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单元重点 小结 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 1.abundant adj. be abundant in.在方面丰富 abundance n.大量;丰富 in abundance 大量;丰富 例如:It is said that the country (在淡 水方面丰富). 2.burden n.重担,负担 vt. be burdened by.被所困扰 be burdened with 承受的负担 例如:He is young,but he (背负 很大的担子). 大量的,丰富的,充裕的 is abundant in fresh water 负担,背负 is burdened with a heavy load 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 3.resign v. resign from.从辞职 resign oneself to甘受;顺从 resignation n.辞呈 例如:He was so old that he decided to (从职位上退下来). 4.show 炫耀;夸耀 show sb.around 领着某人参观 show up出现,露面 例如:When she bought a new toy,she always (炫耀). 5.knock sb.撞上某人 knock back 使吃惊 knock down 撞倒 knock over 打翻 例如:He (撞到我身上)that day,but he didnt say sorry to me. 辞职 resign from his position off showed it off into knocked into me 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 6.undertake vt. undertake to do sth.承诺做某事 例如:The manager (承诺 给我一个好的工作). 7.squeeze vt. squeeze sth./sb.in把某物/人挤进去 squeeze out挤走 squeeze through挤过,勉强通过 例如:The bus was very crowded,but we managed to (把小男孩塞到车上). 着手做,从事,承担,接受 undertook to offer me a good job 挤 squeeze the little boy in 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 8. principle 原则上 against ones principle违背某人的原则 a matter of principle 原则 问题 in principle 大体上,基本上 例如:For most of us,it is really (一个 原则问题). 9.consequently adv. as a consequence 结果 in consequence of 因为 as a consequence of 因为 例如:The young man lost his job (因 为这次事故). on a matter of principle 所以,因此 as a consequence of the accident 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 1.As a society, we took these issues more seriously. 作为一个社会,现在是我们更加认真地对待这些问题的时候了。 2.They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs,which keep an eye on peoples movements. 然后他们就可以在各个胡同口设置哨兵,这更便于监视人们的活动 。 3.By connecting peoples homes,the hutongs in fact connected peoples lives, . 胡同不仅使家家户户相通,实际上不论是富人还是穷人,他们的生 活都被胡同联系起来了。 its high time that made it easier to whether the lives of the rich or the lives of the ordinary citizens 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 4.They can also stop under a stone arch and watch the hutong world go by Beijings best “Peking Duck” or satisfying their thirst with a cold Tsingtao beer. 他们还可以在一座石桥下停下来,品尝一盘北京最著名的“北京烤 鸭”或喝上一杯冰爽解渴的青岛啤酒,观赏着胡同的世界从岁月中 流逝。 while enjoying a plate of 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 表示说服的句式 1.你最好开始为养老金存钱了。 You saving for your pension. 2.如果我是你,我就把光着的胳膊盖起来。 If I were you, . 3.我认为你应该告诉你丈夫你怀孕了。 I think youre pregnant. 4.你该开始思考你的未来了。 you started thinking about your future. 5.我宁愿你不要在晚上弹奏音乐。 didnt play music at night. 6.她的老师们要求她穿长裙子。 she should wear long skirts. had better start I would cover my bare arms you should tell your husband Its time that I would rather you Her teachers demand that 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 Talking about ones health and disease(谈论健康和疾病) 1.How are you feeling today? 2.I dont feel very well this morning. 3.I was sick yesterday,but Im better today. 4.My fever is gone,but I still have a cough. 5.My brother has a bad headache. 6.Which of your arms is sore? 7.My right arm hurts.It hurts right here. 8.Whats matter with you? 9.Ive got a pain in my back. 10.Which foot hurts?Is it the left one? 11.How did you break your leg? 12.I slipped on the stairs and fell down.I broke my leg. 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 13.Your right hand is swollen.Does it hurt? 14.Its bleeding.Youd better go see a doctor about that cut. 15.I hope youll be well soon. 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 浅谈主旨大意题解题策略 一、题型解读 主旨大意题主要是测试考生对一篇文章或一段文字的深层理解 程度以及在速读中准确把握文章主旨大意的能力。一般针对某一 语段或某一语篇的主题标题或目的设题。这类题目考查的范围是: 基本论点、文章标题、主题或段落大意等。它要求考生在理解全 文的基础上能较好地运用概括、判断、归纳、推理等逻辑思维方 法,对文章进行高度概括或总结。 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 二、解题策略 常见的解题方法是: 1.抓住主题句。它们一般位于文章的开头或结尾。同时,也可以 贯穿各段中心句进行总结。 2.抓住文章逻辑线索,理清发展脉络。作者往往会采取举例、比 较、分类、归纳等不同方法来组织文章。 3.把握文章的体裁,分清文体,确定思维方向。 4.体会作者的写作意图和所要表达的思想感情,辨清褒贬态度。 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 一般主旨大意题可以分为两类: 1.文章大意题 每篇阅读理解都有一个中心,获取文章中心思想的有效方法就是 找出主题句。主题句具有简洁性、概括性的特点,起统领全文的作 用,文中的所有事实、细节都是为其服务的。文章的主题句的位置 常在首段或尾段。因此,在阅读中,考生要对文章的首段和尾段及 段落的主题句给予特别的关注。有的中心思想隐含在文章中,比如 有的故事类文章可能没有主题句,这就需要考生对文中的事实、细 节进行分析、推断和归纳,从而概括出文章大意。主要设题形式: 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 The main purpose of the article is to show that . What is the main idea of the passage? The writer of the passage wants to tell us that . The passage is mainly about . What is the subject discussed in the passage? What does the passage mainly deal with? 重点词汇重点句型重点语法功能走近高考拓展阅读 【典题例析】 Children usually love dogs.And even those who are afraid of them at first grow to love these lovely animals once they get to know them.So lets find out which small dog is the most suitable as a pet for your child,in case your little one is asking for a dog of his/her own. When you choose a dog for children,a number of factors need to be kept in mind.People usually choose a dog based on its looks.However,looks can be cheating,as a lovely looking dog might be aggressive,and a strong looking dog might be gentle. Another factor that needs to be kept in mind,while you choose small dogs for your child,is the character of the child w
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