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On how to improve English listening ability middle school students Net write papers: Paper Keywords: junior high school students to improve English listening Abstract: listening, speaking, reading and writing to learn and use language the language of thought must have basic skills, and ability to listen and compare the other three together, in their daily lives the largest share, in English teaching, Listening to the level of English language teaching has a direct impact on the results of this paper aims to improve middle school students English listening ability of the method of research, mainly made good psychological quality of students, to help students correct pronunciation, listening training to create a good atmosphere and learning strategies for students to strengthen the guidance of these four methods, has some practical significance. A good psychological quality of students English learning for different personalities and mental barrier in terms of middle school students, has a completely different experience, which requires teachers to the teaching of English during the hearing, to pay attention to individualized, for different students take different teaching methods, and thus to enable students to English is full of confidence for the new English teaching materials designed for a variety of hearing test content, can not help but make the students feel great psychological pressure and the resulting psychological retreat, so that students will not hear the anxiety of hearing tests content, which requires the majority of teachers in the implementation process of teaching English listening, students should be able to appropriate psychological debugging, in time to help students get rid of worries, relieve stress and teach students to self-adjust so that students can do self-confidence and relax and communicate with others, in exchange for listening training. In addition, the usual English teaching, teachers, students self-esteem and self-confidence to maintain the emphasis on the learning process, students made a variety of timely progress encouragement and recognition, so that every student can form a good psychological quality, resulting in learning English listening time with confidence. Second, to help students correct pronunciation In junior high school English teaching, there are many very similar pronunciation of the word, but its meaning is completely different, like cure and kill, the two words sound almost the same, but the former is meant to cure, which is to kill the meaning of death, we can imagine, when a doctor to the patient that I will cure your disease, that is, Ill cure you, but if the doctor is not very accurate pronunciation of words, as I heard the patient easily ll kill you. In fact, the difference between these two words is just a phoneme. For junior high school students in terms of they are in the early stages of learning English, their pronunciation are highly malleable, so at this stage to help them correct pronunciation is critical. Then, at the beginning of the teaching, teachers from the placement of the tongue and the issue of air, etc., to explain, over and over again the exercises until each student to accurate pronunciation, only the beginning so that students learn in the correct pronunciation, students can follow-up Listening to lay a solid foundation. Third, create a good atmosphere of listening training Classroom teaching is the ability to develop students listening the main way, teachers in the classroom to do an exemplary role, try to say something more accurate, easy to understand and students to know English, try to avoid using language to organize teaching, always use English to organization of teaching, as much as possible in order to allow students more exposure and English, such as teachers, the teaching process in the organization to say day when the daily report can be used to replace the Chinese daily, so , not only to exercise their ability to say, but also the ability to develop the students listening in class, teachers can allow students to greet each other with their own time to be learned English, and can be appropriate to make a simple exchange and dialogue through the creation of such a good atmosphere for the training of English listening, so that students have more opportunities to reach English and experience English, naturally the students listening ability is very helpful. Links to free download http:/eng.hi138.comFourth, strengthen the guidance for students learning strategies (A combination of intensive listening and extensive listening to enhance the students listening ability Refers to an extensive listening is not limited to the details, but rather to understand the general meaning of the listening activities, it focus on the listening exercises in the quantity, whose main purpose is not to let the students listening to understand all of the content , but to the
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