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What I enjoy most is that I can have a holiday from work.Spending all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy.Exercise every day for 20 minutes.What fine weather it is! Bidding for the Olympic Games begin about ten years in advance. Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.What he said is quite right. So he was asked to write to Parliament for further explanation.Leave it with me and Ill see what I can do. If I got a first .Id stay in university and Id do a postgraduate research degree.The majority of pople agree with him.Most of these children know the answer.Has the tree been chopped down?As a rule , we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have enough data. AA 15-year-old boy was arrested for stealing 22chairty boxes form local shops.After checking the shopping list, I found that I forgot to buy salt. After winning the bid, major construction began in Beijing. All the team members tried their best. We lost the game, howeverA lecture hall is. one where students attend lectures.Ann is studying politics at university. A new hotel is being built in the center of town at the moment.Ancient Greece is the origin of western civilization.An ddviser said in China a sandwich course should.At present, the most important thing is that Britain needs (A. to do) more to improve the relationship with the USA.Are you still here ? you were here half an houe ago .who are you doing for?Are trees being planted alone the road right now?BBefore she left on the trip, she (D. had trained) hard.Before I got to the cinema, the film . had begun.By next year he will have worked in New York for five year.Be sure to bring your wife when you come here this evening. By the end of this year ,I will have saved enough money for a holiday.CCan I get you a couple of tea? .-Thats very nice of youChina is in the east of Asia. Could you please pay me in advance?DDavid Forst said television was entertainment in your lounge by people you would not have in your house.Dont be sorry for that ,we all make mistakes.Dont worry. There is . enough room for all your books here. Dont worry, your watch (D. is being repaired) and you can have it in no time.Do you feel like having something to eat today?Do remind me because Im likely to forget.Does television show the cultural diversity of the country?Did she get around the problems or try to deal with them?Dr. Hoffman proposed that we put off the meeting until next week. Drinking to much is a hazard to your health.EEverything( D. would have been destroyed )if Albert hadnt called the fire brigade. FFrank plays a lot better than Alex. First you should switch the machine off before you stop your work.GGuilio Spinetti said every luxury had to be paid for and everything in life was a luxury.HHave the police looked into the bank robbery?He, as well as I, is a student.He asked He asked me where I came from. He asked me about English culture.He arried on working after his accident.He draw a diagram to show us how to get to his house.He goes to school by bike,and the journey takes half an hour.He has /hadHe has been B. in danger in hospital for a month. He hasnt finished his work yet.He has been working in the laboratory the whole morning. He had a scared look on her face when she saw what.He is/wasHes very highly thought of within the company.He is doing some research on the auditory system of animals.听觉的He is the man whose dog bit me.He is looking forward to writing his thesis.He is a kind-hearted and respectable gentleman.He is very keen on football.He was over the moon about his new job. He was sentenced to death for the murder.He was engaged in conversation. He was expelled form the club for breaking the rules.He He kept the light in his room burning the whole night.
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