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安徽大学 硕士学位论文 英汉亲属称谓的语用功能比较与翻译 姓名:汪克慧 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:张明 2010-04 v 摘 要 摘 要 有关称谓的研究由来已久。但不论是西方学者,还是汉语语言学家都只是侧 重对各自语言中的称谓体系的分析、研究和概括,并认为称谓语不仅具有一定的 语义特点,而且还具有一些普遍的语用功能。本文从跨文化交际的角度,对英汉 亲属称谓语所包含的普遍语用功能进行比较, 用关联理论来分析亲属称谓语在翻 译过程中出现的问题,并试图通过这种新的途径找到解决问题的方法。这一理论 在语言学中产生了重要的影响。它从语言哲学、认知心理学、交际学等多学科的 角度对语言交际做出解释,它将认知与语用研究结合起来,将语用学研究的重点 从话语的产出转移到话语的理解,指出语言交际是一个认知推理的过程,对话 语的理解就是一种认知活动。语用翻译这种说法是近十多年来才出现的。它并非 单纯的直译或意译,其实质上是一种等效翻译。翻译中为达到语用等效,其前提 是正确地认知和理解自然语言。 因此, 关联理论就成为当前指导语用翻译的新论。 这一理论中提出了不同于传统意义上的语境观:认为交际中的语境是动态的,是 一个变项,所以将语境称为“语境假设” ,在言语交际中,对话语起主要作用的 是构成听话人认知环境的一系列假设。 理解每一个话语所需要的语境因素是不同 的,因此,要在话语理解过程中为每一个话语构建新的语境。即要找到对方语境 假设的最佳相关性,才能取得语境效果,达到交际成功。 从关联理论的角度来研究亲属称谓的翻译既具有理论意义又具有现实意 义。自从 1986 年关联理论被提出之后,就引起了学术界的广泛争议。虽然有些 学者认为它不够科学,但关联理论将翻译看作是一个动态的过程,这是一个独特 的理论概念。研究亲属称谓又具有广泛的现实意义。亲属称谓是称谓系统的一个 重要组成部分。现在,称谓系统已构成一个完整的体系。对称谓系统的研究可以 帮助我们明晰各种亲属称谓的内在的相互关系,有助于对整个上下文的理解;还 能帮助我们探索文化、职业、年龄及其他社会元素之间的动态关系。使用亲属称 谓是一个重要的社会行为。对我们来说,不论在同一种文化之下,还是在跨文化 交际中,学会在合适的场合使用合适的亲属称谓是非常必要的。 本文将分五个部分进行论述。第一部分介绍本研究的起源、意义、研究目标 vi 及基本思路。第二部分是文献综述。介绍与选题相关的国内外理论发展和研究状 况。第三章开始进入正文,首先对英汉亲属称谓进行比较,找出其差异。其次, 通过对语用功能的进一步比较,探讨等值翻译的出路。第四章涉及对英汉亲属称 谓的翻译,探索具体的翻译方法。第五章总结全文。指出本文的主要发现、创新 点、对未来研究的影响及其局限性。 作为以交际为基础的理论,关联理论考虑到翻译中的所有相关因素,探寻最 佳关联即最合适的表达,以达到中英互译中的一种平衡状态。因此,关联理论 可以宏观地解释所有的翻译现象。 本文将试图证明关联理论可以为亲属称谓翻译 提供一种新的翻译策略。由于中西方亲属称谓语系统的巨大差别,导致其内涵和 用途都有很大的不同。相对来讲,汉语亲属称谓语系统要比英语复杂的多,翻译 过程必然会遇到文化缺省的问题。 正如人类的一切认知和交际活动都不可避免缺 省一样。所谓关联准则,就是依据认知语境找出事物之间的内在联系。因此,译 者一方面要根据原文作者的明示行为进行推理, 另一方面要照顾到译文读者的认 知环境。译者可根据不同的语境来选择具体的翻译策略,找到最佳关联,以达到 功能对等的效果。本文的创新点是应用相关性理论,采用静态与动态相结合的方 法对英汉亲属称谓语进行社会语用学分析,探讨具体可行的翻译途径。但是,在 英汉翻译过程中,追求完全对等是不切实际的。我们力求在尊重文化传统,遵循 表达习惯的基础上使译文达到最大程度的对等。 关键词:关键词:称谓语; 语用功能; 关联理论; 文化缺省; 功能对等 ii Abstract Abstract Theres a long history about the study of addressing forms. Both the western scholars and the Chinese linguists have been focused on the analysis and generalization of addressing systems, concluding that the addressing terms contain not only semantic traits but also pragmatic functions. This paper tries to compare the pragmatic functions of Chinese and English kinship terms from the perspective of cross-cultural communication by applying the relevance theory to analyze the problems in the translation of kinship terms and find solutions. The relevance theory exerts a great influence on pragmatics. It offers explanations to verbal communication from a multidisciplinary view such as linguistic philosophy, cognitive psychology and communication studies. It combines cognition with pragmatic researches and shifts the emphasis of pragmatic study from utterance to comprehension, pointing out that verbal communication is a course from cognition to inference and that to understand the utterance is a kind of cognitive activity. The expression of pragmatic translation has turned up only approximately in the recent ten years. It is not a pure literal translation or free translation. Its nature is a type of equivalent translation. In order to achieve pragmatic equivalence in translation, the premise is to have a correct cognition and comprehension towards natural language. Therefore, the relevance theory plays a leading role in guiding pragmatic translation. A new contextual concept which differs from the traditional ones is brought up. It holds that context in communication is a dynamic variable and calls it “contextual assumption”. In verbal communication, the main elements which affect utterance are a series of assumptions which compose the listeners cognitive environment. To comprehend each utterance, the needed contextual factors are various. Therefore, in the process of comprehension, its necessary to construct a new context, that is, to seek the optimal relevance which is fit for the counterparts contextual assumption. In such a way, the best contextual effect can be obtained and success can be achieved in communication. iii To explore the translation of kinship terms from the view of relevance theory is meaningful both in theory and in practice. The relevance theory was put forward in 1986, and it has invited widely controversy in the academic community. Though some scholars think that the theory lacks scientific methods, its a unique theoretic concept to view translation as a dynamic process. The study of kinship terms also has extensive practical significance. As a vital part of addressing system, kinship terms have already constituted a complete structure. The research of kinship terms can help clarify the internal relationship between various addressing terms and comprehend the context. It can also give us an aid to investigate the dynamic relationships within culture, profession, age and other social factors. Using kinship terms is an important social behavior and its quite necessary for us to use proper kinship terms in suitable situations in the same culture or in cross-cultural communication. The thesis is made up of five chapters. The first chapter gives a general introduction to the study. The origin of the study, the significance and objective and
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