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密级:学校代码:10075分类号:学号:20120674翻译硕士学位论文儿童剧 Show Me Show Me字幕汉译实践报告学 位 申 请 人 :张蒙蒙指 导 教 师 :牛云平、张成智学 位 类 别 :翻译硕士学 科 专 业 :英语笔译授 予 单 位 :河北大学答 辩 日 期:二一四年六月Classified Index:U.D.C.:CODE: 10075NO: 20120674A Dissertation for the Degree of MTIA Practice Report on the SubtitleTranslation of Childrens DramaShow Me Show MeCandidate: Zhang MengmengSupervisor: Niu Yunping, Zhang ChengzhiAcademic Degree Applied for : MTISpecialty : English TranslationUniversity : Hebei UniversityDate of Oral Examination : June, 2014摘摘要要字幕翻译质量直接影响译制片的成败,因此字幕翻译工作就显得尤为重要。若要做好字幕翻译工作,译者需综合考虑字幕翻译区别于文学翻译的显著特点,即字幕翻译受到字幕出现的时间、屏幕的空间及文化差异等多种因素的限制。该实践报告以宝贝表演秀 Show Me Show Me)字幕翻译项目为基础,对此翻译实践过程、完成情况做出介绍、分析和总结。本文包括任务描述、过程描述、译前准备、个案分析和实践总结五个部分。前三章简略介绍了本次翻译实践的内容、要求、译前准备及完成过程。第四章综合本次任务的两方面要求,从词汇和句子两个层面,分析讨论儿童剧翻译过程中的典型问题,并归纳出一些相应的经验和技巧。第五章在上述各章节的基础上,结合作者实践心得,总结出配音儿童剧字幕翻译的特点、难点及解决方案。关键词 儿童剧 字幕翻译 翻译技巧 实践报告I(AbstractAbstractThe success of a dubbed film is greatly affected by the translation quality of its subtitle,which indicates that the task of subtitle translation is of great significance. The subtitletranslation is different from literary translation because the former is under the restriction ofcertain factors, such as the time of subtitles occurrence, the space of the screen, the culturaldifference and etc. This practice report, based on the subtitle translation of Show Me ShowMe, gives an introduction, analysis and summary of the process and fulfillment of thetranslation practice. The report includes the following five parts: Task Description, ProcessDescription, Pre-translation Preparation, Case Analysis and Practice Summary.In Chapter I, Chapter II and Chapter III, the subject, requirements, preparation andprocess of this translation practice were introduced respectively and briefly. In Chapter IV,agreeably to the fore-said requirements of the task, some typical problems that the translatorconfronted with were analyzed and solved after the corresponding translation experienceand tactics were analyzed from lexical and sentential level. In Chapter V, based on theabove-mentioned four chapters, the features of childrens drama, the translation difficultiesand their respective solutions were summarized from the practice experience of the author.Keywordschildrens dramasubtitle translation translation tactics practice reportII目目录录第 1 章第 2 章第 3 章任务描述 1过程描述 2译前准备 33.1 任务要求分析 33.1.1 配音字幕的要求 33.1.2 儿童剧翻译要求 33.2 文本分析 43.2.1 儿童剧语言特色 43.2.2 儿歌韵律特点 53.3 儿童剧翻译原则 6第 4 章个案分析 84.1 词汇层面 84.1.1 拟声词的翻译 84.1.2 叠音词的使用 94.1.3 儿化音的应用 94.2 句子层面
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