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语法突破两百句(Grammar breaks through two hundred sentences)Li Yang Crazy English grammar through two hundred sentences (the first stage)When we were 1.Now that the action is happening.Keep quiet The baby is sleeping.!(quiet! The baby is sleeping. )It also said the impending action.Im tired. Im going home now. Goodnight!(Im tired. Im going to bed。 Good night )Look The bus is coming!(see a car coming! )My boss is leaving for South Korea.The boss (Ill go to korea. )2. nowIt said the truth or disciplinary action.Rice doesnt grow in cold climates.(cold climate is not suitable for the growth of rice. )I always go to work by car.(I always drive to work. )Now when compared with the general now: the former said ongoing action, the latter often said the existence of the state.I cant understand why he is being so selfish. He isnt usually like that.(I dont understand why he is being so selfish. He usually not like this. )3.The past tense is a simple statement of what happened in the past.We invited them to our party but they decided not to come.(we invited them to our party, but they decided not to come. )I was angry because they were late.(I was angry because they were late. )4. in the past timeEg over a specific time is action.I was walking home when I met Dave.(I met David, I was walking home. )Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking.(Tom cook hot hand. )5. now completeNow complete: just finished the action; had experience; repeated past actions; past actions or States continues or emphasizes the impact of past action right now.I have just finished my work.(I have just finished my work. )I have never been abroad.(Im not taken half step abroad. )I love this movie. I have seen it ten times.(I love this movie! I have seen it ten times! )Im hungry. I havent eaten anything since yesterday.(Im hungry, yesterday I havent eaten anything. )What a boring movie/film Its the most boring movie/film I! Have ever seen.(this movie is boring! Is the worst movie Ive ever seen. )6. have been doingFor all the time from the past to continue to speak of the action.How long have you been learning English?(how long have you studied English? )Comparison of the present perfect and present perfect continuousMary is still writing letters. Shes been writing letters all day.(HP is still writing letters. )Mary has written ten letters today.(Mary has written ten letters today. )7. had doneThe past perfect past said action.At first I thought Id done the right thing, but I soon realized that Id made a mistake.(at first I thought I did, but soon found he made a mistake. )The house was dirty. They hadnt cleaned it for weeks.(the house was dirty, they hadnt cleaned it for weeks. )8. the past perfect tenseWas that something happens before the occurrence of the past has been a period of time.I was very tired when I arrived home. Id been working hard all day,(very tired when I got home.I spent the whole day in your life to do! )Ken gave up smoking two years ago. Hed been smoking for thirty years(two years ago to quit smoking, hed been smoking for thirty years. )The 9. time in the futureThe future that is going to happen in the future action.Look at those black clouds. Its going to rain.(look at the black clouds, its going to rain! )I think the weather will be nice later.(I think the weather will be nice later. )The future in the past is the past tense of the main clause is generally used in the object clause.He told me that he would give up his job.(he told me he would resign. )10. modal verbsModal verbs alone cannot predicate, only with the notional verb predicate together. : shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, dare, need, ought to, be able to, used to, etc.We can see the lake from our bedroom window.(from the bedroom window, we can see the lake. )I was so tired. I could have slept for a week.(Im exhausted! I could have slept for a week. )Will you shut the door, please?(please shut the door, please? )Whenever Arthur was angry, he would walk out of the room.(Arthur angry, will go out. )Liz, can you do me a favor?(Li Zi, do me a favor? )Could I use your mobile phone?(can I use your mobile phone? )Where shall we go this evening?(lets go tonight? )Should we invite Susan to the party?(please sue the three party? )You must keep it a secret. You mustnt tell anybody else.(you must remain secret, who cant speak. )I am not sure whether I can lend you any money. I may not have enough.(I am not sure whether I can lend you money. I may not have enough. )You might have left it in the shop.(you might have left it in the shop. )W
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