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走出深度分销五大误区(Out of five misunderstandings of depth distribution)In the current channel model of FMCG industry, the author believes that deep distribution is the most effective marketing strategy and channel method for developing regional markets and promoting regional markets. However, since the recent period, the advanced concepts and methods of distribution channel operation depth of some people business and marketing industry, the knowledge produced on the confusion and doubt, even in the actual operation process, into a misunderstanding, did not play well in the depth distribution of power.Misunderstanding one: deep distribution is a transitional marketing model on the market, there is no vitality.This view is based on two points: one is the Carrefour, WAL-MART, Metro and other international retail predators have to spend beach landing, the rapid development of supermarket retail system; completely get rid of the shackles of the past for a long time rely on the wholesale system, have come to the fore, the initiative and the right to speak for the pathway. In the era of terminal king, deep distribution is difficult to play a role. Manufacturers sigh nonetheless I only make a new start line terminal, set up shop, complete channel change, establish a terminal system in retail stores as the core. The two is that the depth distribution is facing many problems in the operational level, controlling is not good, the one that will cause a large increase in labor costs, so that enterprises to bear; on the other hand, the depth distribution in public consumption based on the market, sales volume and profit channels can be produced in most cases the channel itself is difficult to support maintenance and promotion costs that will eventually evolve into the sea tactical large-scale terminal sales.Based on this, some marketing people believe that deep distribution is a transitional marketing model on the market, it is to improve marketing efficiency in the existing channel structure, not a new structure, new model. With the formation of the new retail format, the structure of this channel mode is either transformed or disappeared.In fact, for FMCG, the concept of deep distribution has a strong vitality, not a passer-by on the way. This model greatly overcome the contradiction between the distribution of mass production and low efficiency, and fully mobilize the power of all the members of the channel, to form a joint force. Joint efforts bring balance, balance, promote development, and bring benefits to development. Therefore, many companies say after gujinggong 2002 February season into a comprehensive depth distribution operation system, plays an important role in the promotion of market channels, the construction of very fruitful.In practice, deep distribution must require flattening of channels, with distributors and terminals only. Distributors include manufacturers according to the 1+1 (office + dealers) channel requirements selected dealers or distributors, according to area distribution system, regional exclusive agent system principle set by the retail distribution business is two distributors.The core of the depth distribution of operating system is the disk drive, the small dots in the common control by the manufacturer and distributor, the market in the network by each two distributors dispatched. The small bowl is the core, and the market is driven by small plates. The size of the disk interlocking, step by step, steady, phased, step by step implementation of rolling.The excellent deep distribution mode is to change the manufacturers in the distribution chain, the one or two distributors and the core retailers into the distribution benefit community, and win the advantage of the whole market competition. In the FMCG industry, Procter & Gamble has won the strategic opportunities, through hard running, led to the rapid growth of Procter & Gamble distributor, completed the strategic layout of Procter & Gamble distributor 2005 plan throughout most of the regional market.Myth two: the depth distribution is equivalent to the direct terminal, directly to the retail terminal distribution.With the rise of retail formats, the voice of doing terminals has been higher and higher. In supermarkets, stores, hotels under pressure, do not fight, nothing seems to end. In this competition, the beginning of the twenty-first Century, the distribution model in wine emerging depth, but also to the actual operation of some enterprises brought to confusion, misunderstanding, the depth distribution made the terminal direct, all terminal distribution work can be done by I a person. The result of the market transaction cost, the cost of sales growth, personnel structure is large and complex, human, financial and material management capabilities and supervision ability is not up to the requirements, market sales, turbulent fluctuations.I think that, out of the depth distribution of
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