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初一地理上册知识点地球和地图(First geography earth and maps)Chapter 1 earth and mapSection 1 earth and globe1. Know the shape and size of the earth1. The process of human understanding of the earth: the celestial circle and the rarr; The sky is like a hat. Magellan led the fleet around the earth a week. Earth satellite photos.2. Earth shape: 1519 1522 the Magellan fleet completed the global journey confirming that the earth was a sphere, and that he was an irregular sphere with a flat surface of the equatorial bulge.3. Earths size:The polar radius of the earth: 6357 kmEarths equatorial radius: 6378 kilometersEarths average radius: 6371 kmThe largest circumference of the earth: about 40,000 kilometersEarths surface area: 551 million square kilometersIi. Model of the earth & mdash; A globe1. Globe: people imitate the shape of the earth and shrink it to a certain proportion, making models of the earth. The globe. People use different colors, symbols and words to represent the shape and name of the geography of land, sea, mountain, river, country and city.2. Function: the globe can help us to know the face of the earth and understand the distribution of various geographical objects on the earths surface.The latitude and longitude lines1. The filling line: the circle which is perpendicular to the earth axis and circles the earth for a week. All weft is not equal, the longest parallel is the equator, indicating the direction of things.2. Meridian: a semicircle that connects the north and south poles and intersects the equator vertically. (all of the meridian length is equal, and just north and south direction, the coil must be corresponding to the two warp, namely two warp degree and is 180 & deg;, and divide the earth into two equal semicircle.Longitude and latitude: in order to distinguish between the meridians and the weft, people give different degrees of latitude and longitude.4. Division of objects: 0 & deg; The longitude line (that is, the prime meridian) is the dividing line between east and west. , 0 & deg; The west longitude of the meridian west, use & ldquo; W” East longitude is called east longitude. E” Said.5. The division of the south and north latitude: the equator (i.e. 0 & deg; the weft) is the dividing line between the north and the south, and the north of the equator is called the northern latitudes. N”The south of the equator is said to be south latitude. S” The equator is the largest circle of weft.6. Division of the north and south hemispheres: south of the equator is the southern hemisphere and north of the equator is the northern hemisphere.7. The dividing line between the eastern and western hemispheres and divided: 20 degrees west longitude and east longitude 160 degrees is the dividing line between the eastern and western hemispheres, 20 degrees west longitude to the east and the east longitude 160 degrees between the coil is the eastern hemisphere, 20 degrees west longitude to the west and the east longitude 160 degrees is the western hemisphere.4. Position using the warp and weft networkA web of latitude and longitude, which is a network of earth and weft threads.The position of a certain point on the surface of the earth can be determined by the meridian net.The second earth movementOne. The rotation of the earthThe rotation of the earth: the earth revolves around the earths axis called the earths rotation,The direction of the earths rotation is from the west to the east. The earths rotation is rotated counterclockwise from the North Pole, and the earths rotation is rotated clockwise.The revolution of the earthEarths rotation: while the earth is spinning, it also revolves around the sun. The direction of earths rotation is from west to east, and the week is one year.& have spent& have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent The rotation& have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent revolutionThe direction ofFrom west to east& have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent From west to eastIt takes time to turn around a week& have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent About 24 hours& have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent About 365 days& have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent Center of rotation& have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent The earths axis& have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent The sun& have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent The rotation characteristicsThe tilt of the earths axis points to the same spaceThe axis is the tilted space pointing to the same& have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent & have spent occurrenceDay and night, th
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