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十二星座之长相 (女生)(The looks of twelve constellations (girls))Appearance of the twelve constellations (girls)The Aries womanVery beautiful, very proud, surrounded by the feeling of love for. Have a heart of faith will fling caution to the winds to realize it. It will soothe the man.They have been watching for signature will know the heart feeling to express just comfortable, the courage to express love, but also the courage to bear the pain of love. Love to write text Jiao Jiao small, but in the language of revealing innocence and candor.Summary: love and pain of the Aries woman are blazing, love will be very frank (some will enjoy the fun, not to conquer daozhui) the love will not hide how long will tend to be ruthless. Rain in her heart and face not bad too much, occasionally naughty innocence and very attractive man, but also not easily and others confide. Stubborn, confident. She is curious about the world, not afraid of being hurt in trials, so also will be taken by surprise, was innocent. I found a large proportion of the Aries woman face inverted 3 horn, anyway, that would some wide cheekbones, chin and small, round eyes, and very white, this sign is a lot of standard beauty, ha ha. (just a large proportion of Oh, Mo.)Taurus womanDelicacy beauty . Travel impulse disorder (action follow up, intention) personalities are semi open semi closed state, in addition to their other feelings are able to talk, open-minded, not bound. There will be a crazy idea, but the behavior is reasonable properly distinguish the severity of non. There are hidden and stubborn temper. The little bitch (or small loli, the beginning I didnt expect taurus), headstrong, crazy play up rolling on the floor, what did not care, but closed the door when I wrote a small diary on the home page and wrote peeping rotten (* * is the chrysanthemum, embarrassed)! In addition to her sister and $! ($is her dogs name). Usually speak directly and hurt, strong self-esteem.A mind with perseverance, taste and reserved, not easily.Summary: Taurus woman mostly at hiding the delicate feelings, reveal personality traits tend to Hale strong, to her inner passage from narrow to broad to narrow. Their life concept is usually very practical, suitable for small woman know when what time the big idea, more let a man at ease. For that matter generally accepted novelstimulus stubborn stubborn, also return to reality.Two childrenShe is a bit simple and clever, cunning little opinionated. Willing to accept new and exciting things, but will not easily try. How to say, open mind, behavior is relatively conservative. Thinking quickly but not smart, tolerant, very compassionate. A moral bottom line, love of beauty, but the heart is very special situation.Early, decadent mask naive, like love and affection, is stimulation.Summary: know a lot of double children, are more clever, sensitive, take care of the feelings of others, tolerance, love of freedom, take seriously the feelings, hurt feelings tend to live after erosion for a period of time, everything is to open. Life attitude is good. Also tend to exhibit self thought, stubborn character. PS, I think of a good Gemini woman, she feel your sincerity, will return three points (Xian Youqing), let you feel more than you pay for her.Summary: Gemini is destined to be contradictory, but he / she is not complicated, just like a child with two masks playing with you. He is actually very optimistic under the mask of fear of injury, once fell in love with you hope you completely is his, so it will give the heart. I love you from the bottom of my heart, they suffered a lot in the heart, the surface is always bring people laughter. In fact, is a very lovely constellation.The Cancer womanThe appearance of moderate and occasionally childish, heart wild side, love travel but also love, not too zhai. Easy to fall into their own imagination inextricably bogged down in the world. Highly sensitive (in his mind things),The height of the cold (for something unfeeling eyes), strong feelings and lingering, child abuse has been used. Treat memories solemn and emotional, very nostalgic.Strong insight such as radar, in order to protect her husband and family can make all the seemingly cruel means. Unpredictable, jealous, take care of the family very carefully, is a smart woman. Have a good memory, a few years ago to make her uncomfortable things can take a long time.Who is a decent person in the eyes of the bad girl (saying a lot your narcissistic bad girl, no, nothing derogatory) topic is not and she said, the disgusting porn ridiculous, she often stunned, very witty. Good at self mockery and boast. Vanity is strong, stubborn. Make friends is very interesting, but she is not too nice to you, you are good to her three minutes before you, strong awareness of self protection mechanism. Often emotionally make desperate move, then more negative towards love unable to get
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