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课时 SelfCheck Unit4Whatsthebestmovietheater? 一、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及汉语提示完成下列单词。 1Id like to buy this television.It has a big _ (屏幕) 2She lived in a hotel and it was _ (接近的) to the beach. 3My uncle _ (给) me some money and wanted me to buy some useful books. 4The park looks _ (相当) beautiful. 5I have two _(入场券) to the baseball game.Do you want to go with me? screen close gave pretty tickets B)根据句意及首字母提示完成下列单词。 6We have three m_ a day,but some people hardly ever eat. 7Yang Mi is a popular p_ in the TV show called Life After Life ,Blooms over Blooms (三生三世,十里桃花) 8Lets go to the t_ to see Beijing Opera. Thats a good idea. 9Today Jack is feeling w_ than yesterday.So he has to go to the doctor. 10If you are the first,you can get a p_ eals erformer heater orse rize C)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 11Our town bought some new buses with better and bigger _ (seat) two days ago. 12Li Hong is one of the (careful) students in our class. 13My father is a serious man.He always takes his work (serious) 14Did you feel ? Yes,I sat here _ (comfortable) 15These talented children are showing us their _ (talent) seats most_careful seriously comfortable comfortably talents 二、语法填空。 Dear Mom, Im writing to tell you my life in America.You cant imagine 16._ happy I am.I have made a lot of new friends here.They are very kind.Last week I had a fever and had to stay in bed 17._ three days.They helped me a lot 18._ my lessons. how for with Cathy is one of my 19._ (good) friends at school.She has a round face 20._ a pair of glasses.She is two months 21._ (old) than me,but a little shorter.She works hard and is good 22._ all her lessons.She often helps me with my English.We enjoy 23. _(chat) with each other at lunchtime.After school,we always go home together 24._ we live in the same building.Sometimes we dance for half an hour before we go home.She dances 25._ (good) than any other student in our class.She wants to be a dancer when she grows up. best witholder at chatting because better On weekends,Cathy usually goes swimming.I sometimes go swimming with her.I think its a good way to keep healthy.We always have a good time together. Write soon. Love, Lin Lin 三、完形填空。 It was a sunny Sunday afternoon.Johns parents were not in.John decided _26_ to the Happy Theater to watch a talent show,so he _27_Only Barky,Johns pet _28_ stayed at home.Just after John left,a bad person _29_ the window,and then he came into the house _30_ it.He began to _31_ expensive things in the rooms.He found some _32_ in a box.He took out the money,but as he was leaving,he _33_ a dogs barking (叫 声)He looked around and found Barky looking _34_ him angrily.He was very scared. Barky was going to bite (咬) him _35_ John came home.John let Barky sit down and told the _36_ person,“Come with me to the _37_,or Barky will bite you!” So the bad person had to _38_ John to the police station with Barky close behind.A _39_ cuffed (铐) the bad person after John told him the thing. Barky had a(n) _40_ for watching the house.But the bad person didnt know. ( )26.A.to go Bgoing Cgo Dgoes ( )27.A.left Bstayed Cstopped Dwaited ( )28.A.cat Bdog Cbird Dhorse ( )29.A.killed Bacted Ctouched Dbroke ( )30.A.across Bthrough Cin Dbelow ( )31.A.smile at Bfind out Ctake up Dlook for ( )32.A.money Bpaper Ctickets Dbooks ( )33.A.worried Bheard Creached Dchose ( )34.A.at Boff Con Dfor A A B D B D A B A ( )35.A.since Bwhen Cuntil Dthough ( )36.A.good Bgreat Cbad Dstrange ( )37.A.radio station Bpost office Cpolice station Dbus stop ( )38.A.help Bfollow Cbring Djoin ( )39.A.reporter Bguide Cpoliceman Dmagician ( )40.A.talent Bprize Cexample Dservice B C C B C A 四、阅读理解。 In different countries,there are fantastic museums. Museums can bring you into the world of knowledge. Butterfly Museum Country:China You will have a great time if you visit the museum in summer. You can walk around the garden and see the flowers and the butterflies flying around. Open: 11:00 a. m. 4:30 p. m. Tuesday Closed Ship Museum Country: Australia If you like ships, you will have a lot of fun at this museum. There are so many kinds of ships. You can see them. Open:10 :30 a. m 5: 30 p. m. Monday Closed Ice cream Museum Country: America Open: 11 :00 a. m 8:00 p. m. Monday Sunday Childhood Museum Country: England What is it like to be a kid in England? You can find the answer here with the toys and games. There are free activities every day ,including storytelling ,arts and games. Open:10 :00 a. m 5:45 p. m. Monday Closed 41.The best time to visit Butterfly Museum is in _ ADecember BSeptember CJuly 42Ship Museum is in _ AAustralia BAmerica CChina 43If you visit Childhood Museum,you can _ Atake a sh
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