The public can strengthen their bodies. The stadiums can be rented to sport company which organize matches. It can make more profits. They can be used as tourist attraction. It can attract many visitors. Step3:连词成句 Para.3: From my point of view, we should do what we can to make full use the stadium. I would appreciate it if you would take my advice into deep consideration Step3:连词成句 Step4:连句成篇 I heard you are collecting some advice on how to make the best of the stadiums after the 29th Olympic Games were hosted in Beijing with a great success. Here I would like to contribute the following suggestions to you. First of all, the stadiums can be opened to the public. The public can strengthen their bodies. Secondly, The stadiums can be rented to sport company which organize matches. It can bring in much more profits. last but not least, they can be used as tourist attraction. It can attract many visitors. From my point of view, we should do what we can to make full use the stadiums. I would appreciate it if you would take my advice into deep consideration 二. 使用非谓语动词使句子简洁高档 三. 巧用倒装增强句子表现力 四.尝试多样 化表达方式 一.使用较高级词汇使文章增加吸引力 强调句 With短语复合结构 定语从句 名词性从句 各种状语从句 被动语态 Step5:润色修正 润色修正 I heard you are collecting some advice on how to make the best of the stadiums after the 29th Olympic Games were hosted in Beijing with a great success. 1. With复合结构 With the 29th Olympic Games hosted successfully, I heard you are collecting some advice on how to make the best of the stadiums 2.定语从句 First of all, the stadiums can be opened to the public. People can strengthen their bodies there. 润色修正 First of all, the stadiums can be opened to the public, where they can strengthen their bodies conveniently. (适当增加修饰性的副词) 润色修正 3.非谓语动词 Secondly, the stadiums can be rented to sport company which organize matches. It can bring in much more profits. Secondly, the stadiums can be rented to sport companies which organize matches, bringing in much more profits.(现在分词作结果状语) 润色修正 4.状语从句 last but not least, they can be used as tourist attraction. It can attract many visitors. last but not least, they can be used as tourist attraction. Because many of them are so well designed with strong Chinese features that they will surely attract visitors from all over the world. 润色修正 5.倒装句 只有当我们充分利用这些体育馆时,才能让它们的存 在有意义。 Only when we make full use of the stadium can we let stadium make sense. With the 29th Olympic Games ended successfully, What we should do now is how to make full use of the stadiums. I heard you are collecting some advice on how to make the best of them. Here I would like to contribute the following suggestions to you.
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