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12 Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives? Answer the question When something is broken, can you use it again? No What is a window made of? glass What do you call a table, chairs, cupboard, etc ? furniture In which room do we cook and eat foods? The kitchen 1. Key words : broken, glass, medical, imagine, bottom, at the bottom of, wrong, Whats wrong with?, trouble, lift, lift up, drop, make sure 2. key structure: But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you. No, that could be harmful. Betty, you must know! 3. Ability: To listen and understand conversation about first aid. To listen for specific information. To talk about safety and first aid. Teaching aims /brkn/ /gla:s/ /stez/ /eId/ first aid /medIkl/ /ImdIn/ 破碎的 adj. broken 玻璃 n. glass 楼梯 n.(pl.) once 救助;帮助 n. 急救 stairs Words and expressions imagine 想象;设想v. medical 医学的;医疗的 adj. /btm/ at the bottom of. /r/ whats wrong with.? /trbl/ /lIft/ 底部;下端 n.buttom 在的底部 有毛病的;有错误的adj. 不正确的;错误的 adv. wrong 怎么了? 问题;烦恼;困难 n. 举起;抬起;提起 v. 电梯 n. lift trouble /harm:ful/ /drp/ /treInI/ make sure /kv/ lift up 有害的 adj.harmful 使落下;投下 v. training训练;培训 n. cover 确保;确认 drop 盖;盖上 v. 抬起;提起 1 work in pairs. Talk about the pictures. Use the words in the box to help you. accident broken dangerous furniture glass kitchen stairs Match the sentence with the picture: Its dangerous to run down the stairs The piece of furniture is heavy and the boy cannot lift it. Theres some broken glass in the kitchen. 2 Listen and check what the pictures are about? Accident often happen before you notice them. You could fall when you go down the stairs at school. Its quite dangerous in the kitchen At home because broken glass or knives can cut you. And moving heavy furniture is dangerous too. You could drop it and hurt your foot. Then work in pairs and describe the picture in more sentence. Everyday EnglishEveryday English What can we do to? How we do that? How can we do that? Now read these first aid suggestions and decide if they are good ideas () or bad ideas (). 1 Ask the boy what is wrong. 2 Get help. 3 Shout so the boy can hear you. 4 Move the boy to a more comfortable place. 5 Make sure the boy is warm. 4 Complete the passage bottom Cover drop harmful imagine lift medical pain Lets (1) _ you see a boy lying at the(2)_ of the stairs. What should you do? Call for (3) _ help immediately. Do not (4)_ the boy up and sit him on a chair. This could be (5) _ for him! Even worse, you might (6)_ him while you are moving him! That would cause a lot of (7)_. (8)_ him with a coat and make sure he is warm. Then wait for the doctors to arrive. imagine bottom medical lift harmful drop painCover 1. He is in pain.他很疼。 in pain的意思是“处处在疼痛之中”。如: Are you still in pain? 你还疼吗? 2. But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you.但是他有可能无法听到你或者和你说话说话 。 句中的could表示推测测。如: You could be right. 你可能是对的。 Language points have trouble doing sth./have trouble with sth 的意思是“做有困难难”。 如: We never have any trouble getting the car started. 发动这辆车发动这辆车 子我们们从没费过劲费过劲 儿。 Were having a lot of trouble with a new computer system 新的电脑电脑 系统让统让 我们们焦头烂额头烂额 。 3. Make sure hes warm. 确保他不受凉。 make sure的意思是“确保,保证证”。如: Make sure you turn off all the lights before you go out. 在出门门之前一定要把所有的灯都关掉。 I think I locked the door, but Ill go hack and check, just to make sure. 我觉觉得我锁锁上门门 了,但我还还是要回去看看,确认认一下 。 4. Thats such good advice that you could be a doctor, 这这个建议议非常好,你都可以当医生了! such. that.这这个句型表达“如此以至于”的意思 ,such后面接名词词,名词词前可以有形容词词修饰饰。如 果只有形容词词或副词词,则则要使用so.that.这这一句型 。如: It is such a tiny kitchen that only one person can cook in it. 这这个厨房很小,只能容下 一个人在里面做饭饭。 They are such nice people that we all like them. 他们们人很好,我们们都喜欢欢他们们。 He urn so weak that he could hardly stand up. 他很虚弱,几乎站不起来。 Everything happened so quickly that I hadnt time to think. 一切发发生得太快 了,我都 没有时间时间 思考。 5 Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses. 1 Lets imagine an accident. 2 What can we do to help him? 3 Find out whats wrong with him. 4 Make sure hes warm. 5 Cover him with a coat. 6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions . Student A: You are a teacher of basic medical training. Student B: You are a student of basic medical traning. What do you do if someones hurt? Ask him/her what happened 我们们学习过习过 情态动词态动词 can和could表示“能够够”,表示对现对现 在或 将来的推测测,意为为“会,可能”,往往用于否定句和疑问问句。 用于疑问问句时时,can比could表示的“可能性”要大;用于否定 句时时,cannot (cant) 表示“不可能”。如: You cant be serious! 你不是认认真的吧! could则则可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问问句。在以下例句中, can和could均表示可能: He could be in pain.他可能很疼。 That could be harmful!那可能有害! Can/Could this be true?这这有可能是真的吗吗? 情态动词must, can, could表示推测 情态动词 must也可以表示猜测测,意思为为“一定,准是”,通 常只用于肯定句。如课课文中的 例子: Betty, you must know!贝蒂,你肯定知道! 请请仔细对细对 比下列一组组句子: Who sent the present? Can it be your brother? 是谁谁送来的礼物啊?会是你哥哥吗吗? (询问询问 可能性) It must be your brother. I saw him in your room just now. 肯定是你哥哥,我刚刚才看见见他在 你的房间间里。 (语语气强烈,表示非常肯定) It cant be my brother. He is still in France. 不可能是我哥哥,他还还在法国呢。(表示不可
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