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河北大学 硕士学位论文 英语言语交际中的焦点与信息理解 姓名:张慧敏 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:叶慧君 2011-05 摘 要 III 摘 要 焦点是一种十分重要的语言现象,在言语交际中起着关键作用,因而也是一个重要 的、有价值的、值得深入探讨的课题。焦点研究涉及到音系学、句法学、语用学、话语 分析等多个语言学科,是形式语言学、功能语言学等学派共同感兴趣的话题。目前,语 言学家们对焦点的分类、表现手段、焦点和焦点敏感算子之间的语义关联和焦点的位置 及投射规则关注的较多,而忽视了其他方面,未能对焦点现象做出一个完备的解释。本 文针对焦点研究存在的问题,在对焦点理论进行梳理的基础上,分析了影响信息聚焦的 因素和焦点的功能。 言语交际中人们总要采取这样或那样的方法或手段来突出或强调自己所要表达的 重点,能够用来明确标示出所要传递的信息重点的方式或手段称为聚焦手段。英语中, 信息焦点的表现手段可分为三大类:语音聚焦手段、词汇聚焦手段和语法聚焦手段。口 语中的信息焦点主要靠语音聚焦手段来传递;而书面语中,信息焦点往往通过词汇聚焦 手段和语法聚焦手段来实现。 言语交际是一个动态过程,我们静态地、孤立地理解焦点是不全面的,应该把它放 到具体的应用环境中去理解,因为很多社会及心理因素会影响到话语的焦点,甚至会产 生焦点意义与语句意义相互偏离的现象,所以不能简单地认为焦点信息只存在于语句 中。本文从心理认知、社会文化差异和语境三个方面研究了影响信息聚焦的因素,同时 也研究了焦点的语用、语篇功能,揭示了言语交际中人们使用和理解焦点信息的本质, 有利于交际的顺利进行。 本文结构如下:第一章介绍研究背景、意义、目标和论文框架;第二章综述焦点理 论和学者们对焦点和信息理解的研究;第三章详细论述了影响信息聚焦的因素,主要从 认知心理、 社会文化和语境三个方面展开; 第四章从语用和语篇方面研究了焦点的功能; 第五章总结归纳全文,得出结论,最后指出本研究的局限性和今后研究的方向。 关键词 焦点 信息理解 信息聚焦 功能 英语言语交际 Abstract I Abstract Focus is a very important language phenomenon, and it plays a key role in English verbal communication. Thus it is a significant, valuable topic and deserves a deep discussion. The research of focus involves phonology, syntax, pragmatics, discourse analysis etc, and becomes a common interest of many schools of linguistics such as formal linguistics and functional linguistics. At present, scholars pay more attention to the classifications, focusing devices, the semantic relationship between focus and focus-sensitive operators, the position and projection rules of focus. However, they overlooked other aspects and didnt give a complete interpretation to the phenomenon of focus. In view of this, this thesis analyzes the factors affecting information focusing and the functions of focus after giving a review of focus theory. In English verbal communication, people are accustomed to making their main points information focus prominent in one way or another. The way which is used to make main points prominent are called focusing devices. In English, focusing devices include phonetic devices, lexical devices and grammatical devices. In oral English, information focus can be conveyed mainly by phonetic devices, while lexical devices and grammatical devices are widely used in written English. English verbal communication is a dynamic process, in which focus should be comprehended in the concrete applicative environment rather than an isolated one. Because many social and psychological factors will influence the focus of the utterance, and even induce the focus meaning to deviate from the sentence meaning, people shouldnt consider that focus exists only in sentences. This thesis studies the factors which affect information focusing from cognitive-psychological aspect, social cultural aspect and contextual aspect respectively, and the pragmatic functions and textual functions of focus are discussed as well. The thesis reveals the essence of focus in English verbal communication, which is conducive to a successful communication. The thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the present research, which includes the background, significance, goals and the outline of the thesis; Chapter 2 reviews the theory of focus and previous studies of focus and information understanding; Chapter 3 makes a detailed study of the factors which affect information focusing, mainly from aspects of cognitive-psychology, social culture and context; Chapter 4 Abstract II does research on the functions of focus from the perspectives of pragmatics and text; Chapter 5 is the conclusion of the research, in which major findings are summarized, limitations are pointed out, and suggestions for further investigation are given as well. Key words Focus Information understanding Information focusing Function English verbal communication Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Introduction This is the introductory chapter of the thesis. It includes the background, the goals and significance of the research, and the outline of the thesis. 1.1 Background of the Research “Focus Interview”, “Focus on economic development”, “I-carnitine, let you become the focus of this summer.” The word “focus” appears frequently in daily life and is familiar to people. “Focus” is originally a concept in optics, which refers to the converge point formed by rays paralleled with optical axis after being refracted by convex lens. Later, “focus” is used in many other fields. As the development of linguistics, “focus” has been introduced into grammar step by step, in which it is used to show the emphasized information to be delivered in English verbal communication. The school of functional grammar is the first to propose the concept of “focus” and establishes a serious of theories. Later the schools of generative grammar and formal semantics constitute the mainstream of focus research. In modem linguistics, the research of focus in language has become a common interest of many a discipline, including phonology, syntax, pragmatics and discourse analysis etc. At pres
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