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Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it? tag questions Its cold ,_? isnt it Yes,it is. They are playing football, ?arent they Yes, they are. They dont like swimming,_? do they No, they dont. They enjoy it a lot. Jay sings many songs, ?doesnt he Yes, he does. Lily was ill in bed, _? Yes, she was. wasnt she She wasnt at home, _?was she No, she wasnt. The students were in the classroom, _? Yes, they were. werent they They werent in the zoo last Sunday, _? No, they werent. They went to the mountains. were they It rained heavily yesterday, _? didnt it Yes, it did. Liu Xiang won the hurdle race again, _? Yes, he did. didnt he There was a heavy snow last year, _?Yes, there was. wasnt there 反意疑问句/ 附加疑问句- 陈述句+附加问句 规则: 1.前肯,后否; 2.前否,后肯; 3.附加问句和陈述句人称、时态一 致(相应时态的助动词的肯定/否 定形式+人称代词)。 1. 前肯,+ 后否 be 动词: 1. You are an actor, _ _ ? 2. He is a good boy, _ _ ? 3. It was fine yesterday, _ _ ? 4. You were studying when I called you last night, _ _ ? 5. She is going to visit me, _ _? 6. I am Chinese, _ _? arent you isnt he wasnt it werent you isnt she arent I 行为动词: 1. It often rains here, _ _ ? 2. He likes soccer, _ _ ? 3. You have a headache, _ _ ? 4. I called you yesterday, _ _? 其它动词: 1. You will go to America, _ _ ? 2. We have ever been to Shanghai, _ _ ? doesnt it doesnt he dont you didnt I wont you havent we 2. 前否,+ 后肯 1. You arent an actor, _ _ ? 2. He isnt a good boy, _ _ ? 3. It wasnt fine yesterday, _ _ ? 4. It doesnt rain here, _ _ ? 5. His sister doesnt have a headache, _ _ ? 6. You didnt call me yesterday, _ _? are you is he does it does she was it did you 7. You wont go to U.S.A., _ _? 8. There isnt a boy in our classroom, _ _ ? 9. There werent many cars in the street, _ _ ? 10. Dont smoke, _ _ ? 11. Lets do it, _ _ ? will you is there were there will you shall we 特殊用法1 -祈使句的反意疑问句: 在祈使句后面附加问句,以加强语气或使祈使句 听起来较委婉、客气。附加问句可选用 “will you? ”“wont you?”。 祈使句为否定结构时,附加问句一般只用 “will you?”. 陈述句为 “Lets” 结构时, 表示建议,其意思 包括对方,即“让我们(你我双方)”附加问句一般 用 “shall we?” 。 陈述句为 “Let us” 结构时, 表示请求,其意思 不包括对方,即“你让我们(You let us)”,附加 问句一般用 “will you?” -祈使句 1. Sit down please, _ ? 2. Please call me, _? 3. Lets go home, _ ? 4. Let us go home, _ ? 5. Dont leave now, _? will / wont you shall we will / wont you will you will / wont you 特殊用法2 情态动词的反义疑问句 陈述句+情态动词的简短否定/ 肯定+主语? 1) He can play the piano,_? 2) He should go right now, _? 3)They cant finish it, _? cant he shouldnt he can they 特殊用法3-There be句型的反意疑问句。 陈述句为There be结构时,附加问句仍用there。 1.There is a famous doctor in your hometown, _? Yes, there is. 2.There are many visitors in Beijing now, _? 3.There will not be any classes tomorrow, _? No, there wont. 4.There wasnt anything new on TV last night, _? Yes, there was a new TV play. It was very interesting. isnt there arent there will there was there 特殊用法4 陈述部分如果有否定意义的词,如:hardly(几乎 不), never(从不), nothing, few, little, no, seldom(很少 ), tooto(太以至于不能) 等, 这时疑问部分要用肯 定形式。 1.Mr. Smith can hardly speak Chinese, _? 2.She has never been to Hong Kong, _? 3.There is nothing important in the newspaper, _? 4.Few people eat wild animals now, _? 5.He knows little German, _ ? 6.You have seldom met him recently, _? 7.He is too young to join the army, _? has she is there do they does he have you is he can he 特殊用法5 回答反意疑问句的问题时,要注意根据事情情况回答.只 要事实是肯定的,就用Yes回答,如果事实是否定的,就 用No回答,不管第一部分句子是肯定或否定。Yes/ No 和 之后的简略回答必须一致。(注意中文和英文思维的差异 ) 1. The book isnt so boring, is it? _. Its the worst book I have ever read. _. Its fun, I think. 2. You havent been to the U. S. , have you? _. I want to have a visit one day. _. I have been there three times. Yes, it is. No, it isnt. No, I havent. Yes, I have. 特殊用法6 主语是everyone, someone, anyone, no one, nobody等 不定代词时,反意疑问句的主语一般用they指代。 1.Everyone in your family is fond of swimming, arent they ? 你们全家都喜欢游泳,是吗? 2.Anyone can do that, _? 3.Someone is knocking at the door, _? 4.No one knows about it, _? cant they arent they dont they 特殊用法7 主语是everything, something, anything, nothing等不定 代词时,反意疑问句的主语一般用it指代。 1.Nothing is important for him, is it? 2.Something is wrong with your computer, _? 3.Everything is ready for the test, _? 一切都准备好了,对吗? isnt it isnt it
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