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河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 蔚县剪纸的现状调研与保护发展 姓名:李静 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:美术学 指导教师:魏力群 20100406 III 摘 要 摘 要 蔚县剪纸相传已有近二百年历史。 它是蔚县民间艺术家们借鉴和吸收了河北 武强木版水印窗花、天津杨柳青木版年画和当地刀刻、刺绣花样等民间传统艺术 结合而创作出来的一种艺术形式,经过不断发展创新,逐渐形成了具有浓郁地域 特色的艺术风格。几百年来,蔚县广大民间艺人通过父传子、师带徒等传承模式, 不仅传承了蔚县剪纸独特的制作工艺,而且还传承和发扬了中华民族独特的文化 精神和审美理想。蔚县剪纸是深藏于民族民间古老的生命技艺和活态的文化基 因,它体现着蔚县历代民间艺术家的聪明智慧,是中华民族文化多样性的宝贵资 源和财富。 蔚县剪纸是蔚县广大民间艺人共同创造的宝贵财富, 是当地民间艺人生命创 造力的高度展现,蔚县剪纸历经几百年的传承发展,逐渐形成了造型丰富、色彩 浓艳、工艺制作精美等艺术特征。但在经济全球化的今天,现代机器工业的迅速 发展,使得蔚县窗花的生存和发展受到了严重的冲击,面临着消失的危机,早年 随处可见的蔚县窗花渐渐远离了人们的视线,取而代之的是现代工艺品剪纸。从 本质上来说,蔚县剪纸制作技艺是属于农耕文明的,但我们现在面对的社会却是 全球工业化的时代,在全球化和现代化的处境下,农耕文明已趋于瓦解,作为与 农业生活密切相关的蔚县窗花和现代人的生活日益脱节, 根植养育它的是蔚县当 地劳动人民的民间习俗。随着农耕文明的瓦解、民间习俗的消失,蔚县窗花逐渐 成为与历史记忆相连的收藏品和文化遗产。 面对蔚县剪纸传统制作手工技艺生存、保护、传承、和发展面临的危机和困 难,搜集、整理有关它的资料,研究它的工艺、传承、发展是时代赋予我们的责 任和任务。要增强人们对蔚县剪纸非物质文化遗产保护的自觉性,让蔚县剪纸的 保护真正走上科学化、规范化、合理化、甚至法律化的轨道,我们很有必要重视 和加强对于蔚县剪纸文化遗产基本理论问题的研究, 加强对于非物质文化遗产蔚 县剪纸保护工作中出现的各种理论与实践的思考和总结。 本文对蔚县剪纸的传承 人、生态环境、制作工艺等非物质文化层面进行了深入地分析研究,并从蔚县剪 纸的现状入手,分析其保护和发展问题,论证蔚县剪纸在发展中存在的问题与面 临的挑战,旨在说明民间剪纸是中华民族传统文化不可分割的组成部分,唤起全 民族对中国传统文化的认同感和自豪感,以使全社会都来关注并重视民间艺术, 不要让传统的民间剪纸手工艺仅仅留在我们的记忆里。 关键词:蔚县剪纸、现状、保护、发展 IV Abstract It is said that the paper-cutting of Yu County has a history of nearly two hundred years. It is an artistic form that is created by the folk artists of Yu County and it borrows from and absorbs the traditional folk arts such as board watermark paper-cutting for window decoration of Hebei Wuqiang, the woodcut of Yangliuqing of Tianjin City and the domestic paper-cutting and embroidery. After years of development, it gradually becomes an artistic style which is full of regional features. For centuries, by means of passing from fathers to sons and from teachers to apprentices, the folk artists not only pass down the special workmanship of Yu Countys paper-cutting, but also inherit and carry on the special cultural spirit and aesthetic ideal of the Chinese nation. The paper-cutting of Yu County is an old life technique that is deeply embedded in the folks and a living cultural heritage. It is a representation of the intelligence of generations of folk artists of Yu County. It is also the valuable resource and wealth which embodies the diversity of the Chinese culture. The paper-cutting of Yu County is a fortune created by many native folk artists and it exhibits the creative power of the folk artists. After centuries of succession and development, Yu Countys paper-cutting gradually forms the artistic features of abundantly shaped, brilliantly colored and exquisitely manufactured. However, along with the economic globalization and the rapid development of modern machinery industry, the survival and development of Yu Countys paper-cutting for window decoration is severely challenged and is facing a crisis of disappearing. Th early ubiquitous window grilles of Yu County gradually become far away from the peoples sight, and are replaced by modern handicraft paper-cutting. In essence, the production techniques of Yu Countys paper-cutting belong to the farming civilization. However, we are now in the era of global industrialization, the situation of globalization and modernization makes the agricultural civilization tend to collapse. Yu Countys paper-cutting which is closely related to the farming life gradually becomes out of line with the modern life. What it is rooted in is the folk customs of the local working people. With the collapse of farming civilization and the disappearance of folk customs, Yu Countys window grilles gradually become the collection and cultural heritage associated with historical memory. The survival, protection, succession and development crisis and difficulties confronted by the traditional manufacturing of handmade paper cutting techniques of Yu Countys paper-cutting make it an urgent responsibility and duty for us to collect, collate the data about it and study the craft, heritage, development of it. We need to enhance peoples protection awareness of the intangible cultural heritageYu Countys paper-cutting and make the protection of Yu Countys paper-cutting step in a scientific, standardized, rationalized, and even lawful track. It is necessary for us to attach importance to and strengthen the studies on the basic theory of cultural heritage of Yu Countys paper-cutting, and strengthen our reflection and summary on various theories and practice that are applicable to the protection work on the non-material V cultural heritageYu Countys paper-cutting. In this paper, on one hand, we make a profound analysis about the non-material cultural aspect of the inheritor, the ecological environment and manufacturing techniques; on the other hand, in view of the current situation of Yu Countys paper-cutting, we analyze problems of its protection and development in order to demonstrate the problems and challenges existed in the development of Yu Countys paper-cutting and illustrate our point of view that as Chinese folk paper-cutting is an integral part of traditional culture, we want to arouse the whole na
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