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linux 入门版本选择(Linux portal version selection)最恰当的选择 debian / ubuntu).1.1 debian先说 debian. debian 是一个 重量级 的发行版, 这个毋庸置言, 去 debian.org 看看它的官方网站规模就知道了.由此带来的好处也显而易见.社区庞大, 氛围良好, 技术力量雄厚, 可以方便地学习和求助.中文论坛推荐: linuxsir debian 讨论区.文档丰富, 囊括世界上各大主要语言, debian安装手册debian参考手册aptitude简明手册 中文文档翻译及时.入门文档推荐.强大的包管理器.debian 是 apt apt 的始作俑者, 系发行版的龙头老大, 不必多说了.此外, debian 的软件源镜像最为丰富, 速度快.可以轻便简洁, 干净利落, 广泛适用于各种硬件.软件版本选择丰富.如果想当小白鼠尝新, 可选 unstable; 如果想稳定妥当, 坚如磐石, 可选 stable; 折中可选 testing.用途广泛.debian 是一种通用发行版, 即其官方所称 universle operating system, linux 镜像服务器 既可以用作个人桌面, 也可以用作生产环境的服务器.不要怀疑 debian debian 的性能和稳定性.看看现在世界上的, 占了大多数.我们学校有一台服务器, 到现在已经持续运行 3 年多没有重启关机了, 用的就是 debian.debian 的不足.1.没有 ubuntu 平易近人, 安装虽不麻烦, 但不算算特别容易.2.朴素.总结: 如果你想开始同时学习和使用 linux, 那么 debian 是最佳选择, 没有 之一.1.2 the ubuntuubuntu 的优点.1. 安装方便.大概是世界上最容易安装的完整操作系统了.2. 人性化.能帮你做的都帮你做了, 不能帮你做的也帮你做了.3. 软件丰富, 版本足够新.4. 社区庞大, 但是用户水平良莠不齐.推荐中文论坛: ubuntu 中文社区.5. 文档还算丰富.推荐文档 ubuntu wiki: ubuntu参考手册aptitude简明手册, 中文 的入门指南.6. 漂亮.7. 增长知识, 每年可以多认识两个英文形容词和两种动物.ubuntu 的不足.1. 死板, 限制了初级用户的自由.2. 激进, 引入了太多争议颇大的改动.3. 因为使用太 方便 了, 反倒让用户没有进一步学习的压力, 结果很多新手安装完以后十分茫然, 不知道要干什么.4. 折腾起来十分麻烦, 而且不耐折腾, 往往被新手搞两下就挂了, 救也不知道怎么救.总结: ubuntu linux 系统 适合那些想尝试, 或者仅仅用于桌面的用户, 一般不方便学习.2 第二推荐选择 gentoo / arch.the gentoo在很多人看来, 这个推荐恐怕有点荒谬.但我想了好久, 仍然觉得这是非常恰当的.gentoo 的优势.1. 最先进的软件包管理器: portage. 一般认为 和, portage 优于 apt rpm. portage 性能强大, 可以允许同时编译安装一个软件的不同版本的 (这在其他发行版几乎是不可想象的), 允许用户自由选择 / 升降能提供的软件版本, 能够非常完美地解决软件包之间的依赖问题.gentoo 提供了最让人放心的软件包管理器.2. 文档丰富.gentoo 的文档一贯颇受推崇.其文档不仅丰富, 而且质量普遍很高, 排布合理, 重要文档的中文翻译十分及时.推荐入门文档: gentoo 手册 (必读), linux sea (完整而全面的 linux 入门教材).3. 良好的社区氛围.gentoo 虽然是小众发行版, 但用户水平普遍较高, 社区氛围良好, 只要勤学好问, 基本上所有疑难都会得到热心解答.推荐中文论坛: linuxsir gentoo 讨论区.4. 耐折腾.gentoo 十分健壮, 即使折腾死了, 一般也很容易救活.5. 无缝升级.gentoo 没有版本号的概念, 无论处在何种状态, 随时可以无缝升级到最新的版本. - 所以我们很少听到 gentoo 搞版本升级这种噱头.6. 简洁优美.这个不用 gentoo 是绝对体会不到的.Heres a small example: Gentoo has the most beautiful console in all releases.7. toss about once and enjoy happiness for the rest of your life. Its also hard to explain. One side effect of using Gentoo is that it can get lazy.8., Debian. is widely used, desktop systems and servers are competent. A complete C/C+ compilation environment. When you build the C/C+ compilation environment in what you call the made Linux release, Gentoo comes with this environment.9. install humanization. I used to toss around, almost every time you install Gentoo, are in a Linux desktop environment, while starting from scratch compile and install, while playing or working normally. Other releases are difficult to do in this way.Lack of Gentoo:1., very not humane. Genoo doesnt do anything for you. Its very human and outrageous! Because its harder to start than other releases, its easy to hit beginners.2. compile software time-consuming, if your CPU and hard disk space is not large enough, do not easily try Gentoo., Linux for the old machine this sentence for Gentoo invalid.Say a few words: at present, a lot of people because of the unknown, the misunderstanding of Gentoo is very common, Gentoo is only the command line, Gentoo is a special expert edition and other popular fallacy. Gentoo is it really hard to install? Unseen. A few years ago, I had an old classmate, a liberal arts student, with an average IQ and computer skills, and listened to my advice and did it as effortlessly as possible in the Gentoo manual. Gentoo difficult to get started, you need to do a good job before the full psychological preparation, as long as the manual reading manual, you can install successfully. Starting from the Gentoo, for beginners, the greatest significance lies in the good habit of reading documents, search ability, seek answers and complete installation of a Gentoo, basically can grasp the Linux most important life skills.Conclusion: Gentoo is for people who are really interested in learning Linux, those lazy people like me.2.2 ArchArch Linux and Gentoo are very similar, but Arch is a binary version of software does not need to compile and install the software package, more convenient; the new version is very radical, the package manager There are both advantages and disadvantages.; Pacman, like less than portage; the total document is not Gentoo, but in recent years the rapid development, there seems to be a catch up from behind potential. Consider Arch, please consider it yourself.3, third recommended option: FedoraFedora is similar to Ubuntu in general, but there is a big difference in the following aspects:Although 1.Fedora software package manager RPM has made great progress in recent years, it still doesnt seem to be as good as apt and portage;2., the size of the domestic community is less than Ubuntu, Chinese documents less. Domestic software sources mirror less.3., very aggressive, commonly known as the white mouse release
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