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On health communication media health literacy Abstract health communication health literacy, an important way to enhance citizens health literacy and how health professional communicators - written health information in a variety of media, the choice of health knowledge and authority to ensure the health literacy status, health literacy, improve the health of the community level has important practical significance. Keywords health communication; media people; health literacy Health related to the vital interests of individuals, families and society, and is closely related to the future with the development of the country and the nation, health literacy is an important part of the report of the 16th Party Congress of the quality of citizens to improve health quality, scientific and cultural qualities of thinking listed as one of the goal of building a moderately prosperous society and moral qualities. <10 Sixth Plenary Session by the decision of the CPC Central Committee on major issues of building a socialist harmonious society. further clarify, by 2020, the whole nation health significantly improved the quality of the goal of building a socialist harmonious society and one of the main tasks of health communication health literacy, an important way to enhance citizens health literacy, professional health communicators - health information in a variety of media written by the choice of health knowledge and gatekeeper status of health literacy, health literacy, and to raise the publics awareness of health and health has important practical significance. Health communication as a branch of the mass media, the propagation of professional features World Health Organization, “health” definition: refers to the bodys health is not only the absence of disease, but in good condition, including physical, psychological and social adaptation health communication is a unique field of human communication, it is a medical research results into public health knowledge and changes in audience attitudes and behavior, to reduce the morbidity and mortality of the disease, improve a community or country life quality and health standards for the purpose of the behavior. Health communication by the well-known of the four modes of transmission, that is, an individual self propagation, group communication, organizational communication and mass communication at different levels, spread to a diverse audience through different levels spread of the mass medias own characteristics, wide coverage, the big advantage of the influence it has long become the main channel for the spread of our health. traditional mass media such as newspapers, radio, television, and new media of the Internet, in the cause of health communication plays an important role for community health communication was mainly through these specialized media and the media to be implemented. these media belong to specialized media organizations have personnel engaged in health communication professional media workers. Therefore, the effect of health communication directly how closely related to these media practitioners. The same time, health communication has its own characteristics and laws, it spread professional, high quality requirements of the communicators. Studies have shown that, compared with the professional health organizations, mass media, health communication effects advantage, the reason may be different disseminators of their own health literacy as health communicators and gatekeepers of knowledge and information, professional media people how health awareness and health literacy, not only directly affect health judgment and choice of news and information and knowledge, a more direct impact on the health effect of communication. engaged in health communication, media people should not only possess the qualities of the Communication Studies with sensitive due NEWS NEWS awareness should also have basic health literacy, acquire a certain amount of health knowledge, familiar with sociology, behavioral science, the knowledge and skills of the Health Education and public policy. Only in this way can be handy in the practice of health communication, good dissemination of results. Complex propagation environment, the need to engage in health communication media people with certain health literacy With the development of media technology, the technical means of health communication and propagation environment is occurring rapidly changing, and the Internet as a link between contemporary small global village, and its popularity is facing a more complex environment of health communication today carry the name of health care under the banner The scene of the false propaganda is not only the proliferation of the Internet, on radio, television and print media everywhere. In the relatively developed urban public spaces, such as city streets, parks and other public places, hotels, office and residential building elevators,
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