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Unit7 Howmucharethesesocks? 七年级英语上册(浙江地区) 课时 SectionA(GrammarFocus3c) 单元同步语法精讲 How much引导的特殊疑问句 How much引导的特殊疑问句,可用来询问商品的价格,意为“多少钱 ”。其结构为:“How muchbe动词其他?”如果询问的是单个商品 ,be动词用is;如果询问的是多个商品,be动词用are。 eg:How much is the book?这本书多少钱? Its five dollars.5美元。 How much are these shoes?这双鞋多少钱? Theyre thirty dollars.30美元。 【拓展】How much除了可以询问价格以外,还可以询问不可数名词 的数量,意为“多少”。 eg:How much milk do you want?你要多少牛奶? Two glasses.两杯。 1概念:形容词是表示人或事物性质、特征的一类词。在句中一般作定语 或表语。如red,white,big,interesting,difficult等。 2基本用法: 形容词作定语,一般放在某个名词或代词之前,起到修饰、限制该名词 的作用。 eg:I have an interesting book.我有一本有趣的书。 I want to buy a green skirt.我想买一条绿色的裙子。 形容词作表语,一般放在be动词及sound等连系动词后,起到陈 述主语性质、特征的作用。 eg:The shoes are white.这双鞋是白色的。 It sounds interesting.那听起来很有趣。 单元同步语法精练 一、用is,are,its或theyre填空。 1How much _ those bananas? _ ten yuan. 2How much _ the red sweater? _ $45. 3How much is the icecream? _ $5. are Theyre is Its Its 4How much _ the blue shorts? _ $25. 5How much is this radio? _ 90 yuan. are Theyre Its 二、按要求完成句子。 6The shorts are ¥40(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ the shorts? 7The chicken is ¥25(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ the chicken? 8The jacket is 65_yuan(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ the jacket? 9Whats the price of the pen?(改为同义句) _ _ _ the pen? 10How much are the trousers?(用9美元作答) _ 9 _ How much are How much is How much is How much is Theyredollars 三、看图片写问句或答语。 11_? Its 19 dollars. 12How much is the skirt? _ How much is the sweater Its eight/8 dollars
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